Tag Archives: read aloud

Interview with Jane Owen

Jane Owen is the author of the book, “Tom Woof and Max the Owl”.

With turbulent online distance learning, teachers and parents need more resources to teach social and literary skills more than ever. I’ve found a powerful book written by the author, Jane Owen. It’s called “Tom Woof and Max the Owl”. It’s uses fantasy to model literary skills and social behavior for children. I had the chance to talk to the author about her childhood reading memories, favorite authors growing up, and some upcoming projects.

What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Jane Owen: I grew up loving books. According to my Mummy I was able to read by the age of three. I remember being young, 6 or 7 and reading books under the bedcovers till late at night. I hope my little girl loves books just as much.

Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Jane Owen: I loved the Narnia books! I loved The Secret Garden and National Velvet. I feel like those books inspired me to be more imaginative and a bit braver.

Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Jane Owen: Since the pandemic took away a lot of my regular work I’ve tried to write a little every day. Even if I throw away everything I wrote that day, the action is great for my progress.

What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Jane Owen: Tom Woof and Max The Owl are characters based on the real life writer Thomas Wolfe and his editor, my great-grandfather Max Perkins. I’m working on books that introduce characters based on F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. As well as a completely different series about a Unicorn that focuses on teaching children not to be racist.

What is writing to you in one sentence?

Jane Owen: My great-grandfather Max Perkins always used to say, “There’s nothing as important as a book can be”.

“Tom Woof and Max the Owl” is a story of a puppy with a love for writing. He writes wherever he can, and is misunderstood for this trait. But Max the Owl understands. He guides the little puppy to develop his stories and bring joy to all the other animals on the farm. Bases on a real writer and editor in the life of the author, this book will touch the hearts of any literary focused soul.

“Tom Woof and Max the Owl” is available at Amazon.com.

Day 1: Back to School Blog Tour 2020


back2schoolbanner2020Welcome to the first day of the Back to School Blog Tour for 2020. In these unusual times, I wanted to keep to my traditional events and create a fabulous blog tour to support all the teachers and students learning virtually this school year. All the interviews and books mentioned this week would make create read-alouds, novel studies, and independent reading for students as support for these unusual times.

Before I get into my fabulous first author’s interview, I wanted to give you the link to the Blog Tour Giveaway. All week, it will be open to take entries to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Come back each day to enter again. The winner will be announced next week.

Back to School 2020 Blog Tour Giveaway Link Here! (Run through Rafflecopter.com).


Casey Gale is the author of the children’s book, “Always Together.”

With that introduction, I’d like you to meet my first author. Casey Gale spends a lot of her time helping others to find cost effective housing in her community. She works towards dedicating her time to fight hunger and to assist non-profit organizations to educate families and youth. She’s taken her experiences as well as being a single mom and parent, to create her first children’s book, “Always Together.” This book helps to bridge a relationship between mother and daughter through love.

I had a chance to talk to Casey Gale about her memories of reading as a child, her favorite authors, and what she has in store for future projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Casey Gale: I loved going to the bookstore with my grandma and then coming home retreating to my room or the tree house cuddled with pillows and a blanket. I would be taken away on an adventure for hours. Often times I couldn’t bring my current read to school as I would be distracted. J

Now my bag always has a book in it.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Casey Gale: The Nancy Drew series is what really sparked my love of reading.

  • What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Casey Gale: Don’t hesitate, it’s your story, go for it! Whether you pursue a publishing house or self publish, it’s your vision…there are many options for you to achieve your goal of being a published author. Sometimes the fear won’t go away so you’ll have to do it afraid!

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Casey Gale: I have two other books The Adventures of Midnight and Midnight In Maui with the publisher. Midnight is my black cat. I’m also working on a novel that is based on true events.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Casey Gale: Experiencing a vacation, creative and real life, and expressing real life vulnerabilities.

AlwaysTogether-Cvr“Always Together” is a loving letter to all daughters from their mothers. Told with rhyming lines, this story helps convey the inner thoughts of a mother to her daughter as she grows up. It’s an ode told by a mother to help all daughters understand their mother’s love and actions to bring them closer together. In times such as these, stressing love and relationships is something that all mother’s want to reaffirm. Bring comfort and connection with your little one as a read aloud or for the start of the school year.

