Category Archives: back to school blog tour 2019

Day 5 of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour


back2schoolbanner2019I’d like to thank all of the followers that have stopped by this week to find out about the featured authors for this blog tour. Without you, this tour wouldn’t be a success. Plus, the giveaway to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card will be open for the whole weekend. Your chance to enter to win will close on Monday, Sept. 16 at midnight. So, enter soon!

For your chance to enter, LINK TO THE GIVEAWAY HERE!

I’d like to thank all of the participating authors. If you haven’t had a chance to check out their featured interview, here are the links one more time.

  1. Terry Gunn
  2. Vijaya Bodach
  3. Lisa Parks
  4. Joy Hardin

AlmadenArtandWinePlus, if you’d like to meet the head editor/writer for the Indie Children’s Authors Connection, she will be appearing at the Almaden Art & Wine Festival on Sunday, Sept. 15 this weekend in San Jose, Ca. Tiffany Turner is a children’s author that writes children’s fantasy. She’ll be selling her children’s fantasy book series, the Crystal Keeper Chronicles, and will have free dragon and fairy temporary tattoos for anyone that visits her booth. Plus, sign up for her newsletter and win your chance to get a unicorn bubble wand, unicorn pendant, dragon pendant or crystal pendant. Purchase her books and get some of the prizes with purchase. The festival will be open 10am until 6pm. She’ll be in the kid’s section near the playground.

Again, thank you for stopping by. Until next year,

Tiffany Turner

Day 4 of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour


back2schoolbanner2019Welcome back to the fourth day of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour. Our featured author today is Joy Hardin. She has plans for a new, inspiring book. Joy Hardin wants to write a race driving series with strong female characters. She’s come up with the Team ABC Racing series to help kids learn their letters, connect with parents through reading, and inspire girls to enjoy race car driving. She has put together a Kickstarter campaign to help this book get published. I had a chance to ask Joy about her favorite authors, inspirations, and what she hopes to achieve from this project.

1) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Joy Hardin: Trips to the library to find new books gave me some of my favorite reading memories. Discovering that the library was full of thousands of books, each a different world, was thrilling. While our school had a decent library, it was always exciting when my mom would take us to the public library to pick out a stack of new books.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.
Joy Hardin:
As with most things in my life right now, my writing routine is pretty scattered. While I’m still working to get my first book published, I’ve written four books. With each one, I start with an idea (I have a long list). Then I basically sit down and write down my thoughts. My ideas are all over the place so a first draft helps me focus. After that I reread it and revise it before having my husband or family read it. From there I get an editor and illustrator involved to help make my story come to life.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?
Joy Hardin:
I hope to write more about little girls achieving their dreams. Girls can accomplish anything. It’s important for girls to see female characters doing things like driving race cars and things that girls usually aren’t thought of doing.

Annabelle's Big DreamAnnabelle’s Big Dream
is the first book in the Team ABC Racing series. Annabelle is a female race car driver that dreams of winning the big race. Annabelle works towards achieving her dream, as well as teaching children about teamwork. Activities and lesson plans will be available for the book.

For more information on the Kickstarter campaign to help get Annabelle’s Big Dream into a published book, visit the link:

Getting down to the wire to enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Get new books for Back to School to add to your library at home or in the classroom. Giveaway ends on Sunday, Sept. 15. LINK HERE FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN!


Day 3 of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour

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Lisa Parkes is the author of the children’s book Stuck Between Two Worlds.

Welcome to third day of the Back to School Blog Tour for 2019. I’d like to introduce you to our featured author for the blog tour today. Lisa Parkes is an extraordinary author. She is an author and life coach that helps children deal with their trauma. With many years of training, she has helping children through PTSD, anxiety and depression. With many challenges as a child, Lisa Parkes has used her experience and training to create a story that will help and inspire children going through a similar crisis. Her book, Stuck Between Two Worlds, explores the ways to help heal from childhood trauma while incorporating the love of fantasy and magic, and escaping into another world. I had the chance to talk to Lisa about her childhood memories of reading, growing up, advice for aspiring writers, and what she has in store for us with future projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Lisa Parkes: I remember relaxing rainy days where we couldn’t go outside. I would sit in my playroom or lie on my bed and read. I could literally dive into a book and lose myself for the whole day. It was my idea of heaven and even now – all these years later- I love a rainy Sunday.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Lisa Parkes: I loved Enid Blyton. In her book, The Enchanted Wood, she created other worlds to explore at the top of the Magic Faraway Tree. She helped me see that my imagination was limitless and gave me some respite from a noisy world. I realized I could go anywhere in my mind and nobody could find me there. It was my most private place and I was happy there.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Lisa Parkes: I love to write to music. Music is energizing and uplifting. I’m better writing early in the day. When I wake up my brain is full of ideas. I’m inspired by my work and by things I observe in daily life. I usually make notes in my phone if something happens or I see something that moves me or teaches me something. I like to write in a journal most days by hand. But when I’m writing a book or a podcast episode, I just sit down at my laptop and let my fingers do the talking. I write unedited and from my heart. I think about what I want to say, not what other people will want to hear. Then go back after a cup of tea and tweak it.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Lisa Parkes: I would like to write more about how we treat children and what they need to grow up feeling happy and healthy. I would also like to write more for the child who feels like they don’t belong or who feels alone or different.

hannah guest

  • What is your favorite memory growing up? 

