Tag Archives: Tom Woof and Max the Owl

Interview with Jane Owen

Jane Owen is the author of the book, “Tom Woof and Max the Owl”.

With turbulent online distance learning, teachers and parents need more resources to teach social and literary skills more than ever. I’ve found a powerful book written by the author, Jane Owen. It’s called “Tom Woof and Max the Owl”. It’s uses fantasy to model literary skills and social behavior for children. I had the chance to talk to the author about her childhood reading memories, favorite authors growing up, and some upcoming projects.

What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Jane Owen: I grew up loving books. According to my Mummy I was able to read by the age of three. I remember being young, 6 or 7 and reading books under the bedcovers till late at night. I hope my little girl loves books just as much.

Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Jane Owen: I loved the Narnia books! I loved The Secret Garden and National Velvet. I feel like those books inspired me to be more imaginative and a bit braver.

Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Jane Owen: Since the pandemic took away a lot of my regular work I’ve tried to write a little every day. Even if I throw away everything I wrote that day, the action is great for my progress.

What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Jane Owen: Tom Woof and Max The Owl are characters based on the real life writer Thomas Wolfe and his editor, my great-grandfather Max Perkins. I’m working on books that introduce characters based on F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. As well as a completely different series about a Unicorn that focuses on teaching children not to be racist.

What is writing to you in one sentence?

Jane Owen: My great-grandfather Max Perkins always used to say, “There’s nothing as important as a book can be”.

“Tom Woof and Max the Owl” is a story of a puppy with a love for writing. He writes wherever he can, and is misunderstood for this trait. But Max the Owl understands. He guides the little puppy to develop his stories and bring joy to all the other animals on the farm. Bases on a real writer and editor in the life of the author, this book will touch the hearts of any literary focused soul.

“Tom Woof and Max the Owl” is available at Amazon.com.