“Always Together” is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

For more information or to connect with the author, visit her Amazon Author page or at her social media:

Instagram: @caseygaleus
Facebook: @caseygaleofficial

Thanks for stopping by today. Look forward daily posts all week with more featured books, author interviews and links to helpful, supportive blog posts during these crazy, pandemic times. Until tomorrow, keep reading!

-Tiffany Turner

Head writer/Editor

Indie Children’s Authors Connection Blog


Interview with Eric DeSio



Eric DeSio is the author of the children’s book, The Social Distance King.

As we head further into summer, families are starting to emerge and take safe holidays. To help you with your quest back into the world, I found a great book to help with some of the new normals that are going to be part of our every day lives for a while.

A new book by author Eric DeSio helps to teach social distancing. It is called The Social Distance King. With school starting in the fall, teachers will also be interested in new class structure introduction books as we all take on dealing with the continued pandemic. This book will help in the quest for educators to find books to introduce these new topics to children.

I had a chance to interview Eric DeSio. He shared his love for story telling, and the need to teach lessons in his books. The Social Distance King by Eric DeSio helps introduce the topic of social distancing to children. In the interview, he shares his childhood reading memories, his favorite authors, and what projects he has in story for us.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child? 

My favorite childhood reading memory would be reading Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax.  I remember feeling totally immersed in the imaginary world of that book. The characters and scenery were real and alive for me.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you? 

As a child I would say Dr. Seuss. I enjoyed and continue to enjoy the rhyming and visual presentation. I’m not certain about how Dr. Seuss influenced my writing exactly, but I appreciate that he seems to have lose rules if any. I love the originality of his stories.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you. 

Often my writing starts with me singing about something. If I’m singing something, then I will usually write about it. And if I write about it, then I usually will start singing about it. I often write about stories or topics that intrigue me and that don’t “go away”. If the story and idea stay with me for a while, then I feel more naturally moved to write about it.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects? 

Wow. So many but at the same time, there are actually very few specific subjects that I feel I must write about in the future. Recently, for the most part, if I want to write about something, then I write about it. In general, I can say that I would like to write about challenging subjects or subjects that are not often written on. Also, I can see myself writing some non-fiction in the future.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Writing to me is expression, sharing and connection.

social-distance-king-frontThe Social Distance King is a book that introduces the sensitive top of kids and social distancing. It’s a kid-friendly way to introduce them to this new social norm, and to teach them about the reasons for its use to keep them safe.

For a limited time, a FREE copy of this book will be offered through the authors website at: http://ericauthor.com/social-distance-king/.

The Social Distance King is also available as a free Kindle Unlimited title. Printed hardcover copies are also available at Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Picture Book Review: “Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values”



“Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” is the first in a series of heart-warming picture books.

I always like to find the hidden gems that can brighten up anyone’s day. I think a book about a dog is a great way to do this, especially with the current pandemic. We are looking back to family values, nature and the best addition to any household, pets. The lessons we can learn from our pets starts when we are children. I think I’ve found a wonderful picture book that shows the values of pets, love and family in  “Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” by Merav Gamliel Boschan.

We meet a wonderful dog, Mozzi, and his family. From a puppy to growing up to full doghood, we read about all the different challenges of life and lessons learned by Mozzi the dog with help from his family. They also learn from him in turn. It’s a great read aloud during these hard times of lockdown and isolation. The one thing that always seems to help during these hard times seems to be sharing a book with the family. This will make a wonderful read-aloud at bedtime or shared as an activity.

“Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” is available at Amazon.com. It is the first book in a series of four, and is a Kindle Unlimited title.


Interview with Javelin Jaaziel


Need a perk up for your child’s reading? Here is a spunky book to make the whole family laugh. Javelin Jaaziel is the author behind a fantastic character, Slog the Winged Frog. Javelin got the idea from a hypothetical question that a zany and inspiring Science teacher would often ask. A terrific story to get the imagination sailing, Slog the Winged Frog: Sister’s Surprise begins the series with this loving and endearing character. I had a chance to talk to Javelin Jaaziel about the love of writing, memories of reading as a child, and what projects are in store for us. 

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Javelin Jaaziel: When I discovered the little girls next door were fake reading. They read a line in a picture book “black and white ducks”, when really it read “white and black ducks”, but they had memorized it incorrectly. 

