Tag Archives: middle grade novel

Author of Middle Grade Mystery Series: Interview with Stacy Bourns


If you want a good mystery series to give for Christmas this year, I’ve found one. As Cold As Charity is the new installment in the Ghost Club Mystery series. This weekend, Dec. 15 & 16 only, it will be free on Amazon! I was lucky to be able to interview the author, Stacy Bourns on her childhood memories, her favorite author, and what she plans for future projects.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Stacy Bourns: My love of books started early in life, so I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a book in my hand. I can still recall the night I began reading The Hobbit, though. I was in bed in my bedroom, which thanks to the slanted ceiling, was particularly cozy. As I read about Bilbo’s adventures, I listened to the Commodore’s Greatest Hits on my cassette player – this tells you how long ago it was! So now, whenever I hear one of the Commodore’s songs, I always think of The Hobbit and that carefree time in my life.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Stacy Bourns: One of my favorite authors is Maud Hart Lovelace who wrote about her own early 19th century childhood and coming of age in her Besty-Tacy series. My aunt, writer Barbara Bartholomew, gave me the first book of the series, and from that moment on, I was smitten. These books are dear to me, because I grew up alongside Lovelace’s protagonist Betsy. Because her writing is so vivid and nostalgic, it almost felt like I was part of Lovelace’s family. Books have so much to offer to a growing child—companionship, adventure, and guidance—and as I wrote my middle elementary Ghost Club series, I hoped to provide many of the same experiences for my own readers. In my most recent Ghost Club book, As Cold As Charity, the young protagonist is struggling with her parent’s possible divorce.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Stacy Bourns: I have one more Ghost Club book in mind, but I am also working on a YA Book about a young woman who travels to Great Britain to learn more about her English roots. Since I adore paranormal fantasy, my protagonist will of course find herself encountering the paranormal. To me, there’s no better way to represent the challenge of growing up than with monsters. In a way, the imaginative act of slaying a monster is psychologically easier than say, dealing with family dysfunction, bullies, or any number of problems that children and teens experience. Ultimately, a monster is just a symbol of a problem that feels insurmountable. And, the most satisfying thing about fiction is that most of the time, the hero defeats the monster and saves the day.

ascoldascharityAs Cold As Charity is the third book in the Ghost Club series. The Ghost Club girls are investigating another case. This time at a luxury inn where sinister laughter is heard, a self-playing piano, and ghostly cries of a child are scaring customers away. They soon discover that they may have taken on more than they can handle and will have to rely on their strength, sleuthing power, and paranormal experience to save themselves.

As Cold As Charity will be free Dec. 15-16 at Amazon.com. It is a Kindle Unlimited title.

2018 Back To School Blog Tour Day 5


Back2SchoolBanner2Today is the last day of the Back to School Blog Tour. I want to thank all of the participating authors for making this year such a success. I hope you, all my loyal readers of my blog, have enjoyed the featured books and stories of Back to School memories from the authors.

Plus, This is also your last chance to enter the giveaways and pick up your freebie copies.




Our first author for today is Lenora Rodriquez, the author of her debut children’s book “Circle’s Search”. She has been a special education teacher and in the field of education for over nineteen years. She has worked with children throughout her career, developing a passion for creating educational materials and stories to help guide children in their development. Lenora shares her favorite school memories such as meeting Shel Silverstein, her writing routine, and information about her upcoming projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Lenora Rodriquez: When I was a little girl, we used to live down the block from the public library in Queens, NY. I used to get excited when my mom took my brother and I to the library twice a week. “Check out what you can carry” was the only rule she had for us. A new book’s adventure I found so exciting.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Lenora Rodriquez: At a young age, I seemed to be drawn to poetry. My parents bought me several books of poetry for children and I absorbed each one. My Third grade teacher was a friend of the infamous Shel Silverstein. She invited him to our classroom one day, and ever since then, I asked my parents for his books. His poignant stories/poems I found compelling even as a little girl. There is a quote that could not be more relevant and inspires even more so today- “If there is a book you want to read but isn’t written yet, write it.”

