Tag Archives: teaching

Second Interview with Simone Chasey


Greetings and happy holidays! With December looming with its oodles of activities and holiday cheer, it’s good to take the time to connect and read with your child. One of the authors I’ve featured before has a second book in her short story series. Her series is a great way to connect and build morals during bedtime and read-aloud time.

Simone Chasey loves to build a bridge with her literary works that bring parents and children closer together. With her second book, “Beyond the Horizon: Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids Part II”, she is continuing her mission to use reading to build and enrich family bonds. I had the chance to catch up with Simone with her writing journey over the last year and find out what she has planned for further parent-children relationship enrichment.

1) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Simone Chasey: Writing is the creative art of weaving thoughts, emotions, and ideas into a tapestry of words that helps the reader use their imagination, learns to communicate, and resonates with others.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

 Simone Chasey: At first, it was merely an idea that sparked in my mind — a desire to impart moral lessons to children. As new ideas continued to emerge, I began jotting them down on a notepad, laying the foundation for future books I have yet to create. This approach ensures a constant stream of projects to work on.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

 Simone Chasey: In considering future projects, my focus transcends subjects; rather, I envision crafting experiences that transform learning into a captivating and interactive journey. My ultimate goal is to infuse the joy of discovery into education, making the process not only enlightening but also entertaining.

Moreover, I aspire to contribute to the strengthening of family bonds, creating literature that not only facilitates learning but also serves as a conduit for parents to engage with their children. Through stories that resonate with both young and old, I aim to mend the bonds of family, fostering shared moments of reading that become cherished memories, and nurturing connections that endure beyond the pages of a book.

Book Blurb:

“Beyond the Horizon: Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids Part II” is a compilation of short stories that transports young readers to a world where imagination converges with wisdom. This collection explores essential life lessons through captivating tales, ranging from the thrill of success to the valuable teachings hidden within failures. Each story introduces endearing characters on unique journeys of self-discovery, engaging children’s imaginations while imparting morals that linger throughout their lives. From resilience to compassion, courage to the true meaning of success, this book weaves storytelling magic with life’s richness, providing a blend of entertainment and enlightenment. These tales gently guide children to explore emotions, confront fears, and make wise choices, making it a valuable tool for parents, teachers, and caregivers. This timeless collection not only entertains but also educates, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of young readers.

To find out more about her first book, please click here. This is a Kindle Unlimited series.

For more information on Simone Chasey and her other books, please visit her Amazon authors page here. Also available is her Instagram account here.

To read her first interview on my blog, please visit here.

Interview with Eric DeSio



Eric DeSio is the author of the children’s book, The Social Distance King.

As we head further into summer, families are starting to emerge and take safe holidays. To help you with your quest back into the world, I found a great book to help with some of the new normals that are going to be part of our every day lives for a while.

A new book by author Eric DeSio helps to teach social distancing. It is called The Social Distance King. With school starting in the fall, teachers will also be interested in new class structure introduction books as we all take on dealing with the continued pandemic. This book will help in the quest for educators to find books to introduce these new topics to children.

I had a chance to interview Eric DeSio. He shared his love for story telling, and the need to teach lessons in his books. The Social Distance King by Eric DeSio helps introduce the topic of social distancing to children. In the interview, he shares his childhood reading memories, his favorite authors, and what projects he has in story for us.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child? 

My favorite childhood reading memory would be reading Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax.  I remember feeling totally immersed in the imaginary world of that book. The characters and scenery were real and alive for me.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you? 

As a child I would say Dr. Seuss. I enjoyed and continue to enjoy the rhyming and visual presentation. I’m not certain about how Dr. Seuss influenced my writing exactly, but I appreciate that he seems to have lose rules if any. I love the originality of his stories.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you. 

Often my writing starts with me singing about something. If I’m singing something, then I will usually write about it. And if I write about it, then I usually will start singing about it. I often write about stories or topics that intrigue me and that don’t “go away”. If the story and idea stay with me for a while, then I feel more naturally moved to write about it.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects? 

Wow. So many but at the same time, there are actually very few specific subjects that I feel I must write about in the future. Recently, for the most part, if I want to write about something, then I write about it. In general, I can say that I would like to write about challenging subjects or subjects that are not often written on. Also, I can see myself writing some non-fiction in the future.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Writing to me is expression, sharing and connection.

social-distance-king-frontThe Social Distance King is a book that introduces the sensitive top of kids and social distancing. It’s a kid-friendly way to introduce them to this new social norm, and to teach them about the reasons for its use to keep them safe.

