Tag Archives: new children’s book

It’s a Launch! The Lost Secret of Time is Now Available as an Ebook Preorder!

Lost Secret - High Resolution (1)

The last book in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles is releasing on Sept. 10, 2018!

It’s here! Finally after three years of blood, sweat and tears, the last in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles is available for preorder. The official launch date is Sept. 10,  2018. But you can get your ebook ordered and ready ahead of time. It is available for preorder on all retail platforms. The links below will take you to your preferred retailer to get the ball rolling for your own copy. The price is $3.99!


Barnes and Noble



The print book is in the process of being ready for preorder too. It is just taking a little bit longer than the ebook. But I’ll have all the links up as soon as they are available. I just wanted to get the links for the ebook out there, because I know there are some people that have been waiting for this book to drop. 😉

Thank you to EVERYONE that has supported me over the last 3 years through my illness and new normal. This whole series has been a work of love and I am so proud to be able to finally bring it to you now. It is a life’s work and I’m happy to be able to see it through to it’s end in spite of my heart condition and illness. I cannot wait to see what you all think of it.

Plus, the Back to School Blog Tour is in the process of planning. Different authors will be participating, giving insights to behind the scenes of writing their books through interviews, and there will even be some special discount deals to start off the new school year. My new book, The Lost Secret of Time, will be releasing on the first day of the blog tour.

So stay tuned over the next few weeks. It will prove to be very exciting.

UPDATE: The print edition is now available for The Lost Secret of Time. Due to the Createspace merge, there will be no preorder for the print edition. It is AVAILABLE NOW to be shipped to your preferred address.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Secret-Crystal-Keeper-Chronicles/dp/0997817054

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-lost-secret-of-time-tiffany-turner/1129320107


-Tiffany Turner



The Lost Secret of Dragonfire Has Been Released


The Lost Secret of Dragonfire is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

The Lost Secret of Dragonfire is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Hear ye, hear ye! I am proud to announce the release of the third book in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles, The Lost Secret of Dragonfire. It has been a long time in making. After three long years of work, I’d like to thank my editor, Shelley Holloway. She helped me navigate the twisty paths of narrative verb agreement. Plus, a big thank you to Rich Wallace, the talented artist that does my cover and interior illustrations.

To celebrate, I will be doing a book signing at Booksmart in Morgan Hill on June 1 from 3pm to 5pm. Come hear me play the Gaelic harp, read an excerpt of the book, and chat with me about the series. I’ll be happy to sign any other books in the series as well. Booksmart is located at 80 East 2nd St. in Morgan Hill, CA. It is near the corner of 2nd St. and Depot St. Their phone number is: 408-778-6467.

Here is a little about the new book:
Fairies are still real. Don’t have doubts. Their world can be dangerous as well. Wanda is too familiar with this. As a Crystal Keeper, she helps the fairies of her realm. But the evil sorcerer Balkazaar has other plans. He’s kidnapped her friend and fellow Crystal Keeper Edina. Wanda is faced with the mystery of her disappearance while trying to figure out Balkazaar’s next move. Haunted by dreams of dragons, Wanda must find a way to save her friend. But problems don’t end with just one path. Will she find the right one to save the Fairy World? Or will Balkazaar have other plans? Join her in the third book of the Crystal Keeper Chronicles.

An excerpt as Wanda faces Balkazaar again:
“‘You always have great timing, Balkazaar.’ Really. I was mad. I didn’t even think to be scared. I was sick of this guy ruining my day, my life, and for taking my friend. ‘So, what have you been up to? Sick of Eddie yet? Can you bring her back like a good villain, or do I have to get rough?’

He gave a chuckle at that. ‘Really, Wanda. Of all the Keepers, I seem to like you best. I think it’s because you seem to watch so much of that contraption in your world. What is it called, a television? I think it gives you too many ideas. Really, you should study more of the books Castrotomas and Brewford give you.’ He twists his mustache. ‘I’m not your average villain, you see. I have plans for you.'”

***The Lost Secret of Dragonfire can be purchased at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com. It is available for the Nook and for the Kobo Ereader.