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Javelin Jaaziel: More about Slog and his continued attempts to fly, and another story that’s still under wraps. Also something about ocean thermal energy conversion and it’s many potentials, including its ability to end the devastating effects of droughts and hurricanes.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Javelin Jaaziel: A creative outlet, and a way to express ideas.

Slog the Winged FrogSlog the Winged Frog: Sister’s Surprise is the introduction to the lovable frog character of Slog. He lives in a normal swamp with normal friends. But Slog is no ordinary frog. He has wings. Yet, he doesn’t know how to fly. In his search for the answer, he meets Hooty the Owl and Squiggly Squirrel. Does he find the courage to fly? Find out in this delightful story that combines humor and acceptance into a new spin on the Dumbo theme.


Slog the Winged Frog: Sister’s Surprise is available at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.




Interview with Belle Brown


In these hard times during the corona virus, it’s nice to read to your little one(s) about hugs. Here is a great picture book that tells of a cuddly porcupine that has to overcome the obstacle of his quills. Belle Brown is the author of the fabulous book, Porcupine Hugs. She wanted to bring the power of learning through storytelling with her writing. Each of her books develop children’s cognitive abilities, help parents bond with their child, and nurture a love for reading. I had a chance to talk to Belle Brown about her childhood reading memories, writing process, and future projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Belle Brown: When I was a child, my grandmother, a retired teacher, would bring us hand-me-down books from my older cousins when she would visit us every summer. I remember getting excited just knowing that I will have new books to read. I had no favourite books, back then, but I would re-read all the books that she brought home for us. I distinctly remember reading Green Eggs and Ham, though, when I was six.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Belle Brown: My favourite author is Dr. Seuss, and so I love to make silly rhymes and rhyming stories.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future books?

Belle Brown: I would like to write more about learning books which introduces important concepts to toddlers and preschoolers. I would also like to add more to my learning series, Patrick the Piglet’s Learning Adventures Series.

porcupinehugscvrPorcupine Hugs is a picture book written in rhyming verse and illustrated to bring your child into the world of Perry the Porcupine. This persistent porcupine loves to give hugs. But he’s got one problem. His quills. What is a porcupine to do? Inspiring in the way he solves this problem, Perry will warm your heart as much as teach about positivity and positive thoughts for everyone. Filled with high frequency sight words, this picture book will uplift your child’s day as well as help them learn the building blocks for reading.

Porcupine Hugs is available at: Amazon.com as a Kindle Unlimited title.


Interview with Martika Shanel



Martika Shanel has written the inspirational picture book, I Am Loved & I Love Me

I’m still working hard to find helpful, supportive books for children during these crazy times. As a parent, one thing you might be searching for is a supportive book for your child’s mental well-being during the stress of the outbreak. I think I found something that can help.

I’ve located a marvelous book by author, Martika Shanel. She’s written a book to inspire youth to look inside themselves for love and acceptance. I Am Loved & I Love Me is a picture book that helps build an essential foundation at an early age and to help them build self-love with positive affirmations. I had the chance to talk with Martika about her childhood memories, what she has planned for future projects, and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Martika Shanel: Getting to escape to other worlds is my favorite memory from reading as a child. And I enjoyed the fact that the selection of those worlds were endless–a remarkable concept to embrace at that time. I remember the library being my solace.

  • What projects would you like to write about in the future?

Martika Shanel: In the future, I would like to write books that help children build and solidify their foundation of self-love and acceptance at various stages of their formative years, even into adulthood. An outlier subject, for me, is writing a thriller novel that I have yet to mentally release (I cannot wait to get started!).

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Martika Shanel: Writing is a liberating medium, allowing one to release thoughts and move others in a multitude of directions.

I Am Final CoverI Am Loved & I Love Me helps promote positive affirmations with children. With uplifting talk and beautiful illustrations, this book will reinforce the significance of talking positive about oneself and looking towards your own inner beauty. This would make a great daily affirmation routine for any child during these uncertain times.

I Am Loved & I Love Me is available at https://www.insparead.com/merch.

For more information on Martika Shanel, visit her website at: www.martikashanel.com.

Parent Support for Homeschool: Free Ebook & Online Novel Study



The Lost Secret of Fairies is FREE on Smashwords for a limited time!