For a limited time, a FREE copy of this book will be offered through the authors website at: http://ericauthor.com/social-distance-king/.

The Social Distance King is also available as a free Kindle Unlimited title. Printed hardcover copies are also available at Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Tiffany Turner Will Be Appearing at the Almaden Art & Wine Festival Sept. 15, 2019



Tiffany Turner at her booth at the 2014 Almaden Art & Wine Festival. 

The news has just been confirmed. Tiffany Turner will have a booth at the Almaden Art and Wine Festival on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019. She is planning quite the experience. She will be in the children’s section at the festival where Mrs. Turner plans to have FREE FAIRY TEMPORARY TATTOOS and DRAGON/KNIGHT TEMPORARY TATTOOS for all children and the children at heart that visit her booth. She’ll have out a tattoo station for you to put on your tattoo at the festival. Plus, sign up for her newsletter, and spin her prize wheel for fairy and unicorn book swag. You could get a unicorn mini bubble wand, crystal, unicorn or dragon charm pendant necklace, or unicorn friendship bracelet.

PLUS, with a purchase of her book, choose from all of the book swag. One item for each book purchased. There are four in the series, so you could get all 4 items!

summer1Join Wanda in the world of fairies. She finds out the secret and shares it with you. FAIRES ARE REAL! There are four fantastic books of helping the fairies solve problems in regards to pollution, bee death syndrome, and fracking, all while she is on the trail of the evil sorcerer, Balkazaar.

Come meet Tiffany Turner, spin the wheel, and buy and get your books signed. Yes, get a selfie too! Mrs. Turner loves meeting her young readers. Plus, the Almaden Art and Wine Festival is a fundraiser for the sponsors, the Almaden Valley Women’s Club.


Tiffany Turner in the hospital ICU Dec. 2014

Mrs. Turner has been a teacher in South San Jose for 20 years. She worked in the Oak Grove School District for 18 years, and is currently working in the private education sector as a tutor. She is enjoying an early semi-retirement due to health issues in 2014. Finishing the series has been a long time goal since her illness almost five years ago.

Lost Secret - High Resolution (1)“I’m thankful to have finally finished the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. Back when I was so sick, all I could think of was getting better. I had a massive heart attack and blood clot. Thankfully, I had my writing to keep my sanity. It took awhile to finish the last book because of my illness. But I’m happy to have finally given my readers the ending they all have been craving.” -Mrs. Tiffany Turner

Mrs. Turner is looking forward to meeting all of her readers and sharing with them the last book in the series, The Lost Secret of Time. She will be available 10am to 6pm for book signings.


Free Collection of 19th and Early 20th Century Children’s Literature Available On-Line


Covers from Baldwin CollectionSometimes I do run into some cool information while doing research on-line. When I find something cool, I like to pass on the information.

Now that we’ve been entering the digital age, we may lose previous works of literature to deterioration. But places like institutes and universities are helping to preserve these great works of the past, and now you can read them too. All for FREE!

I found a wonderful on-line archive of different children’s books from over 100-150 years ago. This is great for kids to see what generations past read for their school books or as their entertainment. It gives an insight to how literature has developed. It’s a literary treasure trove to look through. It has been built and is maintained by the University of Florida Digital Collection and is called the Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature. 

I’m linking the starting point here. I just have to warn you. You can get lost in it all, especially when you discover an unusual book. Plus, share your finds in the comments below. It will be great to share some of the books that we found unusual or interesting.

Good luck, and have fun reading!


Back to School Blog Tour 2017 Starts Today!


2017B2SchoolBannerWelcome to the 5th Annual Back to School Blog Tour! This week, Indie Children’s Authors will be featured. Each day, there will be an author interview with a book review on a participating blog. Click to the link to read the book review. Plus, there is a giveaway of a $25 Amazon Gift Card going on all week. Just pass the word around in tweets, comment about the blog tour or join mailing lists to enter. Giveaway goes until Saturday, Sept. 16.

Link here for $25 Amazon Gift Card to purchase your own class library or books for Back to School!


Schedule for the Week:

  1. Monday Sept. 11: Schedule and Giveaway link posted
  2. Tuesday Sept. 12: Featured Author Becca Price
  3. Wednesday Sept. 13: Featured Author Teddy O’Malley
  4. Thursday Sept. 14: Featured Author: Tiffany Turner
  5. Friday Sept. 15: Blog Tour Recap: Last day to sign up for Giveaway


For those lost today, this blog tour is dedicated to all week! Always remember, never forget!