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Lenora Rodriquez: During my collage years of paper writing, I usually needed a quiet space to collect my thoughts. I usually had a notebook and pen on hand to write my papers. My friends and peers usually wrote their papers on their laptops/computers. I find comfort to continue to write my books the “old school” way by paper and pen.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Lenora Rodriquez: As a current special education teacher, I found myself hunting for books for related subjects I want to teach in a fun and simple way. I began creating materials, games and a few short stories to help my students in their academics. I want to continue to create books that will help stimulate our young readers in a fun and creative way.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Lenora Rodriquez: Writing is an expressive art that all should explore.

https://www.amazon.com/Circles-Search-Lenora-Rodriquez-ebook/dp/B07FXCB4BWLenora Rodriquez’s book, Circle’s Search, is a happy shape that feels content with his little home. But, Circle feels there is something missing. Circle searches and meets new shapes throughout a journey while meeting new friends. It’s a creative and educational way to introduce basic shapes, math and social skills. Plus, bonus activities included!

Circle’s Search can be found on Amazon and is available as a Kindle Unlimited title.

Our second author for today is Simon Haynes. Simon was born in England and grew up in Spain. His family moved to Australia when he was sixteen. When not writing his novels, Simon writes computer software which helps him write his novels faster. I had the opportunity to talk to Simon Haynes about his school childhood memories, inspirations, and his writing process.

simonhaynesbiopic1)   Who was your favorite children’s author and how did they influence you?

Simon Haynes: Arthur Ransome, of Swallows and Amazons fame. Don’t get me wrong, the Famous Five were cool but the Swallows and Amazons took things a few steps further. Sailing boats at night, all the pirate and nautical info and know-how, and real competition with other kids, not dastardly adults.

2)   What is your most memorable school moment?

Simon Haynes: When I was in year four, the headmaster used to invite me into the staff room to watch him play chess against a fellow teacher. I was allowed to sit there every lunchtime, eating my sandwich and keeping as quiet as a mouse. (I was on the school chess team and we used to do okay, so I guess it was a reward!)

3)   Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Simon Haynes: 2000 words per day or else. Write until 2 or 3 or 4am, collapse into bed, get up at midday/1pm, start writing around 7pm and repeat.

4)   Was there anything in school that was difficult for you?

Simon Haynes: We moved around a lot (emigrated twice) and I attended 12 or 13 schools. I got used to meeting new people, but I rarely have more than one good friend at a time. I don’t do acquaintances.

5)   What is writing to you in one sentence?

Simon Haynes: My job!

6)   What projects are you working on right now?

Simon Haynes: I just finished my sixth novel for the year before embarking on this interview. Now I have nine more lined up on my desktop waiting to go:

The third in my fantasy comedy series.

A science fiction short

Book nine in my science fiction series

Book four in my middle grade SF series

three pen-name novels

A new space opera/murder mystery title.

I may leave one or two until next year.

7)   What advice would you give young writers?

Simon Haynes: Read my book ‘How to Write a Novel’ – and use Scrivener or y Writer.

8)   What is your typical day as a writer?

Simon Haynes: I start by re-reading yesterday’s work, then I read my notes for today’s work. After that it’s music on and type until done.

9)   What inspired you when you were younger?

Simon Haynes: Science fiction, definitely. I loved The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but science fiction opens so many broad horizons in the mind.

10) What was your favorite book growing up and why?

Simon Haynes: Martin Magnus, Planet Rover. He’s a troubleshooter, at home in space or the ocean depths, but he’s also lazy and cantankerous. Wonderful character who will do anything to get out of work, but once he has his teeth into something he never lets go. Sounds like my life!

haljrsecretsigcvrSimon Hayne’s book, Hal Junior Secret Signal, is one of the blog tours free downloads to start your school year. Here is the link again in case you missed it. Ten year old Hal Junior lives on a space station with his chef scientist mom and station maintenance man dad. Unfortunately, Hal discovers a secret that can destroy the space station, and he has to find a way to save it. This humorous adventure will be a great way to start your school year reading.

