Tag Archives: The Smile

Day 2 of the 2023 Back to School Blog Tour: Interview with Marin Darmonkow


Welcome to day two of the 2023 Back to School Blog Tour. I have another author interview for you today. I have found a fabulous author that has the extra talent of being an amazing illustrator as well. It seems this is a great bonus combination for becoming an indie author. His picture book is called “The Smile”, and it is an always free or permafree book on Amazon and other online retailers. The illustrations have a noble look that imbues a vibrant charm to the characters and the story. Centering around an Inuit girl and her dog, it is sure to have a special place in any home library or classroom bookshelf.

Marin Darmonkow lives in Canada with his family. He has retired from advertising and wanted to find a worthy way to give back to the community. Writing children’s books is his chance to do just that, and he even started his own publishing company to do so. I had the chance to interview him about how he became an author, how he gets his ideas, and what projects he is writing now.

1) What made you want to become an author?

Marin Darmonkow: I started late – after I retired. Both of my children attended medical school, they became independent and my parental obligations significantly reduced. For the first time in my life, I had time for myself and I wanted to make a product; preferably something without an expiry date. I solely create children’s books for the reason that I possess the skills not only to write but also to illustrate, design, and put together the layout. This is a perfect fit for publishing picture books. 

2) For your featured book, how did you get the ideas to write it?

Marin Darmonkow: I was probably influenced by contemporary media – Indigenous affairs are one of the daily topics discussed on radio stations, TV channels and the Internet. I live in Canada, so I decided to create a humane story about the most famous Inuit symbol, the innunguaq, and its relationship with people. You know that the stony sculpture is like a person but it is also a signpost and plays a significant role in Inuit culture.

On my search for an editor of Inuit origin, a University professor from the Department of Linguistics told me that I had no right to create such a story as I did not belong to the Inuit group of people. The professor’s warning struck a chord with me as I am an adamant defender of freedom of expression. My unapologetic answer was that I published the story – I uploaded the book as perma-free to all major online book retailers. I even included the professor’s correspondence in the book’s description. Amazon is the only exception to this as from time to time the behemoth unilaterally adds a price to the book.

3) What writing projects are you working on right now?

Marin Darmonkow: I am currently working on a story about the only child in the world born without a heart. The title of the publication is BEMBE’S HEART. Bembe is an ancient Mayan name and it means “son of a prophecy”. Everyone should read the book to their child as it is a book about the extraordinary bond between mother and child. It is a stunning story about know-no-limits motherly love. 

Book Blurb:

Living in the land of six months night and six months day, challenges are always around the corner. The young Inuit girl, Ahnah, and her dog, Akiak, must survive while her parents leave to find food. She learns to endure and lets her dreams lead her. In the end, she will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

“The Smile” is available for free at the following online retailers:

For more information about Marin Darmonkow, please visit his website at: Fontreal.com.

I hope you are enjoying the blog tour event so far. Please leave a comment to let me know what you like or suggest what to include next year. I would love to hear all the feedback for future planning. Look for a featured book review tomorrow. Until then, have a great start to the school year!