Tag Archives: inspiring children to use imagination

Interview with Stephanie Jane Markham

Stephanie Jane Markham is the author of the picture book, “Maisie Mae From Sunnyside Street”.

Summer is soon upon us. So, I’ve been scouting for some great summer reads for your kid(s). I think our first author has got a real inspiring picture book that will set your kid’s imagination on a roller coaster adventure.

Stephanie Jane Markham is an actor, filmmaker, and singer/songwriter living in Los Angeles. Her book, “Maisie Mae From Sunnyside Street”, utilizes her memories of growing up in Scotland and Kentucky. It’s a book that will show your child how to take their imagination into a big adventure. I was pleased to be able to interview Stephanie Jane Markham about her childhood reading memories, writing routine and what future projects she has in store for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Stephanie Jane Markham: My favorite memory reading as a kid was that snuggly, safe feeling I got from my parents reading books at bedtime. It really is such a magical thing to read to a child. My Dad used to tell me what I could dream about before I went to bed at night. I’d make these elaborate plans in my head on where I could go while asleep. I try to instill that same sense of wonder in my little boy.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Stephanie Jane Markham: My favorite author is Mary Shelley. Not just because she gave us Frankenstein or because every Hollywood screenwriter owes her a royalty check. Her voice as a writer is so strong and clear and a bit fragile. She was fearless in a way that I’m not. I’m also very influenced by Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre. That book changed me. Her sense of wild independence coupled with a need to belong and a strong inner compass that urged her forward, despite the struggles she kept facing. That is very much who I am.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Stephanie Jane Markham: I don’t have any sort of routine except general chaos dealing with my kid. I’m usually squeezing in whatever free time I can to write, albeit usually late at night when I am most inspired.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Stephanie Jane Markham: Right now, I am focused on the other books in the Sunnyside Street Series. The next book is about Maisie’s introverted friend Duncan and his exuberant unicorn, Letty Lou. I also have an unhealthy obsession with pirates. There’s a lot to explore there.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Stephanie Jane Markham: Writing is how I express myself fully.

Join Maisie Mae and her friends from Sunnyside Street as they dream up new adventures!

Maisie Mae imagines herself all the way to Mars, slides down rainbows and even sails a pirate ship! Her best friend Duncan and his unicorn, Letty Lou, take Maisie for a magical ride around the town. They drop in on the zoo and meet up with their good friends Simon, Sabrina and the twins, Ann & Emma.

Kids will love the lush color illustrations in this 8×8 storybook.

“Maisie Mae From Sunnyside Street” is available at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble com, and Target.

For more information on Stephanie Jane Markham, please visit her social media links below.

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Interview with Nasser Abuhamda



Nasser Abuhamda is the author of the book Backyard Adventures. 

I’ve got a wonderful author to introduce you to in time for all of your fall reading. Nasser Abuhamda grew up in Michigan having kid adventures that have inspired his stories. He currently has many books that can appeal to the wild child at heart. I had a chance to talk to Nasser about his memories of reading, authors that have inspired him, and what he plans to write about in the future.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Nasser Abuhamda: As a child I liked reading about dinosaurs in the backyard laying on the grass on a sunny day. My mother would always come to read with me and explain the book I was reading. Reading certain stories would inspire me to write the stories I have today.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Nasser Abuhamda: Steven King inspired me from reading his books. I’ve watched his movies. He inspired me to use my imagination to write my own books and stories.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?
Nasser Abuhamda: I would like to write about fictional subjects as well as science fiction.

backyardadvCoverBackyard Adventures is Nasser Abuhamda’s most recent book. It is a book about a young boy that likes to delve into his imagination in his backyard. One day, he’s a cowboy. The next day, he’s a pirate. But then one day, his adventures turn into a situation where he has to make a decision like the real heroes in his backyard adventures. This delightful book is a fun bedtime story to help kids engage their imagination. It will make a wonderful addition to any child’s home library.

For more information on Nasser Abuhamda and his books, visit his author page.