Tag Archives: Mouse's Splashy Tuesday

Interview with C. Lovelady


With the weather changing with the leaves, it’s a great time to cuddle up with a book, some hot cocoa and share a great story with your little ones. I’ve found a great read-aloud book to share on those cold, rainy days. C. Lovelady has written the book, “Mouse’s Splashy Tuesday” with a flare for the creative connection with animals and children.  I had the chance to talk to Ms. Lovelady about her childhood reading memories, future projects, and what writing means to her.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

C. Lovelady: I loved when my mom would read “Stone Soup” by Ann McGovern just before bed. It was the type of book that beautifully combined weird and wholesome.

2) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

C. Lovelady: I’m currently developing a nonfiction book and two adult dramatic fiction novellas. For the future, I’d love to work on cybersecurity and technology-focused stories for children.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

C. Lovelady: For me, writing is how I find joy, love, and silly adventures in everyday life at home. 

“Mouse’s Splashy Tuesday” is a creative take on a girl and her dog’s adventure. Journey with Chewie and Mouse as they take on a rainy day and the ensuing flood to save their neighborhood. Will they come up with a solution in time? This book is recommended for ages 3 through 10.

“Mouse’s Splashy Tuesday” is available on Amazon.com.

For more information on C. Lovelady and her books, visit her author page here.