For more information on Simon Haynes’s and his books, visit his website at:


Lost Secret - High Resolution (1)Thank you for stopping by each day during the blog tour. It has been a fabulous group of authors. Please visit their websites and look over their books even when the blog tour is over. The giveaways and free books will be ending later tonight at midnight. So, enter before they are over.

And for more information about my new release, The Lost Secret of Time: Bk 4 in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles, please check out its listing on Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.

Take care, and I’ll see you next year. Happy Back to School! To all teacher, students and parents stopping by, have a great school year!

-Tiffany Turner







Pre-Back To School Blog Tour: Interview with Dr. Gary Haq


My Dad, The Earth Warrior is available on Amazon.com.

Dr. Gary Haq is the author of the book, My Dad, The Earth Warrior. Dr. Haq is a real life earth warrior, an associate researcher at a global environmental think tank and research scientist at a European research center. My Dad, The Earth Warrior, is a story about a boy and his dad connecting from a long distance relationship to save the Mother Earth. The story is inspirational in helping middle readers to understand environmental issues and help get involved. Dr. Haq was able to sit down and talk with me about his memories of reading from childhood, his favorite author, and what will be some more of his upcoming projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

As a child, I was engrossed in the world of Narnia. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was one of my favourite books. After reading it, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series. It was the first time I felt an overwhelming urge to continue reading.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Besides, C. S. Lewis, Roald Dahl was one of my favourite authors. I loved his crazy funny characters and strange world. I am sure he influenced my funny sense of humour, which is reflected in My Dad, The Earth Warrior.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

In this book, I have taken a humorous approach to environmental issues such as climate change, fracking and loss of green space. While I have interest in writing more eco-adventures, my current work in progress is a funny, fantasy adventure.

For more information on Gary Haq and his book, My Dad, The Earth Warrior, visit his website at: https://www.garyhaqwrites.com/. He is also available on Twitter at @drgaryhaq. My Dad, The Earth Warrior is available at Amazon.com.

back2schoolbanner2018**Look for more children’s author interviews starting next week with the Back to School Blog Tour 2018. Giveaways, book discounts, and featured authors and their books will be posted all week from Sept. 10-14. Bookmark and join us all next week for a celebration of children’s authors and their books to kick off the new school year!

It’s a Launch! The Lost Secret of Time is Now Available as an Ebook Preorder!

Lost Secret - High Resolution (1)

The last book in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles is releasing on Sept. 10, 2018!

It’s here! Finally after three years of blood, sweat and tears, the last in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles is available for preorder. The official launch date is Sept. 10,  2018. But you can get your ebook ordered and ready ahead of time. It is available for preorder on all retail platforms. The links below will take you to your preferred retailer to get the ball rolling for your own copy. The price is $3.99!


Barnes and Noble



The print book is in the process of being ready for preorder too. It is just taking a little bit longer than the ebook. But I’ll have all the links up as soon as they are available. I just wanted to get the links for the ebook out there, because I know there are some people that have been waiting for this book to drop. 😉

Thank you to EVERYONE that has supported me over the last 3 years through my illness and new normal. This whole series has been a work of love and I am so proud to be able to finally bring it to you now. It is a life’s work and I’m happy to be able to see it through to it’s end in spite of my heart condition and illness. I cannot wait to see what you all think of it.

Plus, the Back to School Blog Tour is in the process of planning. Different authors will be participating, giving insights to behind the scenes of writing their books through interviews, and there will even be some special discount deals to start off the new school year. My new book, The Lost Secret of Time, will be releasing on the first day of the blog tour.

So stay tuned over the next few weeks. It will prove to be very exciting.