So folks, some of you have been following along with a two week, free novel study. I thank you for that, and am warmed by the feedback I’ve been hearing. Because of this, I wanted to help you out even further.

I have managed to find a way to get the ebook for the novel study, FREE, for a limited time. From now until the end of the month, The Lost Secret of Fairies ebook is FREE. Yes, you heard that right. I’m giving it to you as a gift, along with the entire free online novel study, to help promote reading and learning during these hard times for the world. It is my gift to the world to hopefully help us all get through together. I’m sure fairies are something we all need right now.

Link to Smashwords Free Ebook

Offer extended until May 31, 2020.

I hope you enjoy the story, and for those of you just finding my blog, here is a link to the entire online novel study in order. It takes about 2 weeks to go through the whole novel study. Please leave any comments or feedback on how you are enjoying it. Plus, feel free to add any questions too. I love talking to people and finding out how they enjoyed my book.

summer1The Free Online Lost Secret of Fairies Novel Study

Day 1: Beginning of The Novel Study/Journal Entry Set Up

Day 2: Spooky Writing Online Unit

Day 3: Chapter 1-3 Study Questions

Day 4: Chapter 4-6 Study Questions/Blog Reading Activity

Day 5: Chapter 7-8 Study Questions/Definitions Activity Worksheet

Day 6: Chapter 9-10 Study Questions/Using Fairy Tales & Legends in Lit Paragraph Response Reading Activity

Day 7: Chapter 11-12 Study Questions/ PE Activity

Day 8: End of Book Study Questions/ Summary & Character Change Response Worksheets

Day 9: Theme/Author Message Response Worksheet/Video Lesson

Day 10: Final Essay Test & Grading Rubric with Completion Certificate

Bonus Posts:

Tips for Helping to Create Structure & Schedule For Distance Learning/Homeschooling 

Reflection on the Emotional Impact of the Corona Virus Lockdown: Poem and Journal Response Activity

Just remember, wash your hands, stay safe, and be kind to everyone, because the world needs that right now. Oh, and fairies. We need the World of Fairies too.

So, enjoy, read and write!

Until next time,

Tiffany Turner

***Tiffany Turner is the author of the children’s fantasy series, the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. She has had 18 years teaching experience in California as a public elementary teacher. She is currently tutoring in the private sector and continuing to write full time. 


Interview with Yolanda Avery


authorphoto Yolanda Avery

Yolanda Avery is the author of the book “The Adventures of Granny Fannie”.

I hope you are staying safe with your family, and have started a routine for your quarantine life if you’re area or state is in lockdown. Hopefully, over the next few weeks, I can find some more fabulous books and authors to interview along with more tips for distance learning. I’m proud to lend my 20 years of teaching experience to help out the parents finding themselves teachers all of a sudden during this pandemic crisis. I’ll try my best to support you.

This brings me to my next author I’d like to introduce to you. Yolanda Avery grew up in Louisiana with the dream to run her own business and to make a difference. She has been a screenwriter, writer and business entrepreneur. Her book, The Adventures of Granny Fannie, creates a unique, inspirational character that uses her rhyming conversations to inspire others during her adventures. I had the chance to talk with Yolanda about her memories of reading as a child, what authors influenced her and what writing means to her.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Yolanda Avery: My favorite memory from reading was from my dad. I can remember when I was about 6 or 7 years of old. My dad woke me up early in the morning, and he had prepared a tea party for the two of us. He had placed all of my stuffed animal friends around this white table I had in my room. It was during the holiday season because I remember that was my first taste of eggnog. He had all the cups at the table filled with this tasty beverage and chocolate chip cookies on each saucier.

Then he pulled out one of my favorite books. Of course, it was the book of nursery rhymes. The book was filled with so many of my favorite short stories. We spent hours at the table drinking and reading from my favorite nursery rhymes stories. This is a memory that I continue to share with my family.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Yolanda Avery: Beatrix Potter was my favorite children’s author. As a child, I can remember dreaming that I lived in an imaginative world creating fantasies out of many daily tales. My mind often wondered in a world of “what if”. I love how her stories of Peter Rabbit seemed so real to me.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Yolanda Avery:
Writing to me is exhilarating!

granniefannycvrThe Adventures of Granny Fannie is a collection of short stories involving a grandmother character called Granny Fannie. Each story includes inspirational adventures all told through the enjoyment of rhyme. Granny Fannie will bring a hip and fresh look into many educational and life lessons told through the point of view of her unique personality.

