Tag Archives: magic

Interview with Jenny Wilson


Jenny Wilson is the author of the children’s fantasy book, The Lighthouse Keeper: A Story of a Soul.

I’m sure you are looking for a great fantasy book for your child to escape into while practicing reading skills. Not to mention, some of their teachers are likely still asking for children to keep up those twenty minutes of silent reading a day (D.E.A.R. Time). I’ve got a fantastic fantasy that will support any Harry Potter fan. The Lighthouse Keeper: A story of a soul takes you to the Vale of Aisenma where a lonely boy realizes that the world around him is full of magic and that he is not alone.

The author, Jenny Wilson, has drawn from her upbringing of growing up in Scotland to bring you a mystical tale. I had the chance to ask her about her childhood reading memories, how she got her story ideas, and what she has in store for us in future projects.

  1. What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Jenny Wilson: I read constantly as a child – I devoured books. One of my earliest memories is making a book called “The Adventures of Teddy” and giving it to my mum. She still has it now, nearly 40 years later!

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Jenny Wilson: There were so many different authors but the one that stands out for me is Lucy M. Boston. The Children of Green Knowe is one book that I keep coming back to even now. I think I have read it about 30 times now and it is still as fresh and as magical as the first time I came across it. I love how a book can stay with you long after you’ve read it and show you things you hadn’t noticed before. Lucy M. Boston’s writing is enchanting. Words are like spells and a well-written book has the power to transport you to anywhere.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Jenny Wilson: My writing routine is just to sit down and do it. Little and often is much better than big long stretches once in a while. If you get into the habit of dedicating a time and a space to do something it becomes automatic.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Jenny Wilson: I am working on a prequel to The Lighthouse Keeper at the moment. My aim is to show the world that there is magic all around and within us, and that our thoughts have the power to transform our lives.

5) When did you first become interested in stories about magic?

Jenny Wilson: Well, all stories are magical in some way, if the writer can engage the reader and transport them. So in that sense, for as long as I have been reading! But in terms of magical realism, I love the works of Italo Calvino. He makes the everyday seem extraordinary. I love how changing the way you look at something completely transforms that thing. In this sense, words can be like spells.

6) How did being born and raised in Scotland affect your stories?

Jenny Wilson: I think wherever you are born and raised, your environment will seep into your experience one way or another. Scottish weather is not exactly predictable and lends itself quite nicely to curling up with a good book, which suited me perfectly! There are parts of the country where you can feel the magic in the air as well. One of my favourite parts of Scotland is Stirling and the surrounding countryside. There, when you’re standing up on the top of a hill and looking down below at the rolling fields, you really feel that anything is possible and that you are part of something truly magical.

7) What subjects would you like to explore in your writing?

Jenny Wilson: I want to explore how our thoughts shape the world around us and that we are in charge of our thoughts and, therefore, our worlds. I aim to show how nobody is alone, that even though you may feel wretched and powerless, you are part of something and that if you listen carefully within, you already know what to do.

8) What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Jenny Wilson: To just sit down, take a deep breath and do it! I am very easily distracted and I know how easy it is to let other things take over and seem more urgent than they are. For a while, I had the tidiest cutlery drawer in Europe. Now, I am happy to say, I do some writing every day and my drawer has gone back to being a muddle.

9) Where do you see your writing taking you in five years?

Jenny Wilson: I’m working on the prequel to The Lighthouse Keeper: A story of a soul now and aim to have four more book titles in five years.

10) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Jenny Wilson: Writing is my soul mission.

The Lighthouse Keeper CVRThe Lighthouse Keeper: A story of a soul is a book that can show you how magic is all around, and how it can shape your life. The people of Aisenma live in constant fear. Wolves prowl around the Bay of Sevlow. The storytellers have been banished. But a lone boy discovers his inner magic and goes on a journey to save his home and all the people in Aisenma. Join in this fantasy adventure that will remind you that nobody is ever alone, especially if they have their true inner magic.

The Lighthouse Keeper: A story of a soul is available at: Amazon.com and Amazon.ca.

For more information on Jenny Wilson, visit her website at: Amazon’ Author’s Page.

Interview with Mark Even

Mark Even PIC

Mark Even is the author of the children’s book, “The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol”.

As we move into a time where many schools are taking early Spring breaks or closing for 3 weeks for protection against spreading the corona virus, I’ll be helping out with recommendations, interviews, and my own lesson plans for parents during this time. I know it’s hard to find activities and lessons for your child. So, I’ll be featuring author interviews, book deals, and other ideas to help with this interim.