UPDATE: The print edition is now available for The Lost Secret of Time. Due to the Createspace merge, there will be no preorder for the print edition. It is AVAILABLE NOW to be shipped to your preferred address.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Secret-Crystal-Keeper-Chronicles/dp/0997817054

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-lost-secret-of-time-tiffany-turner/1129320107


-Tiffany Turner



Read An Ebook Week 2018: Crystal Keeper Chronicle Deals!


raew 2018

This week is “Read An Ebook Week” at Smashwords.com. With the release of the fourth book in my Crystal Keeper series soon, this is a great time to stock up on the other books. The first book in the series, The Lost Secret of Fairies, will be FREE this week only. The Lost Secret of the Green Man, the second book, has been discounted by 50%.

The new deadline for the release of the fourth book, The Lost Secret of Time, has been rescheduled for the end of April. It is coming! I promise. It will be just in time for your child’s Spring and Summer reading lists. With the fourth book, the series will be complete. It has been 10 years in the making!

Meanwhile, here are all the links for the discounted Crystal Keeper Chronicle books. The deals last from March 4 – 10. It’s a great way to enjoy reading ebooks and support reading, especially for your child. And pencil in the release date for The Lost Secret of Time. More to come on events about the book release.

***ALL DEALS ARE AT Smashwords.com.



Available for Free March 4-10 only at Smashwords.com.

The Lost Secret of Fairies: Book 1 of the Crystal Keeper Chronicles 

FREE from March 4-10 ONLY!

Coupon: RE100



The Lost Secret of The Green Man

50% off at sale price: $0.99 Regular Price: $1.99

Coupon: RAE50



Middle Grade Book Review: The Supernatural Pet Sitter (The Rescue)


SPSCoverjpegMiddle grade novels are my forte. So you can take my word when I find a new one that is awesome. The Supernatural Pet Sitter: The Rescue by Diane Moat is a fun take on a world with gnomes, elves and witches all living together with humans. It’s like the world evolved differently than our own world. I loved it!

Pepper is a gnome that has already had some amazing adventures. In previous books, she has already been helping her world with her best witch friend, Luna. But now, some high school students have gotten trapped in a cave-in. Her whole family and neighbors are activated, as the whole community of elves, gnomes and witches work with the humans to free them. Then, the secret of who is behind all the attacks underground is revealed. TROLLS! Can Pepper work with her friends to defend her family and neighborhood against these ancient foe?

I really like this series. It is filled with characters I would enjoy as a kid: gnomes, witches, and elves. Relating with a gnome as the main character, it’s like playing a mini-Dungeon and Dragons game with Diane Moat as the DM. Add the fact that they are part of a community and trying to help humans and the greater good, I’d recommend this for kids that love fantasy. This book is number three in the series.

***The Supernatural Pet Sitter: The Rescue is available at Amazon.com and is a Kindle Unlimited title.

Author Interview and Book Review: Curse of Sap River by Brooklyn West



curseofsapriverRecently, I’ve had the opportunity to talk with Brooklyn West. She is the author of  the new release, Curse of Sap River, a strange journey into the micro world of bugs and nature with a unique perspective. I got to speak to Ms. West about reading as a child, author’s that influenced her, and upcoming writing projects.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Brooklyn West: The most vivid memory from childhood that I have is reading on the porch.
2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Brooklyn West: I liked books that were portholes to another world or time. It could be another planet or century, or the world of a fish or bug. Worlds that you couldn’t visit or experience in real life.
3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Brooklyn West: Whenever I get the chance. Even if you don’t feel like writing something – set a small goal, sit down, and try. The next thing you know ideas are flowing.
4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Brooklyn West: I have more adventures planned for Libby and her friends in the apple orchard.
5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Brooklyn West: Writing to me is taking the reader on a journey.

For more information on Brooklyn West, visit her website at: LibbyLacewing.blogspot.com.


Book Review of Curse of Sap River:

Curse of Sap River by Brooklyn West is a delightful adventure into the micro-world of bugs from a new perspective. Libby is a lacewing bug, an aphid wrangler, and helps control the aphid population on the Owens Farm. But an especially bad aphid infestation leads to the wrangling adventure of her life. With helpful ladybug sidekick, Libby faces dangers all while trying to round up the invading aphids all while learning that you can’t face the world alone.

