Tag Archives: read aloud

Interview with Kya Johnson


Kya Johnson is the author of the picture book, O is for Oshun.

I love finding multicultural and diverse books for my readers. I think I’ve found a great book and an inspirational author for your home and classroom. Kya Johnson founded RainbowMe to help show kids images of themselves to help shape their imaginations and growth. This positive reflection creates a sense of reinforcement to be whoever they wish to be.

Kya Johnson has written a multicultural fairytale and folklore collection of characters from around the world. O is for Oshun is the first augmented reality children’s book to have diverse folklore and fairytale characters of color from around the world. I had the chance to talk with Kya Johnson about what influenced her as a child, what her writing routine is, and what she has planned for the future.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Kya Johnson: My favorite memory from reading as a child was when I was able to read bedtime stories to my younger sister.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Kya Johnson: My favorite author as a child was Don Freeman because Corduroy was the first book I remember reading that had a character in it that looked like me.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Kya Johnson: I am a first time author, and so I didn’t really develop a “writing routine”. I knew that I wanted a book of folklore characters and I knew I wanted to make sure they were from all around the world and reflected cultures and people not normally seen in that genre.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Kya Johnson: This book introduces several folklore, fairytale, and mythological characters from around the world, but barely scratches the surface of these stories. I would love to continue introducing these characters. Also to incorporate the technology of augmented reality really brings the characters to life in a fun and engaging way.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Kya Johnson: Writing to me is the ability to introduce new worlds and experiences to young readers.



O is for Oshun is the first AR children’s book to feature diverse fairytale and folklore characters from around the world. A rhyming alphabet introduces readers to goddesses, kings, and fairies from countries such as Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and Nigeria to name a few. A phone application is available to turn the book into an augmented reality reading experience, bringing the characters alive as they read their section. O is for Oshun is a new kind of read aloud experience that can be enjoyed at home or used in the classroom.

Link to video of the AR experience for O is for Oshun on YouTube.

O is for Oshun is available at Amazon and Barnes & Nobles.

For more information on Kya Johnson, please visit her website at: http://www.rainbowmekids.com/.

For more information on the book O is for Oshun:





Interview with Brianna Reshae

BriAnna Reshae Woodard

BriAnna Reshae is the author of “Beautiful Black Butterfly“.

Welcome to a New Year and decade on the Indie Children’s Authors Connection. I’ve been running this blog since I started self-publishing children’s books way back around 2008. So, I’m proud to say I’ve been running this meeting place for authors and readers for over 10 years now. I’m proud to continue this tradition of introducing you to fabulous Indie authors and their books with my first interview of 2020.

BriAnna Reshae is an author that has been following her passion for writing since she was a child and has written a book called Beautiful Black Butterfly. Her books deal with obstacles children face and how they can learn to face and over come them. I had a chance to talk to Brianna about her childhood reading memories, favorite authors, what influences her, and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

BriAnna Reshae: Being inspired to use my imagination and dream big is my favorite memory as a child.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

BriAnna Reshae: My favorite author was Barbara Park who wrote Junie B. Jones, she influences me by being able to connect to children and still be able to entertain middle grade students as well.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

BriAnna Reshae: I don’t have a particular writing routine, I just write mostly when I’m inspired to do it.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

BriAnna Reshae: I write children’s books aimed towards obstacles that children face but I would like to write stories about obstacles that teenagers and young adults face as well.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

BriAnna Reshae: Creativity.

BlkButterflyCvr Beautiful Black Butterfly
is a book about overcoming bullies and excepting who you are. Jai’Da encounters kids that make fun of her. The bullies target her because of the dark color of her skin. But then a black butterfly comes into her life that inspires her to express her natural beauty within and overcome the hatred directed at her. This is a wonderful book to help children understand that differences are actually what make us unique and beautiful, and we can look towards these differences for our own self-confidence and inner beauty.

Beautiful Black Butterfly is available at Amazon.com.

