Tag Archives: teaching social skills

Interview with Simone Chasey


As we ease into autumn, the leaves are falling and there’s that need to want to go inside, cuddle in a good blanket, and read a good book. It is a great opportunity to share a moment with your child, and help establish community if you are doing read-alouds with your classroom. As many teachers know, this is the time of year you need to establish your classroom community for the rest of the year. So, it’s pivotal to include books like this in your read-aloud time or as small group reading. As a parent, it’s a great way to support your child’s social development.

Let me introduce you to Simone Chasey and her book, “Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids: Giving Children Moral Guidance Through Short Stories”. Simone has written a book that helps teach social morals to help give children a compass in being human. She has brought together a collection of stories that will be an awesome connection for children to find comfort and grounding in these uncertain times. I had a chance to talk with Simone about why she wrote this book and what her future projects may entail.

1) Do you think your book would be a nice addition in a classroom setting for teachers to read and discuss with the class?

Simone Chasey: I think any book that can transfer knowledge would always be beneficial for children. It would be a nice addition in a classroom setting for teachers to read up for discussion. I believe it can help children who lack life experiences so they can gain insight through short stories.

2) What do you hope for kids to take away from reading your book?

Simone Chasey: Children absorb the most through seeing, hearing, and asking questions. I hope the stories will teach children to express kindness, help others, and allow them to always remain curious and never stop asking questions. We, as adults, are simply children that stopped dreaming, stopped asking questions, and stopped being creative. With this book, I want children to embrace their curiosities, and to understand that failure is okay and that you can only ever go upward from there.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Simone Chasey: Growing up, I didn’t enjoy science. It was only after high school that I finally learned to like science. I would like to share knowledge and educate future generations. I want to promote science from a different perspective and show them that science could be fun!

Book Blurb:
Short stories for kids are one of the best ways to teach them life lessons. Through storytelling, you can teach children lifelong morals and values without coming across as lecturing. Kids will be able to catch a glimpse into another world, allowing them to canvas various morals and life situations safely. Moral guidance and life lessons to children are crucial to child development while they are experiencing new things in life. These stories give them guidelines and signposts in their social development.

I hope that these short stories can teach your child the underlying message of being kind and compassionate. Short story morals point out messages such as bad habits, like lying and cheating, come with consequences. They also motivate children to develop better long-term habits such as being grateful and having good manners. Whether you are reading to your children or reading together with them, these inspirational short stories will be a fun, learning experience for your kids.

Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids” is available at Amazon.com as a Kindle Unlimited title.

It is also available as a Spanish Edition.

Interview with James Lamb II

James Lamb II is the author of the new children’s book, “Jimmy, Jimmy the Jumping Lamb Meets the Hares and the Bears. Shown with his dog, Pacific.

As we start to get near the end of this strange and historical school year, I like to start posting some fabulous end of year, summer reads. I think I’ve found a great book to help keep your child’s love of reading engaged through the summer. “Jimmy, Jimmy the Jumping Lamb Meets the Hares and the Bears” is a story that deals with Jimmy, Jimmy meeting up with new friends, and how they all deal with a bullying situation. It’s a great way to get your child back into the frame of mind of being around and meeting new people, and how maybe everyone might not get along at first.

James Lamb II grew up in New Haven, Connecticut. He has a background in early child development, and has other books in his series that he enjoys voluntarily reading to local schools, day care centers, and libraries. His love for hip-hop and storytelling led him to writing children’s stories. I had a chance to ask James Lamb II about his childhood favorite authors, inspirational influences as a writer, how he came up with his characters, and what other projects he has in store for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

James Lamb II: Dinosaur Books and Shark Books.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

James Lamb II: Edgar Rice Burroughs and Anthony Edward Pierce. They were science fiction writers that wrote adventure books that I enjoyed reading while growing up.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

James Lamb II: Yes! I write down my ideas in a commonplace notebook. Then, I review my thoughts. After that, I begin to formulate a plan to write my stories.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

James Lamb II: Family, my life story, science fiction, animal stories and plays.

  • How do you get ideas for your stories?

James Lamb II: Childhood experience, love for animals and observing childhood behavior.

  • How does hip-hop influence your story telling?

James Lamb II: Rhythm and rhyme. Also, it helped with words coming together to create a story.

  • What was your inspiration for your new story, “Jimmy, Jimmy the Jumping Lamb Meets the Hare and Bears”?

James Lamb II: My experience of being bullied and that bullying has become a prominent problem in this day and age.

  • Why did you start your own publishing company, Ultimate Sky Publishing LLC?

James Lamb II: After publishing my first children’s books with self publishing companies, it was apparent to me, and my illustrator Marlon Chang, that we should start our own book publishing company and eliminate the middle man.

  • What advice would you give to new, aspiring authors?

James Lamb II: Believe in yourself and your ability to write. Research and take some writing courses so you can improve your skills as a writer. Finally, study other authors and they’re writing styles.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

James Lamb II: Writing to me is communicating to the world my passion for story telling.

“Jimmy, Jimmy the Jumping Lamb Meets the Hares and Bears” is a book that deals head on with the issue of bullying. Jimmy, Jimmy the Jumping Lamb is heading north. He bumps into the Hares and they form a friendship. But the Hares have a problem, the Bully Bears. Can they work together to face this group of bullies?

“Jimmy, Jimmy the Jumping Lamb Meets the Hares and Bears” is available in the Kindle store at Amazon.com and Apple iTunes/eBooks. Price for the ebook is $6.99.

For more information James Lamb II, please visit his Amazon author’s page here.