Tag Archives: indie writing

Update: The Lost Secret of Time is Coming!

Tiffany Turner in the hospital ICU Dec. 2014

Tiffany Turner in the hospital ICU Dec. 2014

Greetings Crystal Keeper Fans! I’ve been rejuvenating my efforts to get back into the swing of writing. As always, life has thrown some curves at me. And they were some pretty big curves. There were a lot of changes in education, namely the Common Core, that has made it difficult for me to keep up with all my writing and still give all my efforts in teaching. Transitions are really hard in education, and this has been the worst and most difficult that I’ve seen in my career.

Then, I got blindsided by illness in December 2014. I got pneumonia and ended up in the hospital. While there, I went into Code Blue and cardiac arrest. Basically, I almost died, and the doctors were trying everything to help me pull through. I also had the complication of septic shock and the discovery of a heart blood clot. So, it was discovered that I have cardiomyopathy, a heart failure condition where my heart isn’t pumping enough blood to the rest of my body.

My monitors in the hospital.

My monitors in the hospital.

This has made it difficult for me to do much else but get better. I’ve been on medical leave from teaching, and I’m taking a year of absence to get my health back. The bonus of all the health issues is that as I start to feel better, I can start writing again.

So, over the next year, I’ll be working on The LOST SECRET OF TIME and finishing the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. I’ve always intended on doing so. But sometimes life just throws you a curve ball, and you have to adapt, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and keep going.

Resting in my hospital bed Dec. 2014.

Resting in my hospital bed Dec. 2014.

All the encouragement is always helpful and appreciated. I’ve got a start on THE LOST SECRET OF TIME, and signed up for Camp NANO in April to make progress on the book. Things are underway, and I’ll be sure to give you updates as I move through the process. As for now, I’ll be continuing with featuring more Indie Authors once a month, and will try to get back into doing Indie writing posts to help out other authors.

So, hug your parents, kids, and pets. Positive thoughts can do so much. You just never know what path will lay before you. And with writing, everyone is on a different writing journey. I’m glad to be sharing mine with you.

Take care!-Tiffany Turner (Mrs. Turner)

Update: April 20, 2019

Since I wrote this post, I have spent a few years getting back my strength, getting into a writing routine, and returning to teaching with limited hours. I’m currently working for a private education tutoring company and going back into schools teaching after school workshops in Science, Math and Reading. Life it is a bit different now, but I am proud to announce I finished and published the last book in the Crystal Keeper’s Chronicles, The Lost Secret of Time. I’ve also been speaking on different Self-Publishing panels at local cons, working diligently on my romance pen name, Marilyn Vix, and continue to keep healing as I feel I’ve been given this second chance.

It just shows that no matter what happens, don’t give up. You can’t just throw in the towel, but think hey, what can I do with what I have now? Focusing on my writing and the support of my family and friends have made it possible to keep going, and of course, keep writing. If I’ve learned anything from all this, it’s to not let what life throws at you stop you. Keep moving towards your goals, and you can do anything.

No Limit Writing Part II: Setting A Commitment


IndieLife7I am a little late with my monthyly Indelibles post. But I am writing on the US West Coast. So, technically it’s still Wednesday here. Plus, it was my first day back to work for the day job. Factor in the fact I had a good friend die in a horrible, water skiing accident. Really, I’m not kidding. I wish I could be kidding. I’ve been upset the last two days. Add the fact that my birthday is next week, and that I’ve just watched Reality Bites(1994). I did the math and that movie is over 18 years old. Tonight, I’m really in a reviewing the situation moment.

Sometimes, you have to factor in real life into your writing equation. But that is what happens to writers. We balance real life with paying the mortgage jobs, promotion and marketing, editing, revision, and first draft writing.

I’ve been toggling between projects, and reworking my schedule as I return to the day job. I’m working on several projects and organizing a blog tour for the beginning of school. Yes, I’ve been busy this summer. But the weird thing about all the things that have happened over the last month is the reflection on how to keep the writing flowing. I don’t want the creative process that has happened this summer to stop.

So, I’ve established a no limit writing plan, with a schedule of writing once a day for an hour. This ranges from first draft, to revision, to blog writing. Yes this post counts right now. And I have to say, it has done wonders just to make sure I sit down once a day for an hour. I’ve been participating on a writing board thread that basically is a whole bunch of writers reporting on how much they write. Really, I’m finding with an hour a day at least I can get a lot done.

So, no matter what is happening in my day, I’ve committed to that. I also read through a friend’s story and gave her feedback. That counted. This way, I’m not limiting or giving excuses for not writing. I’m allowing for what work needs to be done to flow on that day. The thing about self publishing is that you can schedule your projects to fit your life’s schedule.

I’m happy to say that I’ve gotten a novelette through two revisions, and I’ve scheduled it to go to my editor by September. I’ve been organizing a Back to School Blog Tour, but will mostly work on it on the weekend now. But I’m keeping my sanity by allowing a time for it to be scheduled. And I’ll be happy on Saturday to let the thought process flow. For now, just an hour a day on something writing related keeps my commitment to myself.

Most of all, don’t limit what you can do. If I thought I can’t write romance novels, I wouldn’t have a novelette series in the works and a Time Travel novel half through it’s first draft. We’ll have to see how it all turns out. But my biggest phrase is to just keep writing. You never know what project will turn into the bestseller.

Setting a commitment of one hour might allow me to find the next good book. Hopefully, it will be that bestseller. And even if it’s not and I sell some copies, it will lead me to the next book. That good book may take 20 other books before it. All I need is eventually that one to hit it big. And committing to writing one hour a day will help we keep writing until I get there.

**This post is part of the monthly
“Indie Life” posts linked on the Indelibles Blog.

The Lost Secret of Dragonfire is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

The Lost Secret of Dragonfire is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

***Tiffany Turner has just released her third book, The Lost Secret of Dragonfire, in her Crystal Keeper series. She continues to teach fourth graders in California while writing fantasy adventure middle grade novels. She is working on other writing projects in her No Limits Writing practices. She actively plays the Gaelic Harp at Renaissance festivals throughout Northern California.

Back to School Blog Tour-Sept. 2-6


Back to School Blog Tour Sept. 2-6  Check back for more details!

Back to School Blog Tour Sept. 2-6
Check back for more details!

At this time of year, life gets busy for me. It’s time for me to get back to work. Yes, true confession, I am a teacher. Which can come in pretty handy since I love to write books. But to make things extra fun, besides the fact I just bought a disco ball for my room, I’m planning a Back to School Blog Tour for the week of Sept. 2-6.

Come meet some authors, find out what it’s like to write as an Indie, and learn a few things. There will be all sorts of books from animals, fantasy, and even a humorous look at teaching. It will be a true exciting start to the school year. I should know. This is the start of my 17th year of teaching.