Tag Archives: Holiday Gift

Interview with Pompey Poppleton


Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift or stocking stuffer? Does your child or grandchild like books with a sense of humor? Do they like books with dogs? If so, I’ve found a great combination that will make the perfect Holiday gift for your young reader.

“Billy Boxter Meets Snotser” is a farcical book that tells the story of a troublesome foster dog. Billy thinks he can tame the dog, and the story that unfolds will warm your heart.

Pompey Poppleton is the author of this book. He lives in a small village on the west coast of Ireland, and he draws from his childhood and literary background to write his stories. I had the opportunity to talk with him about his writing journey and how he wrote his debut book.

What is your favourite memory from reading as a child?

Pompey Poppleton: I read only Sinead de Valera books as a very young child for many years. Sinead’s stories were all based on Irish myths, fairies, ghosts and witches. During the summer months, my granddad and I, with his beloved cocker spaniel Suzie, would walk every evening. We’d walk together past an old cottage by a towering gnarly, oak tree and hop over a large metal gate through poppy fields that led into a dark forest. We would be gone for hours.

It was thrilling to visit ancient sites like a hill fort as well as my cherished mystical forest. Enchanted lakes, forests and witch’s cottages were often the locations for many of Sinead’s books, which brought her stories to life when I would later be in bed reading them after my walks. I would have a perfect image in my mind based on where we had explored and the stories became so much more invigorating and realistic to me. Her books instilled in me a love for reading, history, the Irish landscape and the other world, the world of mythology.

Who was your favourite author and how did they influence you?

Pompey Poppleton: From the age of eleven, I started reading P.G. Wodehouse books, and he was a major influence in how I wrote the Billy book. I love the fun and farcical element to his stories with silly names thrown in. My favourite is The Blanding book series. The dotty Lord Emsworth, who faithfully adores his pet pig, is my favourite character out of all the P.G. Wodehouse books. Mr. Kringle is loosely based on him. He also adores and spoils his pet cat, an old Ragamuffin, called Orangutang.

Do you have a writing routine?

Pompey Poppleton: Not in terms of time, I wouldn’t ever decide to sit daily for a certain number of hours to write. But as regards to story writing and plotting, I would always follow a particular routine and that is to write everything by hand.

I like the freestyle method. I just write whatever comes to mind, and then later organize into characters, names, traits, themes, chapters and so on. I could get an idea for a name, Billy’s dog for example, but then how I want Billy to look could just pop into my head so I would write that down too. Everything looks a mess in my A4 notebook with random lists and words like names, locations, plots and anything that comes to mind just written down. It really is chaos to anyone else looking at my notes. My ideas would come to me, always when I am out and about, like a quirky name or location. So, I would make a note of it in my phone or into a notepad.

The next stage would be to decide how many chapters I would like. Again, I would write under each chapter title, add rough ideas, and organize what event or story would happen. That would give me direction as to where the book was coming from and going to. If that felt right, I would proceed with more details and particulars in relation to plot and character.

This book has been fifteen years in the making. It wasn’t easy in the beginning to write so freely and to be farcical. When I decided to let go of what I thought the book should be, I then began to write the way I really wanted. That was when the story truly came alive and the ideas flowed readily. The book was finished in no time.

Book Blurb for “Billy Boxter Meets Snotser”:

Snotser is a 2-year old parson terrier. Injured and starving, he was brought to the shelter after being abandoned. He’s fostered many times, but none of the fosterers have any patience with him. Billy finally adopts Snotser, but chaos ensues just as Mrs. Dank, the rescue warden, arrives for a final unannounced visit.

Snotser must now go to obedience school and pass his course. This is Snotser’s last chance to stay with The Boxters. Will Snotser be denied his forever home? Can Billy devise a plan that will work? Or will Snotser get drawn into more trouble that could sabotage Billy’s plan to keep him.

“Billy Boxter Meets Snotser” is available at: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

For more information on Pompey Poppleton, please visit his Amazon author page here.

Website link will be available soon.