Lisa Parkes: Going on holiday – stepping out of the daily routine and visiting somewhere new. I love the sea, ice cream, swimming and reading in the shady spots. I was lucky as a kid, in that I went to Disney a few times and I fell in love with the magic of the place. I can remember having my picture taken with the Minnie and Mickey. The highlight was watching the electrical light parade on Main Street and telling my Mum that I wanted to be a Disney dancer. That or a dolphin trainer. I loved swimming and dancing. I still do!

6) What inspired you to become a life coach and then children coach? 

Lisa Parkes: It wasn’t a path I chose – it chose me! In my personal life I had a lot of therapy to heal from childhood trauma which manifested as PTSD, anxiety and depression. As a life long learner and avid reader, I then began to study everything I could get my hands on. It was a long and painful process and lonely at times. I wanted to make a future contribution to break the cycle and for there to be less hurt children in the world.

  • What gave you the idea to write “Stuck Between Two Worlds”? 

Lisa Parkes: I didn’t know how, but I had the idea to write a book that would incorporate my childhood and my work with children in a way that could be understood on different levels. I think I have done that with the magic and the wonder of The Wilderness – a free place for children to follow their hearts, and Nettie the fairy mentor who is playing the role of the ‘good enough’ parent. Luckily for me, once I started to write it all fell out on the page easily.

  •  What would be some advice you could give to aspiring younger authors? 

Lisa Parkes: To write as often as you are able to. Find ways to make writing part of your daily routine – journaling is good for that. Don’t edit yourself. Write what is in your heart, not what you think people want to hear. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth and what is right for you. It’s your story, your words and it is unique to you. Write from your own real life experiences and the places you go to in your imagination. 

  • What is it you love the best about being a children’s author?

Lisa Parkes: This is my first book and I find it hard to wrap my head around that word! I’m excited that I can reach more people with my work and do it in a way that is enjoyable. Learning about ourselves and the world we live in should be fun. I like to think that my book would keep the reader company during those times when they felt lonely or disappointed by life.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Lisa Parkes: Writing gives me the freedom to express my inner world, and share that with other like-minded souls.

B2W Final Front CoverStuck Between Two Worlds is a fantasy children’s book that helps many school-aged children learn to deal with those negative and scary feelings like low self-esteem and anxiety. Firecracker Ruby was in trouble again. Crying in her room seemed to be the only way she could express herself until she had a fairy friend visit her. Nettie takes Ruby to the world of the Wilderness where she learns that she is a “wildheart”, a strong-willed child with a sensitive soul. Ruby learns how to use her wildheart powers for good, to shrink her worries and master her fears while dealing with life’s lessons. This story will touch any child that needs inspiration to be themselves and inspire self confidence. This heart-warming story will bring them into a world where they learn they may be a wildheart too.

Stuck Between Two Worlds is available as a Kindle or paperback edition at

For more information on Lisa Parkes, please visit her website at:

To enter the Back to School Blog Tour Giveaway, please link to the Rafflecopter Giveaway HERE! Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card to add to your Back to School Library at home or in the classroom.

remember-9-11I’d like to close today’s entry with a moment of remembrance for all those lost 18 years ago today on Sept. 11, 2001. Never forgotten!



Day 2 of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour


Vijaya Bodach is author of the novel, Bound.

Welcome back to DAY TWO of the Seventh Annual Back to School Blog Tour. I’d like to introduce you to today’s featured author: Vijaya Bodach. She is a scientist as well as a children’s writer that has recently started publishing her own books as Bodach Books. She has written over 60 children’s books, including Ten Easter Eggs, along with magazine articles, stories and poems. Bound is her first novel. I had the chance to ask Vijaya about her childhood reading memories, what inspires her, and what future projects she has planned.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Vijaya Bodach: I remember learning to read on my own at the age of six and how it opened the world for me. I no longer had to ask anybody to read me a story. I loved the freedom it gave me to read as many books as I could on our regular trips to the library and then picking out four books of my own to bring home for a month.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Vijaya Bodach: My favorite author was Enid Blyton when I was young. She wrote imaginative tales of animals—I loved how Brer Rabbit always outsmarted the other bigger animals. She also wrote realistic boarding school and adventure stories. It was pure entertainment always filled with interesting tidbits of information. It reminds me always that what matters most is a good story.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Vijaya Bodach: I began writing when I became a mother so I was a night-time writer for a few years until the children started school. I’d steal a few minutes at the kitchen counter during the day to jot down thoughts and ideas and those 10-20 min added up. Once I got the children off to school, I’d get to my writing after doing morning chores. I got a couple of good 90-min blocks to write most days. I’d write a bit after supper and on the weekends if I had deadlines to meet. My husband was very supportive by taking care of the children. My kids are grown and away at college now, but I suspect I’ll stick to the school routine.

