Tag Archives: Mandalay Hawk’s Dilemma

Day 1 of The Back to School Blog Tour 2023: Interview with Peter Aronson


Greetings and welcome to the 2023 Back to School Blog Tour. I have some great indie children’s authors and books to introduce you to this week. I am hoping you’ll find some fabulous home study or classroom resources for the 2023 school year. Having taught in the classroom for 18 years, I know that you want to find new and inspirational role models and books with themes that are helpful for teaching in the curriculum. I’ve lined up some fabulous titles and author interviews as well as book reviews.

So, let’s get started with our very first author for the week: Peter Aronson.

Peter Aronson is a former award-winning legal affairs journalist, former New York City attorney, and now writes essays, short stories and children’s books. His book, “Mandalay Hawk’s Dilemma: The United States of Anthropocene”, is a look at a futuristic kid take-over inspired by a middle schooler with a different view of how the world should be. Set in the year 2030, it’s a wake up call for the adults in the world to do something or the kids will instead. Mandalay herself is a rebel with a passion for the environment, and doesn’t seem to let breaking some rules stop her mission to save the world.

I got a chance to ask Mr. Aronson about why he became an author, what gave him the idea for his book, and what future projects he has planned.

1) What made you want to be an author?

Peter Aronson: I have been writing for a long time, because I was a journalist for approximately 20 years earlier in my career. I became interested in writing fiction when I read more novels and saw the limitless creative opportunities. When I am making up a story and I like what I am writing, I get a wonderful sensation of feeling free, of feeling like I can do anything. It’s a sense of accomplishment, or achievement, I don’t get doing anything else. I began writing short stories, then a I tackled a novel.

2) For your featured book, “Mandalay Hawk’s Dilemma: The United States of Anthropocene”, how did you get the idea to write it?

Peter Aronson: My daughters, Mabel and Maisy, were young then, in middle school, and they were reading apocolyptic-type books and I thought, wouldn’t it be nice if they read a novel that dealt with a real-world problem? It was 2015 and I believed then and even more so now that global warming was the biggest problem the world faced. So I decided to write a novel about kids fighting global warming, about taking the fight to the highest level. I got the idea before the amazing Greta Thunberg burst onto the scene and made such an impact.   

3) What writing projects are you working on now?

Peter Aronson: I am writing a TV mini-series based on my non-fiction middle-grade book “Bronislaw Huberman: From Child Prodigy to Hero, the Violinist who Saved Jewish Musicians from the Holocaust.” The story is still little known outside the music world. Huberman was a great humanitarian who overcame great odds in the 1930s to save Jewish musicians from the Nazis by establishing a orchestra in what was then Palestine. Huberman was a pacifist. A true maestro, he used his violin as his sword and enlisted people like Einstein to help him. 

Book Blurb:

“Mandalay Hawk’s Dilemma: The United States of Anthropocene” is a middle grade novel that presents an all-too-real 2030. The Big Heat hits that causes temperatures to rise to extreme heat waves that kill thousands. The world has a hazardous future, and one 13-year-old decides she’s had enough and wants to do something about it. Only her idea of what to do might break a few rules along the way. From creating her own group called KRAPP (KIDS REVOLT AGAINST ADULT POWER) where the adventure leads to Washington D.C. and rapping to a captive president, it’s a novel that may lead to a call of action for kids around the world.

“Mandalay Hawk’s Dilemma: The United States of Anthropocene” is available on Amazon.com.

For more information on Peter Aronson, please visit his Amazon author’s page here.

Be sure to bookmark and come back every day this week for new interviews with authors and book reviews of featured books.

May you have a fabulous start to your school year!

Until tomorrow,

-Tiffany Turner