For more information on BriAnna Reshae, visit her social media links here:

Instagram: booksbybree
Facebook: BriAnna Reshae Woodard (booksbybree)
Twitter: books_by_bree



Interview with DeWana Green


DeWana Green is the author of the picture book “Vonny B and Me”.

Spring is a great time to start thinking about summer reads. The best way to start gearing up is to consider some new picture books. I’ve found a darling story called “Vonny B and Me”. I had a chance to talk to the incredible author, DeWana Green. DeWana was a foster child that overcame many challenges in her life. She graduated from university with a bachelor’s and master’s degree. She works in healthcare and bio tech, and teaches at the college level part time. She’s an inspirational speaker and has her own jewelry line that benefits foster children seeking higher education.

I had a chance to talk with DeWana about the challenges and memories from her childhood, what inspires her to move forward, and what projects she is planning in the future.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

DeWana Green: My favorite memory from reading as a child was learning to read. I learned to read very young. In fact, I was three-years-old when I learned to read fluently.  

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

DeWana Green: My favorite author from childhood was Shel Silverstein. I was obsessed with “I Know Where the Sidewalk Ends”. Also, I loved Dr. Seuss’s “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”. As an adult I like Maya Angelou and Robert Fulghum.

  • Do you have a writing routine?

DeWana Green: When it comes to writing, I don’t really have a writing routine. I write best when I am near water. I do have a couple writing rules: 1. I always write from an outline 2. I never force my creativity to flow, so I have never had writer’s block. If there is no flow, it’s a no go… I only write when I feel it. I write when I am inspired.

  • How did you get the idea to write “Vonny B and Me?”

DeWana Green: VBM was inspired by the relationship of my son with learning differences/special needs and his dog. It truly demonstrates that we all have areas that we can excel and be great!

  • You have faced many challenges growing up. How has this helped you to inspire young people?

DeWana Green: It has only been since my divorce over the past 4 years that I have really embraced the pains and fears of my past. I realized that it took ALL of it to make me who I am today. I am always mentoring young adults in some facet of life. There are times I have young adults onboard doing intern work for me and helping research my ideas and concepts. There are other times I am simply spending one-on-one time with them and reminding them that there is NO-thing that they could ever encounter that they cannot overcome once they have decided to overcome it in their minds.

  • I noticed you design jewelry. What are the ideas behind some of your designs.
  • DeWana Green: Yes, I love to jewelry design. It’s a great creative outlet. Each piece I make comes with a unique writing about that piece. My ideas are inspired by nature and the colors of sun, ocean, and sky.
  • What would you suggest to future aspiring writers?

DeWana Green: My suggestion for aspiring writers is simply take time to understand your gift by writing and learn how your gift flows. We all flow and are inspired uniquely and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s that creative energy that’s responsible for so many different books.

  • What plans do you have for the “Vonny B” and Me series?

DeWana Green: The plan is for there to be 5 books in the series. I had 5 different concepts when the idea came to me for the initial work. So up next we will find that VB goes on a unique trip with some friends to some cool places! What I love the most is the subtle lessons that children learn from the book(s).

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

DeWana Green: In the future I see myself writing more in the VBM series. I would like to finish it out. Also, I see superheroes in my future as I have gained some inspiration in that area.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

DeWana Green: Writing is the ability to take an imaginary world living in my head and bring it to life on paper so that everyone can experience it too.

vonnyBandmeCvr“Vonny B and Me” is a captivating picture book about a dog and his boy. A seven-year-old boy and his dog take you on a journey of love as you follow their relationship of friendship and courage. The boy has many challenges, such as a learning difference. But through the love of his dog, he can face them. This is a touching story to teach about dealing with differences, changes, and using communication to solve problems. It will make a great addition for any child’s or teacher’s read aloud library. This is the first in a planned series.

“Vonny B and Me” is available at Amazon.com.

For more information on DeWana Green, please visit her website at: www.courageousme.net.

Interview with Billie Kelpin, Author of Lucky, the Left-Pawed Puppy


Billie Kelpin is the author of the picture book, Lucky, the Left-Pawed Puppy.

