Tag Archives: Indie Authors

INDIEpendence Day July 2-4


Wanting more than just your average book? Next week, declare your independence from the Mass Book market. Come to the wild side and see what independently published books are out there.

A blog hop is being hosted by the Indelibles, a blog site with 25 Indie Authors. Over 60 blogs are participating that will feature an outstanding Indie Author’s book. It’ll get you set with your summer reading. A range of different books will be available. The Indie Children’s Authors Connection is proud to be participating.

If you are a blogger or an avid reader and would like to get involved, here are the steps:

1) PICK A BOOK: Pick an indie (self-published or small press) book that you either HAVE READ AND LOVED or WANT TO READ.
2) WRITE A POST: On INDIEpendence day (July 2nd), write a post about that book. It can be a review, an interview with the author, or simply a post highlighting the book.
3) CLICK BELOW: to join the link that will tie the blog hop together on July 2nd. See the Indelibles for more details.

Codename: Dancer is YA For Glee-sters


Codename: Dancer by Amanda Brice

If you love “Glee” and “Dancing with the Stars”, this is a book you have got to try. Set at a performing arts boarding school, this is a mystery packed full with teens, dancing, and accidental mishaps.

Dani is starting her freshman year at her dream school. Little does she know that a film crew is there to shoot a new reality show. They need dancers to be paired up with teen celebrities. Waffling only slightly about trying out, Dani nails it.

Added to the cast, the mystery begins. Falling set pieces, fake bombs left in her bag, and a fire set to the dance studio start to point fingers at her as the suspect.
But luckily, Dani is surrounded by her fellow cast members that believe, with a little gumshoe thinking, they can solve the case.

I grew up as a theater geek. So any book with a performing school related background catches my interest. With a simple connect the dots plot line, it’s a straight forward mystery.
There wasn’t a huge amount of guess work on who done it. If you like real complicated, intense mysteries, this might not be for you. But overall, it delivered a good, basic suspenseful plot that delivered complete with twist ending. However, it is a bit simple minded on the who-done-it aspect. For a clean, fun read with teens obsessed with texting, cute teen stars, and dance, this is a definite read for you or the teen in your life. (less)

**** Four Star Rating
Available on Amazon.com and