Tag Archives: inspirational children’s books

Interview with Joy Harris-Bird


Heading into the rest of 2020, you might be searching for a way to calm and help your little one during all the changes of online or distance learning.  Plus, reading a book with your little one is a great way to bond and carry on with this strange, new normal we are all living in. I’ve got a great book to share with your little one or with a whole classroom.

Joy Harris-Bird is the author of the book, “Different Like Me”. She is a creative writer, entrepreneur and independent blogger. She loves to write stories that inspire others. In her new book, she is creating a magical journey for children to see themselves as who they really are, and to love themselves for it.

I had the chance to talk to Joy about her favorite authors growing up, why she loves to write and what it means to her.

1) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Joy Harris-Bird: Maya Angelou is my favorite author. I love that she didn’t let her past stop her from writing. Her words and actions have made a lasting impact on the world. She inspired me to work hard to make my dreams a reality!

2) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Joy Harris-Bird: I love writing about embracing differences and being kind to one another. I believe we need to teach children that it is ok to be different. I want to spread that message to children all over the world!

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Joy Harris-Bird: Writing is using my words to catch your attention and capture your heart!

“Different Like Me” is a huge adventure as children quest to find their true selves through the use of a magical mirror. Each with a disability, the children discover the secret of the mirror. To their surprise, it’s more than a secret. It’s the secret shared by everyone.

“Different Like Me” is available at Amazon.com and is a Kindle Unlimited title..

For more information on Joy Harris-Bird, please visit her website at: http://www.joyharrisbird.com/.

Interview with Melinda Rapp

Melinda Rapp is the author of the children’s book, “Pretty Girl Pledge.”

During the beginning of the school year, I think it’s so important to instill positive images of self as the classroom community is built among students, teachers and parents. Today, I have a fabulous author with her new book release on Sept. 13. Her book is called Pretty Girl Pledge, a book that builds the self-confidence in every girl to be your best and beautiful self. The author is Melinda Rapp. She resides in Maryland and wears many hats, wife, mom and teacher. She has a degree in Fashion Merchandising, Early Childhood Education and Educational Leadership. She uses her expertise in her new book to build integrity, faith and substance in young girls.

I had the chance to talk to Melinda about her childhood reading memories, her favorite authors, and what surprises she has in store for us.

What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Melinda Rapp: My favorite memory from reading as a child is reading all my favorite chapter books especially the series, Baysitters Club, I read them all! So you can just imagine how excited I was to watch the new series on Netflix!

Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Melinda Rapp: My favorite author as a child was John Steptoe. He wrote Mufaros Beautiful Daughters. He influenced me a great deal because he taught me the significance of teaching life lessons through simple stories. I was captivated by the beauty of his illustrations of the African culture, and his story made an impact on my life that I will never forget. It is truly timeless piece that has inspired me to create pieces, transcend time, space, and generations.

Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Melinda Rapp: I like to write in the middle of the night when it is completely quiet, my mind is clear, and my heart and mind are open. As a mom of four children, this is a rare opportunity for me to release my thoughts, and since most of my ideas come to me while I am sleeping, these night time writing sessions work for me.

What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Melinda Rapp: In the future I would like to write about the women of the bible. I have a few ideas, but I need to put it all together. I would also like to write affirmations for children. It is so important that we teach our children to speak highly of themselves, the earlier the better!

What is writing to you in one sentence?

Melinda Rapp: Writing is your heart, mind, and soul, all on display.

Pretty Girl Pledge is an ode to the pretty girl encouraging girls to be more than just a pretty face, but of substance and faith.

Available at Amazon.com.

Interview with Martika Shanel



Martika Shanel has written the inspirational picture book, I Am Loved & I Love Me

I’m still working hard to find helpful, supportive books for children during these crazy times. As a parent, one thing you might be searching for is a supportive book for your child’s mental well-being during the stress of the outbreak. I think I found something that can help.

I’ve located a marvelous book by author, Martika Shanel. She’s written a book to inspire youth to look inside themselves for love and acceptance. I Am Loved & I Love Me is a picture book that helps build an essential foundation at an early age and to help them build self-love with positive affirmations. I had the chance to talk with Martika about her childhood memories, what she has planned for future projects, and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Martika Shanel: Getting to escape to other worlds is my favorite memory from reading as a child. And I enjoyed the fact that the selection of those worlds were endless–a remarkable concept to embrace at that time. I remember the library being my solace.

  • What projects would you like to write about in the future?

