Tag Archives: SF Bay Area

Tiffany Turner Will Be On Self-Publishing & Marketing Panels at Silicon Valley Comic Con 2019



Just announced! Tiffany Turner will be speaking at this year’s 2019 Silicon Valley Comic Con on the Self-Publishing panels and the Marketing Your Book Panel on Sunday, August 18. The self-publishing panel will be in Rm 111 at 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Come and find out how you can start self publishing. The panel will go over all aspects, platforms, formats, what to write with, how to find editors, cover designers, and basic marketing.

The Marketing For Self-Publishers Panel will be after on the same day at 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Rm 114. We’ll be going more in depth about how to get your book out there and in front of readers. How to put together a newsletter, use free books to funnel readers to your catalog, and do a book launch.

Come enjoy all our free knowledge! Our group of self-publishers want to give you enough knowledge to go out and be publishing the next day.

Link to Silicon Valley’s Schedule of Events:



The Bridges of the SF Bay Area: Local Perspective


Driving over the Golden Gate Bridge at Sunset

Driving over the Golden Gate Bridge at Sunset

I was admiring another bloggers post on their comments of the Golden Gate Bridge. It is a fantastic land mark for San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area. And to be honest, I’ve lived in the Bay Area my whole life. But it still gives me a sense of awe every time I go over the Gate. I’ve driven over it, walked, and ridden my bike. Every way you take in it’s glory, it’s worth it.

So, I’ve been asked to post some of my pictures of my last excursion over the bridge. I’m posting the best of the sequence, coming from Highway 101 over the bridge into the City. The first is approaching the Golden Gate. You come out of the tunnel, and it appears in the distance. Different times of the day the lighting will change. It could be a bright orange or a glowing shade as it is in these pictures at sunset. No matter the time of day, it is dramatic.

Approaching the bridge towards San Francisco.

Approaching the bridge towards San Francisco.

On the bridge with the other span seen through the other.

On the bridge with one span seen through the opening of the closest span.

As you draw closer, you start to see the other span through the one you travel under. This is especially exciting since you can get some artist shots as you drive over the bridge. If your stuck in traffic, which is often as you drive into the City, it is easier to get pictures in the car if the traffic is stopped. In this case, we were going at a slow, safe rate in the far right lane.

To be fair, there is another bridge in the Bay Area. It crosses from Oakland to San Francisco, and is called the Bay Bridge. In it’s own right, it is about as old as it’s bridge cousin, and it recently has had a light sculpture mounted. It is to remain for two years. I’ve gone over the Bay Bridge last weekend, and the LED lights are secured right onto the cables.

I have a regular cell phone. So, I think a faster shutter speed is needed for the full impression of the lights. But, I’m posting my pictures, even though they are a bit blurry. It is the exciting thing for the locals right now. I hope they are able to keep it longer than two years.

Bay Bridge Light Sculpture April 2013

Bay Bridge Light Sculpture April 2013

Bay Bridge LED Light Sculpture Close Up

Bay Bridge LED Light Sculpture Close Up

So, sometimes, you can take your local sites for granted. But often it’s another visitors perspective that makes you rethink them in a new way. And most important, traveling and seeing other monuments helps you to come home and appreciate your own at home. In the end, you come to understand that the things you have around you all the time can be magical.