Tag Archives: spring book

Interview with Luci Hollenkamp


A very happy spring to you and your kin! Hopefully, it is starting to warm up and flowers are starting to bloom where you are. Our thoughts turn to hopeful tidings, and it is wonderful to reflect that with the literature we share with our children and students.

I have found a wonderful book that gives insight to a supportive structure to children in foster care. “Ronni Raccoon and the Foster Bunnies” is a picture book written by a former foster parent.  Luci Hollenkamp captures the nurturing and supportive environment created to support children in any type of family. She used experiences as a foster parent and as a capable auntie to help write the book. Luci Hollenkamp shares some of her story inspirations from participating in foster care and from her nieces and nephews in her interview below. Enjoy!

  • What is your favorite memory reading as a child?

Luci Hollenkamp: When I was young I was a bit of an insomniac. I used to hide under my covers with a flashlight and read late into the night. In the winter, when it was cold out, you could hear the wind howling and the windows rattling. It was especially comforting to be reading and settled into a good book.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Luci Hollenkamp: “Ronni Raccoon and the Foster Bunnies” has been something I have thought about writing for a very long time. I was a foster mom for a while and loved every minute of it. It was not easy, but it was rewarding and worth every effort.

The story is loosely based on some of my experiences. I plan on writing more books in the series. Some of the stories will draw from the adventures with my foster children, some from nieces and nephews, and some from my siblings growing up. This book is my tribute to those I love. They mean the world to me.

I also hope it helps people realize a little kindness and care can go a long way. Different families, even within the same cultural groups, have their own traditions and their own way of doing things. If we just open ourselves up and give other ways a try, it can help open doors of understanding and goodwill.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Luci Hollenkamp: Writing for me is a way to leave a legacy of love and kindness.

Book Blurb:
What do you do when two young bunnies get separated from their parents? If you are Ronni Raccoon, you open your home to them and keep them safe until they can be reunited with their parents. In this heartwarming tale, Ronni Raccoon learns about accepting others as they navigate these difficult times together and meet each other where they are. This beautifully illustrated story shows how family are the ones we let snuggle close to our heart.

“Ronni Raccoon and the Foster Bunnies” is available at Amazon.com, and is a Kindle Unlimited title.

For more information on Luci Hollenkamp, please visit her author page here.