Martika Shanel: In the future, I would like to write books that help children build and solidify their foundation of self-love and acceptance at various stages of their formative years, even into adulthood. An outlier subject, for me, is writing a thriller novel that I have yet to mentally release (I cannot wait to get started!).

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Martika Shanel: Writing is a liberating medium, allowing one to release thoughts and move others in a multitude of directions.

I Am Final CoverI Am Loved & I Love Me helps promote positive affirmations with children. With uplifting talk and beautiful illustrations, this book will reinforce the significance of talking positive about oneself and looking towards your own inner beauty. This would make a great daily affirmation routine for any child during these uncertain times.

I Am Loved & I Love Me is available at https://www.insparead.com/merch.

For more information on Martika Shanel, visit her website at: www.martikashanel.com.

Interview with John D. Zomer, Author of “Jesus Loves You More Than You Possibly Imagine!”


If you would like to share the joy, love and happiness of Jesus with your child, here is a great picture book for you. John D. Zomer is the author of “Jesus Loves You More Than You Possibly Imagine!” He is a former college basketball bench rider, avid golfer, and jack-of-all-trades. Recently a father in 2018, John had his life changed dramatically a few years ago and wants to share the grace and love he found through Jesus. I had a chance to talk to John about his childhood reading memories, favorite authors and books, and what he is planning for future projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

John D. Zomer: I remember the excitement of learning new words and seeing new pictures and just enjoying the many stories I read as a child.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

John D. Zomer: Dr. Seuss “The Cat in the Hat”. I appreciated the rhyming and story aspects and looking at the peculiar illustrations and colorful characters.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

John D. Zomer: I actually have four more books in production. I usually like to jam out with some music and get my mind stimulated, and it usually flows pretty naturally somehow.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

John D. Zomer: I have a series in production that is going to be topical with grace, love, forgiveness, and giving as the story lines, with cool rhyming aspects and awesome illustrations!

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

John D. Zomer: Words hold such power. I love expressing Jesus in and through me.

book cover“Jesus Loves You More Than You Possibly Imagine!” is a picture book that allows parents to share the power and teachings of Jesus. This heartwarming presentation of Jesus and his message of endless love will make the perfect read-aloud before bedtime for any Christian child.

“Jesus Loves You More Than You Possibly Imagine!” is available at Amazon.com.






Interview with Tracy Kauffman



Tracy Kauffman is the author of the book “Captain Honey Bear”.

Here is a sweet, caring fairy tale story to start off the year, and I’d like to introduce you to the author, Tracy Kauffman. Tracy has written a beginning chapter book called Captain Honey Bear. It’s an adventurous tale in which Papa Honey Bear learns to be the superhero of the forest. I had a chance to talk to Tracy about her favorite memories reading as a child, her writing routine, and what future projects she has planned for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Tracy Kauffman: My favorite memory was reading Alice in Wonderland. I loved the characters and the way they seemed to come to life through this book.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Tracy Kauffman: My writing routine is pretty much that I have a basic idea of what the book will be about and brainstorm ideas before writing.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Tracy Kauffman: I would like to continue a series of books started from this first book: Captain Honey Bear.

captainhoneybearcoverCaptain Honey Bear is caught stealing honey from a bee’s nest and is sentenced to start helping as the forest superhero. His first assignment, find Squirrel Goldie Locks that has been kidnapped. Captain Honey Bear is off to the rescue, having to face challenges that will turn his grumpy self into a superhero.

Captain Honey Bear is available at Amazon.com.


First Interview of 2019: Helen Gibbs Pohlot


I enjoy a good pet or animal story. Here is a good one for you to start your child’s 2019 reading list. Lucky’s Will is an inspirational book based on a true story. The author of this extraordinary tale is Helen Gibbs Pohlot. Helen was a reporter for more than fifteen years before she started writing children’s books. She uses telling stories to her son as inspiration and lives with her family in Pennsylvania. I was able to interview Helen about her writing process and what writing means to her.

1) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works with you.
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: My routine is to write at least 2000 words a day. Consistency works.

2) What subject would you like to write about in future projects?
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: I want to write a fabulous series with interesting characters involved in thrilling situations as they travel around the world.

3) What is writing to you in on sentence?
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: Writing to me is an expression from the heart that informs, entertains and comforts the reader.

a new luckys willLucky’s Will tells the story of a dog who is stranded outside their rural home in the bitter cold and snow after her owner dies suddenly. Lucky survives for 18 days guarding her beloved Will. When rescue arrives, Lucky faces an uncertain future until a young boy stands up and fights for her life.

Lucky’s Will is available at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LGFZYFV