This beginning chapter book is a delight into the mind of what it would be like if you were a bug cowboy. Brooklyn West creates a world of home and family fighting against the world in miniature. Children will love the spirit of these characters as they face obstacles that are small to us, but dangerous to them. It’s an enjoyable book to share as a gift or as a class library addition for a beginning reader.

This book is available at Amazon.com and at Createspace.


Crystal Keeper Series After Christmas Sale on Smashwords


I’ve listed the first book in the series, The Lost Secret of Fairies, as a FREE ebook on Smashwords just in time to help ring out the old year. The next book in the series, The Lost Secret of the Green Man, is on sale 50% off at $0.99. The After Christmas Sale will be going on from December 25, 2017 – January 1, 2018.


The Lost Secret of Fairies will be on sale for FREE from Dec. 25-Jan. 1, 2018!

This is all in anticipation of the upcoming book, The Lost Secret of Time. It will be the fourth and final book in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. Currently, I’m in the middle of revising the completed manuscript. The release date is looking good for Spring 2018. I’ve been in contact with the artist to complete the cover, and my editor has it on her calendar. Everything is in preparation.

I am SO PROUD to be finally bringing you this last book. It has been a long time in coming. With my being ill back in December 2014, this last book almost wasn’t written. But after the physical therapy, and surviving a heart attack, pneumonia and septic shock, it seems almost a miracle to finally be nearing the completion of this last book. I’m so looking forward to all of you being able to read it. There will be more to come as we near the release date. So stay tuned, and be sure to follow my blog for all the updated info.

But I do have to warn you. Brewford, the cat sorcerer, is telling me that he wants a book of his own to finally set the record straight. He wants a book of his own to tell the stories of his 800 year old lifetime adventures. Something tells me, he may get his wish. But how about you let me know. If you’d like a book told by Brewford explaining his adventures over 800 years as a cat sorcerer, let me know in the comments below.

And to you and all my fans and followers, a very Happy New Year and best wishes in 2018!

-Tiffany Turner

Vacation Pairs With Learning in Allie Gator and the Seven Stones


Allie Gator And The Seven Stones by Sean Eckenrod

Allie Gator And The Seven Stones by Sean Eckenrod

The next installment for the summer reading book review series is Allie Gator and the Seven Stones by Sean Eckenrod, a Middle Grade novel that will inspire learning while visiting that next river or beach. Allie is frustrated with being the only kid while the grown ups drag her to different activities only adults would love. She’d rather be swimming in the Myakka river, throwing stones, or exploring in her purple with orange flower flip flops. Her love for the river is revealed as fate, when she falls in and discovers a world in turmoil. The animals of Charlotte Harbor need her help to save them all.
Featured Indie Book and Author

Featured Indie Book and Author

Allie discovers that seven stones must be recovered to put the real world to right. With an alligator companion, a catfish, gar, and three wood storks, Allie faces each new challenge to find the seven missing stones. She must overcome her self doubt, puzzling characters and obstacles, and learn that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to deal with it head on.

I enjoyed this Middle Grade novel since it helps teach about the animals in Charlotte Harbor, Florida combined with self confidence. Anyone that has felt like the black sheep of any family may relate to Allie. As she goes through each challenge, new habitat and animals are revealed.

It was a learning experience for myself. I learned what a gar is. It’s a bottom feeder fish that lives mostly in brackish water. So, I have to say, everyone will learn a new nugget of wisdom while reading this book. I felt I was along with a park ranger in the form of an alligator while experiencing difficult tasks with Allie.

For more information and maps on the areas of Florida that are in the book, please visit Sean Eckenrod’s website. Book Club questions can also be found. Also on the website are chapter links that tell about each animal featured for each chapter in the book.

Turn the summer into an opportunity for learning about new habitats, animals in Florida, and a little kindness towards other living things. It’s a lesson that is so important to share.

**** Rating

Allie and the Seven Stones can be purchased at Amazon.com as a paperback or Kindle ebook.

To continue with your INDIEpendence Day Blog tour event, link back to the Indibles Writers Blog.