I have found a great addition to any read-aloud library, and had to talk to the author, Billie Kelpin. She is a former teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing, sign language interpreter, and worked as a college writing tutor. Billie currently has written this fabulous picture book, Lucky, the Left-Pawed Puppy. Set in Hollywood, this adorable story helps children learn about differences being strengths. In my discussion with the author, Billie Kelpin shared her childhood inspirations, what she enjoys about being a children’s author, and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Billie Kelpin: My mother loved to memorize poems and stories and she would recite them to me at bedtime rather than read them to me. She’d tell me the story of “Wonderful Tony”, a rooster who couldn’t swim. The repeating rhythm of the words was especially appealing to me: “Tony became thinner and thinner, and sadder and sadder.” This story was actually a tale of altruism. When Tony got “outside of himself” and helped a little robin, his life turned around. I think of that story often.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Billie Kelpin: No one famous was ever my favorite author instead, I loved reading Father Francis Finn’s books. He was a Jesuit who wrote twenty-seven young people novels that resembled “The Hardy Boys” and Dickens stories a bit. His books influenced me with the high-minded morality. (You could only find them in our school’s library). The main character was “Tom Playfair” who was always challenged to do the honorable thing and always won out over his impetuous nature. Then, when I was around eleven or twelve years old, the Milwaukee Journal featured a Sunday Magazine section that featured essays from “The Art of Living” by Wilfred Peterson. While these essays seem quite dated now, reading them each week made me fall in love with the creative non-fiction genre.

  • Do you have a writing routine?

Billie Kelpin: I wish I were the kind of writer who could wake up at five in the morning and write; I can’t. I find routines in any aspect of my life difficult. I think I would be more productive if I were more disciplined. I tend to simply write when life doesn’t interrupt me.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Billie Kelpin: I tend to have several projects going on at once. I’m not sure if this is characteristic of being left-handed or not. I plan to continue to write pieces on being left-handed. I’m presently attempting to finish my first novel, a coming of age story set in the Vietnam era. Another ongoing project is an app I created called, “The Perfect Husband App” which consists of a list of phrases every spouse loves to hear along with short excerpts that explain why those phrases are helpful in everyday relationships. I want to add more personally narrated stories and essays to my “Stories to Go” app and hope to convert a short story called “Sylvia” that appeared in the Lost Coast Review into a screenplay.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Billie Kelpin: To borrow from Walt Whitman, writing to me is simply acknowledging that ‘the powerful play goes on and we can contribute a verse’.

luckycvrLucky, the Left-Pawed Puppy is a read-aloud for children ages 4-8. With adorable illustrations by artist Julie Parker, we are drawn into Lucky’s self-discovery journey. As a follow-up, matching games, online flashcards, and narration of the story can be found at the website: www.leftpawedpuppy.com. Parents and teachers will love this as an addition to their library. It is a great book for teaching understanding of differences that all children can appreciate.

Lucky lives under the “H” of the Hollywood sign with his owner, Mrs. Poppyset, and his two puppy brothers. But he has a problem. He often does things the opposite direction of others. While his brothers lead with their right paws, he leads with his left.

Things change when William T. Stagent, the Hollywood agent, books them for a Bow-Wow-Chow-Now commercial. But Lucky has trouble following Hector the Director’s cues. Lucky turns left while his brothers turn right. Leslie, a famous dog trainer, is called in to look over Lucky and discovers he is left-pawed. Just as she is showing what to do be done, an earthquake hits the studio. Lucky saves the day, and it is all thanks to his left-pawed ability of naturally turning left.

Lucky, the Left-Pawed Puppy is on sale at Amazon.com and through the website, www.leftpawedpuppy.com.

Link here for my recommendation of Lucky, the Left-Pawed Puppy. 

