Tag Archives: Missy’s Voice

Day 2: Back to School Blog Tour 2020


back2schoolbanner2020Welcome to the second day of the Back to School Blog Tour 2020. This is such an unusual year. So, I’m gathering fantastic authors to help support children and parents during this crazy, pandemic. I’m sure between supervising instruction at home and helping your child, you’d love to hear about how to support their mental wellness. Maybe even your child misses their extra curricular activities such as sports, classes or even music. Supporting children with problems that may still occur is a great way to continue their emotional development, especially if it can be through literature.


Karen Goeller is the author of the children’s book, “Missy’s Voice”.

Karen Goeller has an athletic background to bring to her authorship. She has taught gymnastics training and coached several State Champions. She has also appeared in many TV shows such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Gotham, Law & Order and other commercial appearances. Her love for writing arose when she had an accident in 2000, and found writing to be a therapy while she was bed-ridden. From her struggles growing up, she has written many gymnastic-themed books to help children through their growing pains. Her book, Missy’s Voice, tells the story of a young singer dealing with bullying at school.

I had a chance to talk to Karen about her childhood reading memories, her writing process, and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Karen Goeller: I did not like reading as a child, but I enjoy writing and have over twenty published books.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Karen Goeller: I do not have a writing routine. I write when I have the creative bug or when I feel I have something to say. Once I start a project I push through, almost non-stop until finished. 

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Karen Goeller: Writing is expressing thoughts and sharing with the world.

KarenGoeller-missys-voice-coverMissy’s Voice is a story that tells about a young girl that loves to sing. She became popular from the local school talent show, and some of the other girls start to bully her. Will she be able to show them that she is unique? Will jealousy lose to positive kindness as Missy faces her tormentors?

“Missy’s Voice” is available at Amazon.com, and BarnesandNoble.com, and at the author’s website, www.MissysVoice.com.

For more information about about the author, please visit her website at:


Remember, you have all week to enter the blog tour giveaway for the $25 Amazon Gift Card.

Here’s the link to enter:


Plus, to support parents, I wrote a blog post a few months ago to help you set up a structure for your little ones to do distance learning at home.

Here is the link to the blog article:

Tips for Parents During the Long Distance Learning During Corona Virus

  • Has downloadable home study rules.
  • Tips to help create structure for learning at home.

More still to come. Check back daily and follow the blog!

Until tomorrow,

-Tiffany Turner

Head writer/Editor

Indie Children’s Authors Connection Blog