Tag Archives: tell jokes

Interview with Wolf Cub Chlo


With the first interview and book recommendation of this New Year, I thought all of us could use a good laugh. Not only have I found a book likely to make you smile, but also it will guide you into reading and how to tell jokes to brighten up your family’s day.

Wolf Cub Chlo is the author of the children’s joke book, “Once ‘a pun’ a Time: A Guide to reading and telling jokes”.

Wolf Cub Chlo is a child author that loves to tell a good joke. So much, she’s written a book about it. There’s nothing like a child giving insight to something that can make us all feel much better. What a great gift this little cub has given us all in her book, “Once ‘a pun’ a Time: A Guide to reading and telling jokes”. I had a chance to talk with Wolf Cub Chlo about why she writes, what she loves about reading and writing, and what future projects she is planning.

  1. Can you introduce yourself and tell us why you wanted to write your book, “Once ‘a pun’ a Time”?

Wolf Cub Chlo: Hi! My name is Chloé, but I write all my books under the name Wolf Cub Chlo, and I’m 6 years old. I like to think of silly words and create stories around a simple word. But, for my book, I turned those silly words into jokes.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Wolf Cub Chlo: For my next project, I would like to write silly stories using sight words to help other kids learn to read while having fun. I want it to be a series like Bob books. I really love those books too.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Wolf Cub Chlo: To me, writing is a way to relax and bring a smile to my face. Just like coloring.

“Once ‘a pun’ a Time” is a book that is medicine to help you heal others through laughter. Laughter is something people need in their daily lives. Jokes are one way people can support each other during these difficult times during COVID lockdowns. Learn tips and tricks on how to tell and write your own jokes. Share laughter with friends and family through video conferencing and help others heal. Remember, we’ll all get through this together.

“Once ‘a pun’ at Time” is available from Amazon.com as a Kindle edition.

For more information on Wolf Cub Chlo, visit her website here.