Interview with Storytime YouTube Channel Host: Mr. Whiskers


storytime I have discovered a darling YouTube channel that features a puppet cat narrator named Mr. Whiskers. He takes you into the world of children’s books, narrating picture books while turning the pages with his paw. It’s a great way to get a child interested in reading and expose them to MORE BOOKS! Plus, authors may submit their books to be read out loud on the channel. In the interview below, Mr. Whiskers answers questions about reading as a young kitten, how authors can apply to have their books read, and what you will find when you tune into the YouTube Storytime Channel.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a kitten?

Mr. Whiskers: I would have to say my fondest memory would be snuggling up under the covers and have my grandmother cat read me my favorite stories.

  • Why did you start the Storytime YouTube Channel?

Mr. Whiskers: I wanted to recapture that feeling I had as a kitten when being read to. I felt that with my sense of creativity and flair for animation and video editing, I could create a format that would be fun and entertaining for children.

Children who tune into our chow will be able to enjoy stories read by myself, the lovable stuffed-animal host, Mr. Whiskers. I read the new weekly stories. So, there’s always a new story to enjoy.

  • How could an author submit their picture book to be read on the channel?

Mr. Whiskers: Authors looking to have their children’s story featured on our channel may submit their story to us for consideration. We can be contacted at http://storytimewithmrwhiskers.com for more information.

Storytime LogoThe Storytime YouTube Channel is a free weekly program that is a great way to get your child into the spirit of reading. Children can listen to the book being read, follow along with the pages of the picture book on screen, and can help with read alouds in the classroom. Each turn of Mr. Whisker’s paw brings alive the read aloud experience for any child.

You can find the Storytime Channel at YouTube HERE! 

For more information about the channel or how to submit your book, please visit the website here: https://www.storytimewithmrwhiskers.com/.



Post Back to School Blog Tour: Interview with G. Lee

G. Lee Photo

G. Lee is the author of the picture book, Anxious Annie: First Day of School.

I have a Post Back to School Blog Tour treat. I have an author interview with the fabulous G. Lee, author of the book Anxious Annie: First Day of School. I managed to sit down and talk to her about her favorite books and authors, writing routine, and future projects. Enjoy one more author to kick off the school year.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

G. Lee: The absolute magic of a book to transport us into the lives of other people and sometimes other worlds.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

G. Lee: I loved Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl. They made the seemingly impossible possible and goodness always prevailed.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

G. Lee: I am more of a night owl. So, I tend to do all my writing in the evening at least four times a week.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

G. Lee: I am doing another children’s book and it will be ready for purchase soon. It is about making friends.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

G. Lee: The ability to create and inspire.

anxiousanniecvrLee’s featured book is Anxious Annie: First Day of School. Join Anxious Annie as she overcomes her anxiety to fast her fears about her first day, and grows in strength and understanding how school can be fun while building her confidence to face the world.

Thank you for stopping by this week. Teachers, Students and Parents, have a fabulous Back to School!

-Tiffany Turner

A New Take On Standing Up To Bullies


Jacob's New Dress by Sarah and Ian Hoffman

Jacob’s New Dress by Sarah and Ian Hoffman

Jacob’s New Dress by Sarah and Ian Hoffman will grab your heart with its message. If you have ever been bullied, or your little one is being bullied for being different, this is a great way to teach them to stand up for themselves.

Jacob finds a dress during dress up time at school and decides to wear it. Other kids insist boys don’t wear dresses. But Jacob continues to follow his dream. He gets his Mom to make a dress, and finally wears it to school. He is so proud of the small stitches he’s made. During sharing time, one boy questions Jacob’s actions, and states “Boys don’t wear dresses”. As a result, a group tries to tease Jacob at recess, insisting he must be on the girls’ tag team. The story ends with Jacob standing up to the main bully, proud of his new dress.

This is a great read-aloud book to stress the issue that differences make us unique. The characters are well constructed, and the adults thoughtful and supporting of Jacob. The reluctance of excepting others by Jacob’s classmates is looked at as an obstacle that doesn’t stand in his way. He becomes proud of his dress and ignores the name calling. This is a great picture book to read aloud to a class or every night to show differences make us unique and special.

***** 5 Star Rating

A review copy was supplied by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.