I’m starting out with an interview with a fabulous children’s fantasy author, Mark Even. Mr. Even lives in Minnesota, and worked for IBM for thirty-seven years. After he retired, he got the idea to write a children’s book from a local children’s book fair. Combining his love of comic books, superheroes, science fiction and Harry Potter, he created the book “The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol”. Written for his granddaughter’s and all children’s enjoyment, it’s a children’s fantasy with dragons, wizards and a magical parasol with special powers. I got a chance to talk to Mark Even about his childhood reading memories, writing routine, and what he plans for future projects.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?
Mark Even: The first real book that I read was a biography about Babe Ruth. I was really into baseball as a kid (still am) and played through college and even after college. And I was also a big fan of baseball. But as a kid, I also remember how the nuns at the school would bring TVs into the classroom for the World Series since there were very few night games back then. Baseball was a big part of my life and that book sticks in my mind as part of that whole passion.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?
Mark Even: To be totally honest, Stan Lee is my favorite author. During my teens (even through college), about all I could afford for entertainment were comic books. I found the whole Marvel Comics Universe so interesting and creative. And now, technology has caught up and these stories can be told in films. But I think the whole creativity of making impossible things seem real and natural while working in stories of family and relationships along with the battles of good vs evil — this is what I strive to portray in my stories as well.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.
Mark Even: First I start forming a plot in my head and then even “write” chapters or sections in my head as well. This will go on for weeks — keeps me awake most of the nights thinking through plot lines and dialogue. Next, I jot down the major plot points in a notebook and various particular items, like a name of a character or the distance between Earth and Mars, so I don’t forget these or have to look them up again. Finally, I’ll sit down and just start writing on the computer. Probably just a chapter at a time, but I often go back and rewrite or enhance the writing with new items or plot points that tie to the next chapter.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?
Mark Even: I’m pretty much set on developing more stories about magical persons and creatures.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Mark Even: Being retired, writing (or more accurately, making up stories), is one of my favorite pastimes!

WPP pic (2)“The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol” is a children’s fantasy adventure that brings to mind Harry Potter, superheroes and every day kids with a magical purpose. Two cousins find a magical parasol that unlocks a world to discover their magical heritage. Mistakenly releasing an evil magician leads to the cousins working together to save their wizard ancestor, the parasol, and their families. This is a magical adventure that children from upper grade elementary to middle school will enjoy.

“The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol” is available at: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

For more information, visit Mark Even’s Amazon Author Page at: https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Mark-M-Even/e/B082HYFKXP.


Interview with Daniel Rappaport, Author of The Spellbook


Daniel Rappaport is the author of the multi-media interactive children’s book, The Spellbook.

I am pleased to introduce the author Daniel Rappaport. He has come up with an inspiring new book, The Spellbook. It combines multi-media with a children’s story so the reader can experience a collection of “spells” thought of by the wizards in the world of two other books, The Legend of Rose and Spark the Flying Frog.

Daniel Rappaport has over twenty-five years working in the multimedia industry and has worked for companies such as Disney, MGM and Fox. He has received the Lieca Photographie International Master Shot Gallery Acceptance. He recently has worked on the film “Wild” that received two Academy Award nominations.

I had the chance to talk with Daniel about his childhood memories and inspiration, a shared appreciation for the role model Walt Disney, and what he has planned as future projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Daniel Rappaport: My favorite memory is being totally caught up and swept away in the book The Neverending Story.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Daniel Rappaport: Walt Disney. While not a traditional book author, he has influenced me more than anybody else. His boundless imagination and forward thinking perspective are very close to my heart.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Daniel Rappaport: Not really. I am not one of those who is constantly writing . I tend to think of my work on a more project by project basis.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Daniel Rappaport: I am going to do a rendition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. This will not be a book, but a way to tell the tale, utilizing technology, in a new and fresh format.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Daniel Rappaport: It’s the process of taking imaginative thoughts, organizing them and putting them down on paper, in a compelling way.

  • What are some of your hobbies or what you like to do in your spare time?

Daniel Rappaport: I am a really big foodie, actually. I enjoy cooking. I love keeping up with the food world, and seeing what the latest and greatest is. My favorite kind of food is French haute cuisine. I really appreciate the time, dedication and craft that goes into those detailed, fabulous meals.

  • When you were a child, what would spark your imagination?

Daniel Rappaport: Wow. That was a really, really long time ago, lol! I suppose, many things. So, I think that I got into the industry that I am in, because I totally (and still do) enjoyed watching those wonderful “making of” videos, as they related to film. I always marveled at how special effects were and are created. That also led me into studying magic (which took up a tremendous amount of my childhood). I performed stage illusions, and still do magic today.

  • What were the things that attracted you to Walt Disney as a role model?

Daniel Rappaport: Oh gosh. Countless things. I’ve only more recently discovered this, but he was actually homeless three times. His extraordinary and vastly far reaching imagination, I have always been drawn towards. He never settled for less than the absolute best, and always hired the best.

He instinctively knew what people wanted to go and see, and he just have it to them. He moved every industry he ever touched (weather directly or indirectly) light years forward. Another strong point was diversity. Did you know that he played an extremely valuable role in ending WWII? There was hardly an industry that the man didn’t touch.

I wish that, for today, the company would’ve continued to follow his lead, as it related to the future. Walt was interested in rocketry, outer space, the betterment of humanity through technology, etc. Disney hardly does any of that today.


More for Pazzaria Productions to do!

  • Tell me about the “The Spellbook”. What gave you the idea to do a book with the multimedia tie-ins?

Daniel Rappaport: So, while the Spellbook is the first in the series, it was actually the last to be written. There are two more. Part 2 is called Spark the Flying Frog and part 3 is called The Legend of the Lost Rose. They get progressively longer. TLOTLR was actually the first to be written. Then, STFF and finally TSB. STFF, at the time, was written because prequels were very popular.

When it was tie to write TSB, when looking at my array of products, I really wanted to come up with a solid, core foundation for the company. This led to writing TSB. The full, touch screen animations are inspired by the other two works. I thought that it would be interesting to have the text from the iBook appear as one progressively touches the screen (as opposed to the animated images that are in the other two works).

In terms of the music, I have ever only seen a soundtrack for a book one time in my life, and this was before the internet. It was on CD.

I love to write music, and it is such an important part of entertainment. Also, Pazzaria Productions was lacking any musical soundtrack of any kind. This was the perfect opportunity to write one. It would introduce my guests to what we can do, musically. It’s in 5.1 surround sound also, and also adds to our core product line.

There wasn’t really one thing that gave me this idea, other than the fact that I love to constantly experiment and do things in a new and fresh way.

  • What advice can you offer aspiring young writers and artists?

Daniel Rappaport: Practice your craft until you feel that you have mastered it. Never stop learning. Be extremely curious about everything. Curiosity is what led me to learn about so many different arenas of entertainment.

Unless you have an extraordinary deal form a publishing company brought over to you on a silver platter, I actually wouldn’t go through the traditional query letter + agent route, to get a book published?


Within the same amount of time that you would be doing that, you could be reaching out to your own audience, directly. Later on, after you have built up a solid foundation and legacy, and can show an audience who will even purchase your work, THEN, you MIGHT have some bargaining power.

Do your absolute best to not have people take advantage of you. If you are gifted enough to showcase many different skills, and utilize many of them in a job situation, tactfully mention that you are different than the other artists around, and perhaps might command a different rate in pay/salary.

Good luck out there, and all the best!

The_Spellbook_Cover _A_HubDaniel Rappaport’s book The Spellbook is part one of the innovative, epic fantasy entertainment iBook series that revolves around the book, The Legend of the Lost Rose. The Spellbook is a collection of spells created by wizards in the world of Light. It has an integrated sound track, a tie-in to the books “The Legend of the Lost Rose” and “Spark the Flying Frog”. It extends the world experience by connecting the reader to what they buy, see, wear, eat or touch in the World of Light. It also connects you to other people in the realm.

The Spellbook is available at this link HERE.

For more information on Daniel Rappaport and Pazzaria Productions, visit his website HERE.




YA Fantasy Author: Interview with Rae Miles


perf5.000x8.000.inddAs we start the last week of September, I have a book to recommend for your fall reading list. Successor is the debut novel by Rae Miles. She has spent her life thinking of amazing characters and finally has given them a new home in her debut novel. With creative writing degree in hand, she has written a memorable first YA Fantasy.

I had time to talk with Rae Miles about her love for fantasy, her writing routine, and what she is working on next.

1) Do you have a writing routine?

Rae Miles: I wouldn’t say I have a routine, per se, but usually when I’m working on a scene and can’t quite figure out how to describe something, I’ll act out what’s supposed to happen. I’m able to get a natural response, just based on how I would react in that situation. I even use my cats as character substitutes if I’m working on dialogue! I might even slip into an accent or two in the process.

2) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Rae Miles: I like writing fantasy because it allows me to make my own rules as to how the world works. There are a couple of other projects I have in mind to work on that have darker material, but getting in the right mindset for them is going to take some work. I love reading romance and would love to try my hand at it some day, but I don’t know if I could pull it off! Only time will tell.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Rae Miles: To me, writing is creation in its rawest form, where words alone can create a more vivid universe than any other art form ever could.

Successor is a YA Fantasy that is Rae Miles debut novel. For seventeen-year-old Evan, graduation means freedom. She just never imagined she would find it in another world. She discovers a hidden heritage from her mother, and with it comes magic, power, and responsibility. But claiming her birthright will be dangerous, and could endanger her newfound family and the man she loves.

Successor is available for preorder at: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

For more information on Rae Miles, visit her website at: https://raemiles.com.

It’s a Launch! The Lost Secret of Time is Now Available as an Ebook Preorder!

Lost Secret - High Resolution (1)

The last book in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles is releasing on Sept. 10, 2018!

It’s here! Finally after three years of blood, sweat and tears, the last in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles is available for preorder. The official launch date is Sept. 10,  2018. But you can get your ebook ordered and ready ahead of time. It is available for preorder on all retail platforms. The links below will take you to your preferred retailer to get the ball rolling for your own copy. The price is $3.99!


Barnes and Noble



The print book is in the process of being ready for preorder too. It is just taking a little bit longer than the ebook. But I’ll have all the links up as soon as they are available. I just wanted to get the links for the ebook out there, because I know there are some people that have been waiting for this book to drop. 😉

Thank you to EVERYONE that has supported me over the last 3 years through my illness and new normal. This whole series has been a work of love and I am so proud to be able to finally bring it to you now. It is a life’s work and I’m happy to be able to see it through to it’s end in spite of my heart condition and illness. I cannot wait to see what you all think of it.

Plus, the Back to School Blog Tour is in the process of planning. Different authors will be participating, giving insights to behind the scenes of writing their books through interviews, and there will even be some special discount deals to start off the new school year. My new book, The Lost Secret of Time, will be releasing on the first day of the blog tour.

So stay tuned over the next few weeks. It will prove to be very exciting.

UPDATE: The print edition is now available for The Lost Secret of Time. Due to the Createspace merge, there will be no preorder for the print edition. It is AVAILABLE NOW to be shipped to your preferred address.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Secret-Crystal-Keeper-Chronicles/dp/0997817054

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-lost-secret-of-time-tiffany-turner/1129320107


-Tiffany Turner



Tiffany Turner Appearance at 20th Annual Tartan Day Scottish Fair-April 1, 2017 in Fremont, CA


Tiffany Turner will be at the 20th annual Tartan Day Scottish Fair at Ardenwood Park in Fremont, CA on April 1, 2017. She’ll be there to sell her children’s books and


Visit Tiffany Turner’s booth and enter the $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway.

talk to visitors about her upcoming book, The Lost Secret of Time: Book 4 in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. There will also be a giveaway for a $25 Amazon Gift Card at her booth. Stop by and sign up to enter, and get a chance to win the gift card or one of three Crystal Keeper pendants designed by Mrs. Turner.

The fair includes living history demonstrations including the Scottish Queens court, sword and battle demonstrations, and Scottish foods on sale. Come visit to experience a piece of Scotland and Celtic culture for a day.

Tartan Day Scottish Fair Website:


East Bay Scottish Association
Tartan Day Scottish Faire
Saturday April 1st, 2017
Ardenwood Historical Farm
Fremont, California
Gates open at 10 AM
Admission Adults: $12.00 Seniors (62+): $8.00
Children (4-17): $5.00
Children under 3 Free
Free On-Site Parking!

UPDATE: Announcing the winners for the Tartan Day Giveaway:

**All winners have been mailed their prizes. Thanks everyone for entering at the event. Hope to see you next year with the newly released fourth book: The Lost Secret of Time.

$25 Amazon Gift Card: Bruce W.

Winners of an official Crystal Pendant:

  1. Elizabeth L.
  2. Janice M.
  3. Olu S.


Last Day of the Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour


Starts July 15 and runs through July 19

Starts July 15 and runs through July 19

Welcome to the last day of the Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour. Today, the blog tour starts to wind up. I’d like to thank my fellow fantasy/sci-fi bloggers for organizing and putting on a fun, exciting blog tour for the week.
Maybe we should all do it again next year?

I also wanted to link to some of the other awesome posts that have happened this week.

Blog Links

1) Interview with the Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour Authors-This is a mass interview with 5 authors, including myself, to kick off the blog tour. Still awesome to read, even after the blog tour is over.

2) How to Dame a Dark Elf-another idea of how to have elves relate to you, but good luck. Dark elves are tricky.

3)Magic System in Valkia-curious about how to set up a magik system in your world of fantasy? Here is a good reference as the author, Ryan Sullivan, explains how she set up her system of magic.

4) A New Take on Elves: A Step Away From Tolkien-Author Chrystalla Thoma has created a new way to think about elves. She takes a step away from the Tolkien vision, and creates her own.


So, to close, I’m going to repeat some of the giveaways going on. There is still time to enter, by end of tonight, 11:59pm.

1) Win a paperback set of the Crystal Keeper Chronicles-Fantasy/Adventure Series by Tiffany Turner

All books will be mailed in paperback format. The lucky winner will receive an autographed set. Here is how to enter:

Win the Crystal Keeper Paperback Set Here!

Now for the second awesome giveaway! This is the Grand Prize. All the authors in the blog tour have chipped in for this one. There is an age limit to enter. You must be 18 years or older. The prizes include:

Ebook Yseult by Ruth Nestvold
Ebook bundle Season 1 Boreal and John Grey by Chrystalla Thoma
Ebook bundle Dark Elf by Willo Nonea Rea
Ebook Caitlin’s Book of Shadows by Juli D. Revezzo
Print book Raingun by John Blackport
Ebook Aundes Aura by Ryan Sullivan
Ebook Seeking a Scribe by Marsha A. Moore
Ebook Her Master’s Madness by J.E. & M. Keep
Ebook Wings of Shadow by Anna Kyss
Ebook Rune Breaker by Landon Porter
Ebook Judgement Rising by Tracy Falbe
Ebook The Chosen by Annette Gisby
Ebook New Zealand with a Hobbit Botherer by John & Annette Gisby
Gift certificate

Entry form below. Good luck!
Magik and Mayhem Grand Prize Giveaway

Plus, the Kboards.com Welcome giveaway for a $75 Amazon Gift card continues for a few more days. Enter and win! It’s sponsored by Tiffany Turner, Endi Webb, and H.M. Ward.

Win a $75 Amazon Gift Card

I hope you enjoyed stopping by this week and enjoying the focus on elves, magik, and fantasy books. Will it happen again next year? Time can only tell. Have a great weekend!

***There is still time to visit the other Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour sites. Posts will remain up even after the blog tour ends.

Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour and Giveaway: July 15-19


Starts July 15 and runs through July 19

Starts July 15 and runs through July 19

Coming next week is an exciting event for all those that love elves, fairies, and creatures of magik. The Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour will be starting next Monday, July 15 and run through Friday, July 19. Many of the blogs will be featuring information, books, and giveaways regarding elves and creatures of magik.

If you enjoy reading fantasy books or know someone who does, this is a great way to discover and learn more about elves, fantasy, and the mysteries of magik. I’ll be giving away an ebook copy of the first book in the Crystal Keeper series, The Lost Secret of Fairies. Other prizes will include:

Ebook Yseult by Ruth Nestvold
Ebook bundle Season 1 Boreal and John Grey by Chrystalla Thoma
Ebook bundle Dark Elf by Willo Nonea Rea
Ebook Caitlin’s Book of Shadows by Juli D. Revezzo
Print book Raingun by John Blackport
Ebook Aundes Aura by Ryan Sullivan
Ebook Seeking a Scribe by Marsha A. Moore
Ebook Her Master’s Madness by J.E. & M. Keep
Ebook Wings of Shadow by Anna Kyss
Ebook Rune Breaker by Landon Porter
Ebook Judgement Rising by Tracy Falbe
Ebook The Chosen by Annette Gisby
Ebook New Zealand with a Hobbit Botherer by John & Annette Gisby
Gift certificate

Bookmark your calendar for Mon. July 15. A post with an entry form will appear with further information on how to join in on the blog tour. Until then, may the elves help and assist where they can. Anon!