Tag Archives: parent child relationship

Second Interview with Simone Chasey


Greetings and happy holidays! With December looming with its oodles of activities and holiday cheer, it’s good to take the time to connect and read with your child. One of the authors I’ve featured before has a second book in her short story series. Her series is a great way to connect and build morals during bedtime and read-aloud time.

Simone Chasey loves to build a bridge with her literary works that bring parents and children closer together. With her second book, “Beyond the Horizon: Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids Part II”, she is continuing her mission to use reading to build and enrich family bonds. I had the chance to catch up with Simone with her writing journey over the last year and find out what she has planned for further parent-children relationship enrichment.

1) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Simone Chasey: Writing is the creative art of weaving thoughts, emotions, and ideas into a tapestry of words that helps the reader use their imagination, learns to communicate, and resonates with others.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

 Simone Chasey: At first, it was merely an idea that sparked in my mind — a desire to impart moral lessons to children. As new ideas continued to emerge, I began jotting them down on a notepad, laying the foundation for future books I have yet to create. This approach ensures a constant stream of projects to work on.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

 Simone Chasey: In considering future projects, my focus transcends subjects; rather, I envision crafting experiences that transform learning into a captivating and interactive journey. My ultimate goal is to infuse the joy of discovery into education, making the process not only enlightening but also entertaining.

Moreover, I aspire to contribute to the strengthening of family bonds, creating literature that not only facilitates learning but also serves as a conduit for parents to engage with their children. Through stories that resonate with both young and old, I aim to mend the bonds of family, fostering shared moments of reading that become cherished memories, and nurturing connections that endure beyond the pages of a book.

Book Blurb:

“Beyond the Horizon: Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids Part II” is a compilation of short stories that transports young readers to a world where imagination converges with wisdom. This collection explores essential life lessons through captivating tales, ranging from the thrill of success to the valuable teachings hidden within failures. Each story introduces endearing characters on unique journeys of self-discovery, engaging children’s imaginations while imparting morals that linger throughout their lives. From resilience to compassion, courage to the true meaning of success, this book weaves storytelling magic with life’s richness, providing a blend of entertainment and enlightenment. These tales gently guide children to explore emotions, confront fears, and make wise choices, making it a valuable tool for parents, teachers, and caregivers. This timeless collection not only entertains but also educates, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of young readers.

To find out more about her first book, please click here. This is a Kindle Unlimited series.

For more information on Simone Chasey and her other books, please visit her Amazon authors page here. Also available is her Instagram account here.

To read her first interview on my blog, please visit here.