Tag Archives: Iwa the Snowflake

Interview with Michael Dibley


For many of you, school has started and Halloween is just around the corner. But it’s never too soon to start planning for the Holidays. I’ve found a great picture book author with a talent for whimsical illustrations. He captures the essence of each animal in his Whispers in the Woodland series. His new book, although not part of the same series, follows in the same footsteps. His hand-drawn style lends a comforting touch to his characters. I had the chance to ask him about how he became an author, his influences, and what he has in store in the future.

1) How did you come to write the book?

Michael Dibley: I have a friend called Iwa that I used to live with. Somehow, I can’t quite remember, but she started singing this children’s Christmas song entitled “Snowflake”. So I had her name, then snowflake, and the two clicked together for me. Well, there you go. She actually helped a lot with the ideas. We did discuss the book and the plot before pen was put to paper.

2) Who are your main influences when writing?

Michael Dibley: I love Beatrix Potter, Amy MacDonald and Nick Butterworth. Any book that has a good story and beautiful illustrations always helps. These are all authors from my childhood that I still cling onto.

3) I can see you’ve published quite a few children’s books, do you have anymore lined up?

Michael Dibley: I do. I have one that will be released later this year entitled “Sophie the Hedgehog”. It’s part of my Whispers in the Woodland series. I’ll put information on my author page below when it is available.

Book Blurb for “Iwa the Snowflake”:

A scary situation for any child is to be separated from their family. It’s no different for Iwa the Snowflake. She finds herself lost during a storm and desperately wants to get home. It’s the start of a new adventure as she discovers a new world. But can she get back in time before the sun comes back out?

“Iwa the Snowflake” is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

For more information on Michael Dibley, please visit his Amazon Author’s Page.