Tag Archives: ghost mystery

Day 4 of the 2023 Back to School Blog Tour-Book Review: Devin Drake and The Family Secret


Welcome back to day 4 of the 2023 Back to School Blog Tour. I have a fabulous book review today of a paranormal/spooky genre book. Check out the book review below. Please come back tomorrow for the last installment of this year’s blog tour.

Book Review: Devin Drake and The Family Secret

By R. M. Clark

School has started, but that means Halloween is just around the corner. This is a great time to introduce your child or students to the spooky genre before October hits. I’ve found a marvelous spooky mystery novel that is sure to be a great addition to your classroom or home library.

Devin Drake and the Family Secret is a not so average spooky mystery. It likes to tantalize the senses with Greek food clues and paranormal intrigue. Devin is your average sixth grader that loves magic card tricks and is excited about his new drone for his birthday. But when it ends up in a cemetery, he has to retrieve it which leads him to discover he has the ability to see and hear ghosts. He soon finds this ability runs in the family, and starts to try to get the hang of his new skills. Then, his classmate, Eva, asks for help. Her grandfather seems to be contacting her beyond the grave and she needs help understanding why. Can Devin solve the reason for this mysterious communication? Or are the clues distractions to the real problem at hand?

I enjoyed the real sense of voice in this story. Mr. Clark really puts you into the head of a twelve-year old boy dealing with real problems along with paranormal twists. This is a great read for kids that love a good mystery along with a ghost story. I used to love this kind of book when I was a kid, and that wasn’t just around Halloween time either. This would be a great middle grade book to introduce your preteen to the spooky/paranormal genre and get them interested in reading paranormal fiction all year long.

Devin Drake and The Family Secret is available at: Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

For more information on Devin Drake and his other books, please visit his website at:
