Tag Archives: patriot’s day

Back to School Blog Tour 2017 Starts Today!


2017B2SchoolBannerWelcome to the 5th Annual Back to School Blog Tour! This week, Indie Children’s Authors will be featured. Each day, there will be an author interview with a book review on a participating blog. Click to the link to read the book review. Plus, there is a giveaway of a $25 Amazon Gift Card going on all week. Just pass the word around in tweets, comment about the blog tour or join mailing lists to enter. Giveaway goes until Saturday, Sept. 16.

Link here for $25 Amazon Gift Card to purchase your own class library or books for Back to School!


Schedule for the Week:

  1. Monday Sept. 11: Schedule and Giveaway link posted
  2. Tuesday Sept. 12: Featured Author Becca Price
  3. Wednesday Sept. 13: Featured Author Teddy O’Malley
  4. Thursday Sept. 14: Featured Author: Tiffany Turner
  5. Friday Sept. 15: Blog Tour Recap: Last day to sign up for Giveaway

For those lost today, this blog tour is dedicated to all week! Always remember, never forget!

I’d also like to acknowledge on today, Patriot’s Day, those that were lost in the attacks on 9/11. I was teaching that day, and saw the attacks on the second tower as I was getting ready to go to work. Many kids went to school that day, and some did not. Those that went, I had to help them deal with the emotional fall out of the attack, and continued to do that in the days to come.

That Friday, our school  had a moment of silence with the Nation, in which impromptu, many teacher’s grabbed the flags in their classrooms and the whole school stood in the assembly area, each student in a class holding the American Flag for their classroom. The flag became a symbol of hope, strength, and pride for our country. I understand the meaning of it and for those that had fought for it in the past.

So, on this day of remembrance, I share with you one of the memories of that day. I was proud to go to work that day and teach the children, now adults, of our great country. The children I taught that day were 10, and are now 27. So, for their children and the future children of the US, I dedicate this blog tour to educating the future. It’s going to make our country strong and keep us united through everything.

I hope you join me again tomorrow for our first featured author, Becca Price. Until then, remember those that were lost on 9/11.

-Tiffany Turner