Tag Archives: read aloud primary

Day 2 of the 2021 Back to School Blog Tour: Laura Schaumer


It’s Day Two of the Back to School Blog Tour for 2021. I’m starting with an exciting author and her book, “Kita and the Magic Paint” that can help instruct about secondary colors.

Laura Schaumer is the author of the children’s book, “Kita and the Magic Paint”.

Laura Schaumer is a children’s writer with a degree from George Brown College and Certificate in American Sign Language. She has a background in knowing how to communicate with children, and uses this ability in her writing. She currently lives in Ontario, Canada, and loves to go camping, listen to live music and create arts and crafts. She lives with her husband and daughter. I had the chance to ask Laura about her favorite childhood reading memories, writing routine and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Laura Schaumer: As child, my favorite thing to do was read under my blanket with a flashlight and immerse myself in any book I could get my hands on. It was one of my favorite things to do in my elementary years.

  • What future projects are you working on?

Laura Schaumer: Right now, I am working on my 2nd and 3rd book. I love to write about everything and anything. The most amazing thing about being a children’s author is that there is nothing that confines you to explore any idea that arises in your imagination.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Laura Schaumer: Writing is endless freedom to share and discover with everyone.

“Kita and the Magic Paint” is a story where magic happens in art. Meet Kita the Raccoon and all her friends. They discover the magic of painting and a way to create new colors with primary colors. By combining certain colors, new colors called secondary colors, can be formed. It’s all a journey to the mystery of forming new out of what you have. This book will spark an experimentation mindset in your child to dip into their curiosity and explore their creativity. Basic color theory comes alive in relatable characters and reminds us that magic can be found everywhere, especially through making art.

“Kita and the Magic Paint” is available at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

For more information on Laura Schaumer and her other books, please visit her website here.

Thanks for stopping by for today’s featured author. Please don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a $25 Amazon Gift Card! It’s a big thank you for stopping by and supporting the participating authors. Winner will be announced Monday, Sept. 13, 2021.

Until tomorrow, stay safe and happy back to school!

Interview with Javelin Jaaziel


Need a perk up for your child’s reading? Here is a spunky book to make the whole family laugh. Javelin Jaaziel is the author behind a fantastic character, Slog the Winged Frog. Javelin got the idea from a hypothetical question that a zany and inspiring Science teacher would often ask. A terrific story to get the imagination sailing, Slog the Winged Frog: Sister’s Surprise begins the series with this loving and endearing character. I had a chance to talk to Javelin Jaaziel about the love of writing, memories of reading as a child, and what projects are in store for us. 

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Javelin Jaaziel: When I discovered the little girls next door were fake reading. They read a line in a picture book “black and white ducks”, when really it read “white and black ducks”, but they had memorized it incorrectly. 

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Javelin Jaaziel: More about Slog and his continued attempts to fly, and another story that’s still under wraps. Also something about ocean thermal energy conversion and it’s many potentials, including its ability to end the devastating effects of droughts and hurricanes.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Javelin Jaaziel: A creative outlet, and a way to express ideas.

Slog the Winged FrogSlog the Winged Frog: Sister’s Surprise is the introduction to the lovable frog character of Slog. He lives in a normal swamp with normal friends. But Slog is no ordinary frog. He has wings. Yet, he doesn’t know how to fly. In his search for the answer, he meets Hooty the Owl and Squiggly Squirrel. Does he find the courage to fly? Find out in this delightful story that combines humor and acceptance into a new spin on the Dumbo theme.


Slog the Winged Frog: Sister’s Surprise is available at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.




Interview with Steph Alexis


Father _ Son

Steph Alexis is the author of the book “The Burping Pumpkin” pictured here with his son.

In response to the corona virus lockdowns going on throughout the U.S. and the world, I’m continuing to feature author interviews and their books as a support for parents homeschooling during this crisis. I’ve found a great book that should bring a little humor and cheer into your lives at this time. The Burping Pumpkin is a humorous picture book written by Steph Alexis.

Mr. Alexis grew up in Grenada, and found himself making up stories to pass the time with the other village children. He used this skill to create fantasies with a touch of laughter; just the perfect thing to read to your children during these unnerving times. I had the chance to talk to Mr. Alexis about his childhood memories, what advice he has about writing, and what future projects he has in store for us.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Steph Alexis: My favorite memory from reading as a child was when my parents took me to the public library in the town and the excitement of seeing so many books. I wanted to take them all home! Reading was my most exciting class at school. We went outdoors and read under the shade of a huge Tamarind tree.
2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Steph Alexis: My favorite author was C. S. Lewis. His fantasy classic “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” was a very fascinating and intriguing adventure, which ignited my love for reading. This book and the others in process all have that element of intrigue and adventure.
3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Steph Alexis: I enjoy writing early in the mornings, that is when my creative juices are most abundant. I also make allowances for writing down and fresh ideas that pop into my head throughout the day. I have made a commitment to write for at least 30 minutes every day.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Steph Alexis: I have two books in the works, “The Magic Basketball” and “The Adventures of Zachery the Zebra”, which I plan to publish later this year. Both books will have embedded themes on, leadership, teamwork, and honesty with some adventure.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Steph Alexis: Writing is the ability to express all of one’s imaginative and creative juices in a coherent manner for the benefit of others.