One thing I did from the beginning was to reserve one day per week for the business aspects—querying, submitting, researching magazines and book publishers. I need to start doing this again. It’s so easy to get lost in your own world and neglect the business aspects in writing.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Vijaya Bodach: I have several picture book biographies I want to write but my characters from BOUND are again talking in my head. So, I need to pay attention to them first. Their lives have been percolating for over a year.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Vijaya Bodach: Writing allows me to think more deeply about the questions that haunt me.

vidjaya cover bookSeventeen-year-old Rebecca Joshi, an adopted girl from India, burn survivor, and primary caretaker of her intellectually disabled sister, Joy, has the one dream to be a physician. Her traditional Indian father relies upon Rebecca to care for Joy while he buries himself in work to drown his grief over his wife’s death. Leaving home is the only way Rebecca can envision reaching her goal.

She helps Joy develop greater independence, and is devastated when Joy becomes pregnant. Rebecca tussles–with her father and with herself–over who is responsible for Joy and her baby. When Rebecca discovers the truth of what happened the day she was burned, she struggles to hold onto her dream while wrestling with questions of life, love, and responsibility.

This will make a great YA book for any high school classroom. Great gift for the beginning of school.

Bound is available at and Barnes &

For more information on the author, Vijaya Bodach, please visit her website/blog at:

back2schoolbanner2019Plus, for a chance to enter and win a $25 Amazon Gift Card for visiting during the Back to School Blog Tour, please visit the Rafflecopter giveaway link below. Winner will be announced Monday, Sept. 16, 2019.

**Come back tomorrow for another featured Indie Children’s Author!






Day 1 of the 7th Annual Back to School Blog Tour


back2schoolbanner2019Welcome to the first day of the 7th Annual Back to School Blog Tour. We have a fabulous first author featured today, Terry Gunn. But first, I wanted to put up the Blog Tour giveaway. If you’re a student or teacher, here’s a great way to supply yourself with books for the school year by winning a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

Follow the link below to enter:

Note: Giveaway begins midnight EDT.

And now without further adieu:


Terry Gunn is the author of the picture book, The Adventures of Klaus, the Happy Schnauzer.

I’d like to introduce you to the first featured author for the 7th Annual Back to School Blog Tour. Terry E. Gunn lives in HTB California with her family and newest fur baby, Rocket Riley. She has written a fabulous picture book about the adventures of her beloved schnauzer going through a typical dog day. It’s a playful story that can be a wonderful repeating read-aloud to help children fall asleep each night. I had a chance to ask her questions about her writing routine, childhood reading memories and favorite authors growing up.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Terry Gunn: My favorite memory as a child and still today is memorizing books, reading them aloud, conducting plays or singing songs from the sound of music to my young cousins.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Terry Gunn: Favorite author is Judy Schachner, she writes about her kitty and I love the stories. My first book is about my beloved Klaus Von Dog.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Terry Gunn: My writing time is early morning when the house is quiet and my imagination is not interrupted, but my job interrupts story creating and stories are a way to bring joy into children’s heart and allow Klaus to live in the hearts of children.


  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Terry Gunn: The subjects I write about are dogs and their adventures. I use to memorize the different dogs and collected dog statues during my visit to Catalina Avalon. But I have two stories in the works about hats and pennies.

  •  What is writing to you in one sentence?

Terry Gunn: The story begins in the heart, continues with a pen and ends with a smile. Happy reading.

KlauscvrThe Adventures of Klaus, the Happy Schnauzer is a wonderful picture book that goes through the typical day of a beloved dog. From the challenge of trying to catch the neighborhood squirrel to doing tricks for a treat, children are taken through his dog-oriented day. His owner helps you grab his leash and go with him to explore the neighborhood.

Out on their walks, the two set off to the park for a game of catch, play with other dog friends, and then for a game of hide and seek. At the end of a busy day, Klaus is ready for sleep. Like most dogs, he falls fast asleep to do it all again the next day. His activities parallel a similar day for a preschooler with waking up, eating breakfast, playing, meeting friends and going to sleep. This would make a great read-aloud to settle down any youngster before bed.

The Adventures of Klaus, the Happy Schnauzer is available at as a paperback or ebook edition.

Link here for the book trailer on YouTube!

***Come back each day this week for a new featured author interview and a chance to win the $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway.