Tag Archives: Mya

Interview with Freddie Bell


With the little ones stuck inside, I’ve been on the search for activity adventures through books. It’s the safe way to spend the summer, and can be enjoyed in any backyard or camping trip. My newest discovery is the picture book, “Mya, the Amazing Girl with Magical Hair, Rides Her Bike” written by author Freddie Bell. I had a chance to interview Freddie about his childhood reading memories, writing routine, favorite authors, and what he has in store for future projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Freddie Bell: My favorite memory reading as a child came after I read an adventure book and tried to convince my neighborhood friends to go on an overnight adventure with me. (We were seven years old at the time.)

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Freddie Bell: James Patterson, I love the character development and plot twists.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Freddie Bell: I write constantly. Any situation can spark an idea.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Freddie Bell: Space Travel, Entrepreneurship, and Empathy. You can throw a little comedy in there as well.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Freddie Bell: Fun!MYARidesHerBikeCVR

“Mya, the Amazing Girl with Magical Hair, Rides Her Bike” takes you on a daring, magical adventure. Written by Freddie Bell and illustrated by Aria Jones, this picture book will sweep you into another world of fantasy adventure. It’s available at Amazon.com as a Kindle Unlimited title.