Tag Archives: teaching about covid

Interview with Adrianne Ashford


Adrianne Ashford is one of the co-authors of the picture book, “Noni Bugs Returns to School”.

In anticipation of the Back to School Blog tour, I’m doing a series of pre-interviews and post-interviews to get everyone into the mood for this special time of year. This is an extra extraordinary time because of the challenges of COVID19 and distance learning. So, I’ve been looking all over for great read-alouds and literature to help with your home schooling, whether you’re a parent or teacher.

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Courtney Ashford is the other co-author of the book, “Noni Bugs Returns to School”.

Let me introduce you to my first find. It is co-written by Adrianne Ashford and Courtney Ashford. They are a mother and daughter writing team. With Adrianne’s school counseling experience and Courtney’s storytelling memories from her grandmother, they’ve combined their efforts to bring a fabulous new series of books. “Noni Bugs Returns to School” is their new book that addresses the fears of returning to school during the COVID19 pandemic. It’s a wonderful book to calm your little ones anxiety about this school year.

I had the chance to talk to Adrianne Ashford about her childhood reading memories, favorite authors and writing routines.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Adrianne Ashford: My favorite memory from reading as a child is my mother sitting on the edge of my bed and reading Little Women with me. l developed a love for the amazing, adventurous world that a book could take me to.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Adrianne Ashford: My favorite author was Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women. Her ability to describe characters and bring them to life, made me feel like I knew them and today that makes me want to do the same for my readers.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Adrianne Ashford: My writing routine includes writing down main ideas, conversations between characters, then drafting a storyline.
4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Adrianne Ashford: I am looking forward to writing about topics that will help children identify their feelings and develop health coping skills. Topics like accepting diversity, coping with divorce, the feelings after the loss of a grandparent or someone they love, and moving to a new school. Anything that addresses real-life issues that I can present through a fun loving cat named Noni Bugs.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Adrianne Ashford: Writing is the opportunity to help others and contribute to something bigger than myself.

childrens book return to school postcovid19 kids book cover“Noni Bugs Returns to School” is a picture book about facing the fear of COVID19 while returning to school. Noni Bugs has been doing her schoolwork at home over the last several months. Now, it’s time to return to in-person school, but she’s nervous. Everything is so different. But her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Cook, is there to help her and all the kids adjust to this new type of schooling. Help your little one adjust to the changes in their daily school routine with this comforting topical tale.

“Noni Bugs Returns to School” is available at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

For more information about Adrianne Ashford and her books, please visit her website/author page at https://www.amazon.com/Adrianne-Ashford/e/B08F6TFVFW.

For more information about Courtney Ashford, please visit her author page at: https://www.amazon.com/Courtney-Ashford/e/B08F7MQ5F3.