Second Interview with Simone Chasey


Greetings and happy holidays! With December looming with its oodles of activities and holiday cheer, it’s good to take the time to connect and read with your child. One of the authors I’ve featured before has a second book in her short story series. Her series is a great way to connect and build morals during bedtime and read-aloud time.

Simone Chasey loves to build a bridge with her literary works that bring parents and children closer together. With her second book, “Beyond the Horizon: Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids Part II”, she is continuing her mission to use reading to build and enrich family bonds. I had the chance to catch up with Simone with her writing journey over the last year and find out what she has planned for further parent-children relationship enrichment.

1) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Simone Chasey: Writing is the creative art of weaving thoughts, emotions, and ideas into a tapestry of words that helps the reader use their imagination, learns to communicate, and resonates with others.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

 Simone Chasey: At first, it was merely an idea that sparked in my mind — a desire to impart moral lessons to children. As new ideas continued to emerge, I began jotting them down on a notepad, laying the foundation for future books I have yet to create. This approach ensures a constant stream of projects to work on.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

 Simone Chasey: In considering future projects, my focus transcends subjects; rather, I envision crafting experiences that transform learning into a captivating and interactive journey. My ultimate goal is to infuse the joy of discovery into education, making the process not only enlightening but also entertaining.

Moreover, I aspire to contribute to the strengthening of family bonds, creating literature that not only facilitates learning but also serves as a conduit for parents to engage with their children. Through stories that resonate with both young and old, I aim to mend the bonds of family, fostering shared moments of reading that become cherished memories, and nurturing connections that endure beyond the pages of a book.

Book Blurb:

“Beyond the Horizon: Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids Part II” is a compilation of short stories that transports young readers to a world where imagination converges with wisdom. This collection explores essential life lessons through captivating tales, ranging from the thrill of success to the valuable teachings hidden within failures. Each story introduces endearing characters on unique journeys of self-discovery, engaging children’s imaginations while imparting morals that linger throughout their lives. From resilience to compassion, courage to the true meaning of success, this book weaves storytelling magic with life’s richness, providing a blend of entertainment and enlightenment. These tales gently guide children to explore emotions, confront fears, and make wise choices, making it a valuable tool for parents, teachers, and caregivers. This timeless collection not only entertains but also educates, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of young readers.

To find out more about her first book, please click here. This is a Kindle Unlimited series.

For more information on Simone Chasey and her other books, please visit her Amazon authors page here. Also available is her Instagram account here.

To read her first interview on my blog, please visit here.

Interview with Dralan Pierce


Greetings everyone! This is the time for thanks and for being grateful. I am so grateful for so many things this year, including to all of you for following my blog and making it through this pandemic together. It has been a crazy year, and I am so happy to finally be able to spend it with my family this year. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends as well.

Along those lines of giving and family, I wanted to introduce my next author. Dralan Pierce is an ambitious author that likes to write about redefining family relationships to build a better society while inspiring our youth. He has written a fabulous book called “The Catch”. It deals with building a healthy relationship between fathers and daughters, something I’m thankful for that I had a chance to do with my own father before he died a few years ago. So this story goes to my heart immediately.

I had the chance to talk to Dralan about his favorite author, childhood reading memories, his writing routine, and what future projects he has in mind.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Dralan Pierce: Being able to imagine the book being a movie that I’m a part of is a favorite memory of mine as a kid.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Dralan Pierce: Lance Peeler. I felt like he was writing my life story before I start living my life.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Dralan Pierce: Yes, all I need is a desk and some jazz music.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Dralan Pierce: I’d like to write about my family relationships, especially redefining them from all aspects from my dad to my mother, sister and brother.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Dralan Pierce: Life.

Book Blurb:

“The Catch” is a heart-warming story about a father and daughter bonding during a fishing trip. Together, they learn to enjoy each other’s company and build a healthy relationship that will sustain them through their lives. A great gift for the holiday season, “The Catch” will touch any father and daughter and make a great gift for Father’s Day.

To purchase “The Catch” or for more information on Dralan Pierce, please visit his website at piercetheheart.org.