Tag Archives: winter reading

Interview with Justin Ogden


With the season changing from fall to winter, we can recognize the huge amount of changes our families, schools and communities have gone through this year. As well, a great way to settle into the change of seasons and welcome the Holiday season is with a good book. I’ve found another jewel to share with your family or your classroom for this December and through the winter.

“Happy Birthday Winter” is a beautifully illustrated picture book that welcomes the changes of the seasons with descriptive language and thoughtful phrases. The author is Justin Ogden. He is a high school special educator and lives in Colorado. He used his love of the outdoors and writing to create a tale that amplifies beauty and change in the environment around us. I had a chance to talk to Justin about his childhood reading memories, his writing routine, and what writing means to him

  1. What is your favorite reading memory as a child?

Justin Ogden: My favorite reading related memory when I was a child was the first time reading “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak. I remember being captivated as my elementary school librarian read this book to my class. It was truly a wonderful and imaginative piece that I still value today.

2. Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Justin Ogden: My typical writing routine usually stems from good conversation with friends where I can soundboard ideas. I have a few friends in-particular who are authors themselves. I can, and do, text them with ideas. Once I have had the chance to soundboard ideas, I usually think on one for a week or so before I flesh it out in type. Then, I will wait another week before I go back and edit it. This can happen a few times before I bring the idea to David, my friend and illustrator for Happy Birthday Winter. He is a marvelous friend and wealth of knowledge. If he likes the idea, he will usually tell me, or tell me to think on it a while longer. If he likes it, we proceed to talking about the illustrations, and the piece is well on its way.

3. What is writing to you in one sentence?

Justin Ogden: Writing is story telling for people who will never hear your voice.

“Happy Birthday Winter” is a beautifully illustrated picture book that will bring joy and wonder to the changing of the seasons. The characters journey together in a welcome to winter story as they appreciate the changing of the seasons and the nature that surrounds them. This book is a great gift for children that appreciate nature and families to share in the magic of outdoor sports such as hiking. This is a wonderful way to connect and share a love for nature and the great outdoors.

“Happy Birthday Winter” is available to buy through the author’s website.

Crystal Keeper Series After Christmas Sale on Smashwords


I’ve listed the first book in the series, The Lost Secret of Fairies, as a FREE ebook on Smashwords just in time to help ring out the old year. The next book in the series, The Lost Secret of the Green Man, is on sale 50% off at $0.99. The After Christmas Sale will be going on from December 25, 2017 – January 1, 2018.


The Lost Secret of Fairies will be on sale for FREE from Dec. 25-Jan. 1, 2018!

This is all in anticipation of the upcoming book, The Lost Secret of Time. It will be the fourth and final book in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. Currently, I’m in the middle of revising the completed manuscript. The release date is looking good for Spring 2018. I’ve been in contact with the artist to complete the cover, and my editor has it on her calendar. Everything is in preparation.

I am SO PROUD to be finally bringing you this last book. It has been a long time in coming. With my being ill back in December 2014, this last book almost wasn’t written. But after the physical therapy, and surviving a heart attack, pneumonia and septic shock, it seems almost a miracle to finally be nearing the completion of this last book. I’m so looking forward to all of you being able to read it. There will be more to come as we near the release date. So stay tuned, and be sure to follow my blog for all the updated info.

But I do have to warn you. Brewford, the cat sorcerer, is telling me that he wants a book of his own to finally set the record straight. He wants a book of his own to tell the stories of his 800 year old lifetime adventures. Something tells me, he may get his wish. But how about you let me know. If you’d like a book told by Brewford explaining his adventures over 800 years as a cat sorcerer, let me know in the comments below.

And to you and all my fans and followers, a very Happy New Year and best wishes in 2018!

-Tiffany Turner