Tag Archives: middle grade series

Interview for Brooke Stevens


Brooke Stevens is the author of Planet Zero, the third book in the Super Science Squad series.

Summer is a time for freedom and fun. But if you’re looking for something to keep your child engaged in some active learning and support their reading for pleasure learning, here is a great find. The Super Science Squad is a science adventure series that should hook many kids into reading for fun while learning about science. In the new series book, Planet Zero, the squad helps the king of Planet Zero.

The author, Brooke Stevens, has created a fantastic combination of reading and science in her series including fun at home science experiments. I had a chance to interview Brooke about her childhood memories, writing routine, and what writing means to her.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Brooke Stevens: I used to love when my mom read me bedtime stories. Story time was uninterrupted bonding time. I used to write and create my own stories and characters. I thought creating books would be a great job when I grew up, and here I am, a published author creating stories for kids all over the world.

2) Do you have a writing routine? What works for you?

Brooke Stevens: I have a little secret that helps me write. The secret is to write a terrible story first. Even a terrible story can have good ideas and trigger creative ideas. When you know it can be terrible, the pressure goes away. It’s amazing how a terrible story can turn into a beautiful story over time.

3) What subject(s) would you like to write about in future projects?

Brooke Stevens: In the future I would love to write about time travel. I have always had a passion for history. I have always wondered what it would be like to visit another time period, so this could be a really fun project. I could bring this dream to life in a story.

PlantZeroCVRPlanet Zero: Book 3 in the Super Science Squad series is an innovative story about kids using real science to help in fun, filled adventures. Join the squad as they help out the king of Planet Zero. Enjoy the fun twists and the real science experiments that you can try at home too. Maybe you can help save the universe with science.

Planet Zero: Super Science Squad Book 3 is available at Amazon.com. This is a Kindle Unlimited title.