The Adventures of Granny Fannie is available at: Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com.

For more information on Yolanda Avery, please visit her website at: https://yolandacavery.com/.



Interview with Steph Alexis


Father _ Son

Steph Alexis is the author of the book “The Burping Pumpkin” pictured here with his son.

In response to the corona virus lockdowns going on throughout the U.S. and the world, I’m continuing to feature author interviews and their books as a support for parents homeschooling during this crisis. I’ve found a great book that should bring a little humor and cheer into your lives at this time. The Burping Pumpkin is a humorous picture book written by Steph Alexis.

Mr. Alexis grew up in Grenada, and found himself making up stories to pass the time with the other village children. He used this skill to create fantasies with a touch of laughter; just the perfect thing to read to your children during these unnerving times. I had the chance to talk to Mr. Alexis about his childhood memories, what advice he has about writing, and what future projects he has in store for us.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Steph Alexis: My favorite memory from reading as a child was when my parents took me to the public library in the town and the excitement of seeing so many books. I wanted to take them all home! Reading was my most exciting class at school. We went outdoors and read under the shade of a huge Tamarind tree.
2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Steph Alexis: My favorite author was C. S. Lewis. His fantasy classic “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” was a very fascinating and intriguing adventure, which ignited my love for reading. This book and the others in process all have that element of intrigue and adventure.
3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Steph Alexis: I enjoy writing early in the mornings, that is when my creative juices are most abundant. I also make allowances for writing down and fresh ideas that pop into my head throughout the day. I have made a commitment to write for at least 30 minutes every day.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Steph Alexis: I have two books in the works, “The Magic Basketball” and “The Adventures of Zachery the Zebra”, which I plan to publish later this year. Both books will have embedded themes on, leadership, teamwork, and honesty with some adventure.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Steph Alexis: Writing is the ability to express all of one’s imaginative and creative juices in a coherent manner for the benefit of others.

6) What was the inspiration to write this story?

Steph Alexis: I have always been interested in becoming a writer but never took the time to fully explore the possibility. When my son was in 6th grade, I gave him some assistance in writing a fictional story for his homework assignment. This exercise re-ignited my interest and I made a commitment to start writing. Of course, the story of the burping pumpkin was the first that popped into my head. This is my first publication.

7) How do you think humor enriches literature for children?

Steph Alexis: Humor is a very important ingredient in the social development of children. For children, as well as adults, humor is the best stress reliever. In today’s environment children are under greater amount of stress from the information overload that exists, as well as a push from adults for them to develop and learn at a faster pace. For this reason, humor is even more important to assist their young minds in maintaining some balance.
8) Why a “burping pumpkin”? Where did this idea come from?

Steph Alexis: The idea for this book came from an old folk tale that we recited as children on nights when there was a full moon. I started telling my son this story at bedtime and it became a nightly ritual. He would laugh hysterically and ask me to repeat the story, sometimes six times in one night! With all the what, how, why, and when questions I got from him every night, the story evolved to become “The Burping Pumpkin”.

9) What messages to you like to put into your stories?

Steph Alexis: I like to embed subtle themes and life lessons in my stories, such as obedience, teamwork, honesty and leadership. I strongly believe that these themes should be introduced to children at an early age when they are most impressionable.
10) Are you planning to write about growing up in the Grenada?

Steph Alexis: Yes! I plan to write a book called “The adventures of the Island Boy”. I have quite a bit of fascinating stories to tell about my boyhood days growing up on a tiny island in the Caribbean Sea.

The Burping PumpkinThe Burping Pumpkin is a witty and hilarious story that will have your children laughing as you read aloud. Zach and Zoe live in a tiny village. The mountains that surround their home are filled with giants. On an errand to pick berries, they venture further than they should and encounter a mountain giant. Who comes to the rescue? A Burping Pumpkin! This book is a great way to bring humor and literature into your child’s life. It’s great for elementary children as a reading activity during this corona virus lockdown or for traditional homeschooling.

The Burping Pumpkin is available at these Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

For more information on Steph Alexis, please visit his website at: https://outskirtspress.com/theburpingpumpkin.