Tag Archives: medical awareness

Interview with Brandon Green


Planning science units can be hard, especially when trying to find the right read-aloud to go with your unit. Plus, home schooling parents might enjoy this book for making scientific connections in literature. I’m talking about the book “Think Like A Scientist”. It’s a story that features being brave, always asking questions and to never give up.

I had a chance to ask Brandon Green, the author of “Think Like A Scientist”, about his inspirations and writing routines. Brandon Green is an Australian author that uses his background as a businessman and entrepreneur to guide his writing. He runs a podcast sharing his experiences as a “Digital Nomad”, and has also written a book on self-help called “Become a Loser to Become a Winner”. I hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes look into Brandon Green.

What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Brandon Green: My favourite memory reading as a child was having my favourite book read to me by different people, as everyone tells the same story differently.

Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Brandon Green: I just set myself a goal to do it, and try to knock it all out in one sitting. It’s very hard and distracting for me to work at a target over a longer period of time

What is writing to you in one sentence?

Brandon Green: To me, writing is all about the ability to put a story together. From constructing something well-detailed just from a small idea, and having it flourish.

Blurb for “Think Like A Scientist”

“Jack’s dad gets sick with strange symptoms that doctors can’t figure out. Feeling lost and worried, Jack decides to think like a scientist. He asks questions and looks for his own answers. This story shows how Jack uses his smarts to help his dad when the experts can’t. It’s a tale about being brave, asking questions, and never giving up.”

“Think Like A Scientist” is available at his website letsgobrandongreen.com for free as a free downloadable ebook.