Tag Archives: primary colors

Day 2 of the 2021 Back to School Blog Tour: Laura Schaumer


It’s Day Two of the Back to School Blog Tour for 2021. I’m starting with an exciting author and her book, “Kita and the Magic Paint” that can help instruct about secondary colors.

Laura Schaumer is the author of the children’s book, “Kita and the Magic Paint”.

Laura Schaumer is a children’s writer with a degree from George Brown College and Certificate in American Sign Language. She has a background in knowing how to communicate with children, and uses this ability in her writing. She currently lives in Ontario, Canada, and loves to go camping, listen to live music and create arts and crafts. She lives with her husband and daughter. I had the chance to ask Laura about her favorite childhood reading memories, writing routine and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Laura Schaumer: As child, my favorite thing to do was read under my blanket with a flashlight and immerse myself in any book I could get my hands on. It was one of my favorite things to do in my elementary years.

  • What future projects are you working on?

Laura Schaumer: Right now, I am working on my 2nd and 3rd book. I love to write about everything and anything. The most amazing thing about being a children’s author is that there is nothing that confines you to explore any idea that arises in your imagination.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Laura Schaumer: Writing is endless freedom to share and discover with everyone.

“Kita and the Magic Paint” is a story where magic happens in art. Meet Kita the Raccoon and all her friends. They discover the magic of painting and a way to create new colors with primary colors. By combining certain colors, new colors called secondary colors, can be formed. It’s all a journey to the mystery of forming new out of what you have. This book will spark an experimentation mindset in your child to dip into their curiosity and explore their creativity. Basic color theory comes alive in relatable characters and reminds us that magic can be found everywhere, especially through making art.

“Kita and the Magic Paint” is available at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

For more information on Laura Schaumer and her other books, please visit her website here.

Thanks for stopping by for today’s featured author. Please don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a $25 Amazon Gift Card! It’s a big thank you for stopping by and supporting the participating authors. Winner will be announced Monday, Sept. 13, 2021.

Until tomorrow, stay safe and happy back to school!

Interview for L. A. Davis


Summer reading will be starting soon. I’ve got a lot of fabulous books lined up to add to your child’s reading list. My first author in the series of recommendations is L. A. Davis. She has written a fabulous coloring book called “AJ Learns Her Colors & Shades”. The character is based on her granddaughter and is the first in a learning series. Children can learn primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors, the colors of the rainbow, and shades with the help of their parents. It’s a great activity book for the summer days ahead. I had a chance to talk to author L. A. Davis about childhood reading memories and about writing.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?
L. A Davis: My second-grade teacher allowed each student to sit in front of the class and read a book from the “library” we had in the back of the classroom. I hate that I don’t remember the name of that book, but I do remember it was about snow and the child had on a red coat with a pointy hat. It might have even been a bunny suit, but it was red and the hood part was pointy. It stood out to me because I was born on an island and we don’t have snow. Another book I do remember is called “The Little House.” I got to read that one in front of the class also.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.
L. A Davis: Usually when I write, I pick a song and play that song to inspire me. I haven’t found a routine in writing the coloring books, but give me time :0).

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?
L. A Davis: Writing is so much fun!

aj cover-pagefront“AJ Learns Her Colors & Shades” is a fabulous child’s coloring book that teaches the basics of colors and the rainbow. Fill summer days and weekends with this fun activity, and apply new artistic skills to decorate your home. This is a great activity book for distance learning and for the summer months ahead.

“AJ Learns Her Colors & Shades” is available at: Barnes & Noble.com and Amazon.com.