6) What was the inspiration to write this story?

Steph Alexis: I have always been interested in becoming a writer but never took the time to fully explore the possibility. When my son was in 6th grade, I gave him some assistance in writing a fictional story for his homework assignment. This exercise re-ignited my interest and I made a commitment to start writing. Of course, the story of the burping pumpkin was the first that popped into my head. This is my first publication.

7) How do you think humor enriches literature for children?

Steph Alexis: Humor is a very important ingredient in the social development of children. For children, as well as adults, humor is the best stress reliever. In today’s environment children are under greater amount of stress from the information overload that exists, as well as a push from adults for them to develop and learn at a faster pace. For this reason, humor is even more important to assist their young minds in maintaining some balance.
8) Why a “burping pumpkin”? Where did this idea come from?

Steph Alexis: The idea for this book came from an old folk tale that we recited as children on nights when there was a full moon. I started telling my son this story at bedtime and it became a nightly ritual. He would laugh hysterically and ask me to repeat the story, sometimes six times in one night! With all the what, how, why, and when questions I got from him every night, the story evolved to become “The Burping Pumpkin”.

9) What messages to you like to put into your stories?

Steph Alexis: I like to embed subtle themes and life lessons in my stories, such as obedience, teamwork, honesty and leadership. I strongly believe that these themes should be introduced to children at an early age when they are most impressionable.
10) Are you planning to write about growing up in the Grenada?

Steph Alexis: Yes! I plan to write a book called “The adventures of the Island Boy”. I have quite a bit of fascinating stories to tell about my boyhood days growing up on a tiny island in the Caribbean Sea.

The Burping PumpkinThe Burping Pumpkin is a witty and hilarious story that will have your children laughing as you read aloud. Zach and Zoe live in a tiny village. The mountains that surround their home are filled with giants. On an errand to pick berries, they venture further than they should and encounter a mountain giant. Who comes to the rescue? A Burping Pumpkin! This book is a great way to bring humor and literature into your child’s life. It’s great for elementary children as a reading activity during this corona virus lockdown or for traditional homeschooling.

The Burping Pumpkin is available at these Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

For more information on Steph Alexis, please visit his website at: https://outskirtspress.com/theburpingpumpkin.



Interview with Madeleine Matthews, Author of “How To Save The Dragon”


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Madeleine Matthews is the author of the picture book “How To Save The Dragon”.

I love finding picture books that help develop children’s thinking. Here is a great find to add to any parent’s read aloud library. How To Save The Dragon is a delightful picture book that helps teach impulse control for children. Through character-based explanations on how the brain works, it guides the young reader through an adventure through the brain with two friends, a dragon and elephant. I got a chance to interview the author of this book, Madeleine Matthews. She shared her childhood memories, favorite authors, and what she has in store for future writing projects.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Madeleine Matthews: My favorite author is Daniel J. Siegel. I absolutely love his approach to discipline as teaching & love how he sheds some light on the most challenging moments in our lives as parents by explaining the biological perspective.

His work was an inspiration for me. I thought that all parents and children should benefit from knowing the science of brain integration and the brain dynamic during a tantrum. This is why, in my book, I created a story line to illustrate a tantrum as an alarm, and also the two characters to explain the wonderful internal resources available for each of us & the power of focusing conscious awareness to activate and grow the more evolved structures in our brains.

  • What is your favorite memory of reading as a child?

Madeleine Matthews: My favorite memory is a feeling of immersion actually, in the summer break at my grandparents’ place, in rainy days when we couldn’t play outside, and I relished Alexandre Dumas books.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Madeleine Matthews: Writing routine for me is about realizing that internal struggle, where you’re kind of avoiding to actually sit down and write. So my routine involves a beautiful notebook, and a pencil & for the most part it is a sort of dialog I have with myself: “Just put pen to paper, scribble at first even, and then there’ll be plenty of time to rework & re-word until I am happy with the outcome.”

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Madeleine Matthews: In my future projects, I would love to create stories that incorporate more concepts that convey bite size science that works in the area of social emotional development & building executive functioning.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Madeleine Matthews: Writing to me is creative freedom, and the beauty of encapsulating messages & meaning.

How To Save The Dragon is a helpful picture book to describe how a child’s brain works HowToSaveDragCVRand to help introduce them to impulse control. Introducing the concept of a temper tantrum in the form of a story adventure, the young reader is guided to understand how to start their own impulse control through the help of lovable characters. This is a great addition for every parenting library.

This book is available at Amazon and is a Kindle Unlimited title.

