Tag Archives: novel study for the lost secret of faireis

Day 3: Online Novel Study, The Lost Secret of Fairies: Study Questions Chapters 1 – 3


Today, study questions for chapters 1 – 3 for the novel study.

Welcome to day 3 of the FREE online novel study for my book, The Lost Secret of Fairies. As I’m writing this, the governor of my state, California, is speaking about the possible closure of schools in California. So, I’m hoping that posting these resources are going to help parents find resources to continue the learning for their children. Plus, I am available for questions if you post in the comments section.

The learning can continue in the powerful medium of the internet. I am a fully credentialed teacher with 20 years experience to help with this teaching emergency/crisis. I’ve kept all my materials at a low, self sustaining price. I have some free lessons to go along with low priced materials I’ve put on sale in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Today, I’m listing the promised study questions for the first several chapters of the book, The Lost Secret of Fairies. These questions can be answered in the journal you created on a separate piece of paper, or in a notebook you may have on hand. I originally used many of these comprehension questions for journal questions for my students in the classroom during the time I taught the unit in the classroom.

summer1Chapter 1- 3 Questions:

  1. How would you feel if you were Wanda being led into a mysterious, fairy world?
  2. Describe what you think the underground fairy world looks like. Look in the book for phrases and examples and list them in your answer.
  3. Why do you think Wanda’s wish to open the trunk door worked?
  4. What is your favorite scene in the story so far?
  5. What is the problem in the book The Lost Secret of Fairies?

Bonus: How do you think Wanda is going to try to solve the problem?

Next week, I will post study questions for chapters 4 – 6. Plus, I am gathering information of materials and lesson plans from other authors. I’ll be posting additional resources from authors daily through this Corona Virus Lockdown Break. There are also additional activities having to do with nonfiction reading blog posts I’ve written for this blog that relate to the book. There will be the post to read and questions in regards to the post.

I hope you are enjoying the story, and I am happy to answer any questions you may have as you read. Just post in the comments below.

Until tomorrow,

-Tiffany Turner

(Mrs. Turner)