Tag Archives: pandemic break activities

Interview with Joy Harris-Bird


Heading into the rest of 2020, you might be searching for a way to calm and help your little one during all the changes of online or distance learning.  Plus, reading a book with your little one is a great way to bond and carry on with this strange, new normal we are all living in. I’ve got a great book to share with your little one or with a whole classroom.

Joy Harris-Bird is the author of the book, “Different Like Me”. She is a creative writer, entrepreneur and independent blogger. She loves to write stories that inspire others. In her new book, she is creating a magical journey for children to see themselves as who they really are, and to love themselves for it.

I had the chance to talk to Joy about her favorite authors growing up, why she loves to write and what it means to her.

1) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Joy Harris-Bird: Maya Angelou is my favorite author. I love that she didn’t let her past stop her from writing. Her words and actions have made a lasting impact on the world. She inspired me to work hard to make my dreams a reality!

2) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Joy Harris-Bird: I love writing about embracing differences and being kind to one another. I believe we need to teach children that it is ok to be different. I want to spread that message to children all over the world!

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Joy Harris-Bird: Writing is using my words to catch your attention and capture your heart!

“Different Like Me” is a huge adventure as children quest to find their true selves through the use of a magical mirror. Each with a disability, the children discover the secret of the mirror. To their surprise, it’s more than a secret. It’s the secret shared by everyone.

“Different Like Me” is available at Amazon.com and is a Kindle Unlimited title..

For more information on Joy Harris-Bird, please visit her website at: http://www.joyharrisbird.com/.

Interview with Semara Moffitt


As we continue this unusual start to the school year, I’d like to present another self-confidence book to build character and help with problem solving skills. Semara Moffitt is the author of the book, “Marissa’s Scrunchie Collection”. It’s a marvelous story in which a girl learns that inner beauty is more powerful than outer beauty, and that choices can make a difference. Its print edition is a coloring book, and will make a great activity during pandemic indoor days. I had a chance to talk to Semara about her favorite authors, writing routine, and what projects she has in store for us.

  1. Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Semara Moffitt: “I Am Enough”, by Grace Byers, is such a wonderful book! It demonstrates excepting yourself as who you are no matter what anyone thinks or says.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Semara Moffitt: Usually, I will write down the first idea that comes to mind and work out the details little by little overtime. My first book took about 3 months for me to write.

3) What projects are you working on now? What subjects would you like to write about?
Semara Moffitt:
I am currently working on a Christmas book. I’m not quite sure if it will be ready this year, but I’m very excited to share my work.

“Marissa’s Scrunchie Collection” is about the choices we make in life and how they can affect how we feel about ourselves. Marissa has a drawer full of different scrunchies. There are shiny ones, patterned ones, and sparkly ones. Picture day is here, and she needs to pick out just the right one to look beautiful and perfect. But she can’t seem to find the right one? Will choosing a scrunchie be the right choice? Or will Marissa come up with the perfect look all on her own?

Marissa’s Scrunchie Collection is available on Amazon as an ebook or paperback book. The print edition makes a great coloring book gift.

For more information on the author, Semara Moffitt, visit her author’s page at: https://www.amazon.com/S-M-LiteratureLLC/e/B08GH9J845.

Interview with Mark Even


Mark Even PIC

Mark Even is the author of the children’s book, “The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol”.

As we move into a time where many schools are taking early Spring breaks or closing for 3 weeks for protection against spreading the corona virus, I’ll be helping out with recommendations, interviews, and my own lesson plans for parents during this time. I know it’s hard to find activities and lessons for your child. So, I’ll be featuring author interviews, book deals, and other ideas to help with this interim.

I’m starting out with an interview with a fabulous children’s fantasy author, Mark Even. Mr. Even lives in Minnesota, and worked for IBM for thirty-seven years. After he retired, he got the idea to write a children’s book from a local children’s book fair. Combining his love of comic books, superheroes, science fiction and Harry Potter, he created the book “The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol”. Written for his granddaughter’s and all children’s enjoyment, it’s a children’s fantasy with dragons, wizards and a magical parasol with special powers. I got a chance to talk to Mark Even about his childhood reading memories, writing routine, and what he plans for future projects.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?
Mark Even: The first real book that I read was a biography about Babe Ruth. I was really into baseball as a kid (still am) and played through college and even after college. And I was also a big fan of baseball. But as a kid, I also remember how the nuns at the school would bring TVs into the classroom for the World Series since there were very few night games back then. Baseball was a big part of my life and that book sticks in my mind as part of that whole passion.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?
Mark Even: To be totally honest, Stan Lee is my favorite author. During my teens (even through college), about all I could afford for entertainment were comic books. I found the whole Marvel Comics Universe so interesting and creative. And now, technology has caught up and these stories can be told in films. But I think the whole creativity of making impossible things seem real and natural while working in stories of family and relationships along with the battles of good vs evil — this is what I strive to portray in my stories as well.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.
Mark Even: First I start forming a plot in my head and then even “write” chapters or sections in my head as well. This will go on for weeks — keeps me awake most of the nights thinking through plot lines and dialogue. Next, I jot down the major plot points in a notebook and various particular items, like a name of a character or the distance between Earth and Mars, so I don’t forget these or have to look them up again. Finally, I’ll sit down and just start writing on the computer. Probably just a chapter at a time, but I often go back and rewrite or enhance the writing with new items or plot points that tie to the next chapter.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?
Mark Even: I’m pretty much set on developing more stories about magical persons and creatures.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Mark Even: Being retired, writing (or more accurately, making up stories), is one of my favorite pastimes!

WPP pic (2)“The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol” is a children’s fantasy adventure that brings to mind Harry Potter, superheroes and every day kids with a magical purpose. Two cousins find a magical parasol that unlocks a world to discover their magical heritage. Mistakenly releasing an evil magician leads to the cousins working together to save their wizard ancestor, the parasol, and their families. This is a magical adventure that children from upper grade elementary to middle school will enjoy.

“The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol” is available at: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

For more information, visit Mark Even’s Amazon Author Page at: https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Mark-M-Even/e/B082HYFKXP.