Follow the author Madeleine Matthews at Instagram.



Back To School Blog Tour 2014: Featured Book Review/Interview Vivienne Mathews


Wb2schblogtour2014elcome to Day 5 of the Back to School Blog Tour 2014! If you haven’t signed up for the Book Bundle Giveaway, there are still few days left. Entering is easy. From liking authors on Facebook to commenting on their blog, you can enter to win the fabulous book bundle of children’s book each day. So, keep coming back each day and enter.


I Want to Be an Athlete And a Teacher by Garrett Carter is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

I Want to Be an Athlete And a Teacher by Garrett Carter is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Featured today is the book review for I Want To Be An Athlete And A Teacher by Garrett Carter. Coby is an enthusiastic boy that wants to do something he loves, like play sports. He learns that he can do anything, including teaching others. In this picture book, limiting yourself is explored as Coby discovers all of his capabilities. Being good at many things and exploring your skills is part of growing up. In the end, he realizes that he can do anything, especially if he’s good at it.

This is the first in a series of picture books, and is a great start for exploring your potential. It’s a good read aloud for the beginning of school when teaching kids to look into themselves and build confidence is emphasized. Of course, saying what you will be when you grow up isn’t set in stone. Trying out new things and thinking about what you are good at is part of growing up. I liked the way this picture book gets a child to think about their skills and that they can be good at MANY things. It’s ok to do it all.

**** Four Star Rating

Available at:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Want-Athlete-Teacher-Cobys-Career/dp/1499152647

Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/i-want-to-be-an-athlete-and-an-entrepreneur-garrett-carter/1119911646

For more information on the author: http://www.garrettcarterbooks.com/

Plus, our last featured author interview is with Vivienne Mathews.  Last year, Vivienne was a featured author on the blog tour. So, I wanted to catch up and ask her what things had been like for her as an Indie Children’s author.

Vivienne Mathews is the author of The Sons of Masguard series.

Vivienne Mathews is the author of The Sons of Masguard series.

1) What new books have you released in the last year?
Since we last spoke, Jax and Mack has been my only release. It’s been a very full writing year, but a very lean publishing one — which is bound to make for a busy 2015. Book three in the Sons of Masguard series is on the release schedule for early in the year, followed by a trilogy of chapter books, and another picture book by next Christmas.

2) What do you have planned to release soon?
The Dangerous Life of the Honey Bee (Image attached) – a non-fiction picture book for young kids. It follows a worker bee as she goes about an average day; dodging threats, collecting honey, coping with her surroundings. Bees are an incredibly important part of our ecosystem. As a complete fangirl of one of the coolest insects on the planet, I couldn’t be more enthusiastic about sharing the amazing things they have to accomplish in order to maintain a healthy hive.

3) What has inspired you the most along your writer journey?
I was lucky enough to grow up in a reading family. My mother never, ever dismissed the importance of a book and went to some pretty fantastic lengths (example:http://www.viviennemathews.blogspot.com/2013/05/why-i-will-always-love-print-and-my.html ) to encourage her children to view them in the same light. Even now, I have a hard time picturing her without a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Despite the fact that she was (and IS) a frugal and practical woman, never once did she tell me that writing was something I shouldn’t do. She never pointed out that this might be a difficult field or that I’d do better to turn my eye in a more financially viable direction “just to be safe.” Instead, she’d give me another romance, another classic, another strange and ragged cult novel that she found on a shelf in that one secondhand store downtown. To this day, she still sends me home from any visit with a bag full of reading materials. If creativity is indeed a well, she’s done everything in her power to make sure that it never runs dry. And I couldn’t love her more for it.

The Sons of Masguard by Vivienne Mathews is available on Amazon.

The Sons of Masguard by Vivienne Mathews is available on Amazon.

Current Book links:
The Mosque Hill Fortune: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CCID3ZW
Guardian’s Rise: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DUZOU9E
The Sons of Masguard – The Companion Guide: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DX52HCI
Jax and Mack: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G600G48

To Connect to Vivienne Mathews:

Blog: http://www.viviennemathews.blogspot.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VivienneMathews

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7051589.Vivienne_Mathews

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vivienne-Mathews-MG-Writer-Extraordinaire/445474412218828?ref=bookmarks


Today, we wrap up the blog tour. I want to thank all of the authors for participating this week. To show the love, stop by and visit their websites and check out their books. It’s a good way to start the school year. I always need to build up my classroom library. For one more bow, here are the authors for the 2014 Back To School Blog Tour:

I’d also like to thank all of the followers of the Indie Children’s Authors Connection. You’ve helped build the blog by your views and comments over the last 3 years. For that, I am truly grateful. Again, I salute another successful Back to School. As I finish writing this post, it’s time for me to start writing Back to School Night handouts and work on a presentation. So, to all those busy teachers out there, I know what you’re going through. Thank you for all that you do. Have a great school year!