I’d also like to acknowledge on today, Patriot’s Day, those that were lost in the attacks on 9/11. I was teaching that day, and saw the attacks on the second tower as I was getting ready to go to work. Many kids went to school that day, and some did not. Those that went, I had to help them deal with the emotional fall out of the attack, and continued to do that in the days to come.

That Friday, our school  had a moment of silence with the Nation, in which impromptu, many teacher’s grabbed the flags in their classrooms and the whole school stood in the assembly area, each student in a class holding the American Flag for their classroom. The flag became a symbol of hope, strength, and pride for our country. I understand the meaning of it and for those that had fought for it in the past.

So, on this day of remembrance, I share with you one of the memories of that day. I was proud to go to work that day and teach the children, now adults, of our great country. The children I taught that day were 10, and are now 27. So, for their children and the future children of the US, I dedicate this blog tour to educating the future. It’s going to make our country strong and keep us united through everything.

I hope you join me again tomorrow for our first featured author, Becca Price. Until then, remember those that were lost on 9/11.

-Tiffany Turner





World Teacher Day! Share Appreciation With A Teacher Today!


This year it is difficult for me since I’m not able to teach. I’m spending the year working on getting my health back and writing after a serious health issue in December last year. But I can at least support my fellow educators especially on a day like today. It is World Teacher Day! It’s time to show appreciation for teachers around the world. I know on some days words of appreciation were small gifts to help combat the constant exhaustion, stress and politics that accompany teaching. So, give a shout out for your favorite teacher today. Here is a graphic to show why we need to support teachers courtesy of Grammarly.com:


Update: The Lost Secret of Time is Coming!


Tiffany Turner in the hospital ICU Dec. 2014

Tiffany Turner in the hospital ICU Dec. 2014

Greetings Crystal Keeper Fans! I’ve been rejuvenating my efforts to get back into the swing of writing. As always, life has thrown some curves at me. And they were some pretty big curves. There were a lot of changes in education, namely the Common Core, that has made it difficult for me to keep up with all my writing and still give all my efforts in teaching. Transitions are really hard in education, and this has been the worst and most difficult that I’ve seen in my career.

Then, I got blindsided by illness in December 2014. I got pneumonia and ended up in the hospital. While there, I went into Code Blue and cardiac arrest. Basically, I almost died, and the doctors were trying everything to help me pull through. I also had the complication of septic shock and the discovery of a heart blood clot. So, it was discovered that I have cardiomyopathy, a heart failure condition where my heart isn’t pumping enough blood to the rest of my body.

My monitors in the hospital.

My monitors in the hospital.

This has made it difficult for me to do much else but get better. I’ve been on medical leave from teaching, and I’m taking a year of absence to get my health back. The bonus of all the health issues is that as I start to feel better, I can start writing again.

So, over the next year, I’ll be working on The LOST SECRET OF TIME and finishing the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. I’ve always intended on doing so. But sometimes life just throws you a curve ball, and you have to adapt, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and keep going.

Resting in my hospital bed Dec. 2014.

Resting in my hospital bed Dec. 2014.

All the encouragement is always helpful and appreciated. I’ve got a start on THE LOST SECRET OF TIME, and signed up for Camp NANO in April to make progress on the book. Things are underway, and I’ll be sure to give you updates as I move through the process. As for now, I’ll be continuing with featuring more Indie Authors once a month, and will try to get back into doing Indie writing posts to help out other authors.

So, hug your parents, kids, and pets. Positive thoughts can do so much. You just never know what path will lay before you. And with writing, everyone is on a different writing journey. I’m glad to be sharing mine with you.

Take care!-Tiffany Turner (Mrs. Turner)

Update: April 20, 2019

Since I wrote this post, I have spent a few years getting back my strength, getting into a writing routine, and returning to teaching with limited hours. I’m currently working for a private education tutoring company and going back into schools teaching after school workshops in Science, Math and Reading. Life it is a bit different now, but I am proud to announce I finished and published the last book in the Crystal Keeper’s Chronicles, The Lost Secret of Time. I’ve also been speaking on different Self-Publishing panels at local cons, working diligently on my romance pen name, Marilyn Vix, and continue to keep healing as I feel I’ve been given this second chance.

It just shows that no matter what happens, don’t give up. You can’t just throw in the towel, but think hey, what can I do with what I have now? Focusing on my writing and the support of my family and friends have made it possible to keep going, and of course, keep writing. If I’ve learned anything from all this, it’s to not let what life throws at you stop you. Keep moving towards your goals, and you can do anything.