Tag Archives: Florida

Interview with Lucia Matuonto


Lucia Matuonto is the author of the children’s book, Zoe the Crab.

With the current pandemic, you might be looking for a safer way for your kids to explore areas such as the beach, woods, or parks. A book is a great way to learn about these places without getting exposed. Traveling in books is a great way to still foster learning and enjoy far away places. Zoe the Crab is a beginning chapter book that will take young readers on a journey onto the beaches of Florida. Zoe’s a crab that has to overcome challenges and accept that walking sideways is just another aspect of herself.

The author, Lucia Matuonto, is a children’s physiotherapist that has taught children with motor and cognitive disabilities. She’s written her books to inspire children to use their imagination while incorporating Florida beach fauna. I had a chance to talk to Lucia about her childhood memories, favorite authors, and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Lucia Matuonto: I felt like I was traveling around the world and experiencing different cultures.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Lucia Matuonto: My favorite author was Agatha Christie. Her books stimulated my creativity.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Lucia Matuonto: Writing enables me to create stories that combine my experience, philosophy and dreams.

ZoetheCrabCVRZoe the Crab is a delightful beginning chapter book that will take you into the Florida beach environment through the lens of a clever, little crab. She wants to spend most of her time hiding from predators such as snakes and humans. But she faces her fears to go out on adventures. Join her as she faces life challenges of dealing with her siblings, always getting into trouble, and finding her way when lost in this story of accomplishments through determination. Recommended for children 7-12.

Zoe the Crab is available at Amazon.com.


Interview with Jon Smith: Co-Author of Campus Explorers Series


I found a unique way to introduce children to colleges. Many have rich traditions that alumni consider part of the experience. What a great way to introduce children to the idea of going to college than to create a children’s book series teaching those traditions.

The first book in the series, Campus Explorers: The Search for Osceola and Renegade by Jon Smith and Stuart Santos, introduces children to the traditions of Florida State University. They got the idea sitting on the steps of their fraternity house, and wrote the book ten years later. Of the two authors, I had a chance to speak with Jon Smith about his childhood memories, subjects he’d like to write about, and what he has in store for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Jon Smith: I remember the vibrant colors of children’s books and the amazing environments the characters would travel through and experience. In a way, I guess it set the table pretty well for the idea behind Campus Explorers – a journey!

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Jon Smith: From a children’s book perspective, Shel Silverstein was a master in building depth out of simplicity.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Jon Smith: Campus Explorers is a children’s book series using college mascots, campuses and traditions to tell a unique story and teach the children everything you may love about your school. Florida State University is the first school in this series to be featured but many more are on the way!

campusexplorersCampus Explorers: The Search for Osceola and Renegade is a children’s book series that uses college mascots, campuses and traditions to introduce children to colleges around the United States. The first in the series is Florida State University.

“Where are Osceola & Renegade? That’s the question every Seminole fan is asking today. Become an explorer as you discover the traditions of Florida State University. Search through campus landmarks to locate the missing pair again so they can lead the Noles on to another win!”

This first book in the series is a great way to start introducing children to the college experience. It can easily be used as an elementary read-aloud, and it will make a great addition to any school library’s “College Week” display.

Campus Explorers: The Search for Osceola and Renegade is available at Amazon.com.

Vacation Pairs With Learning in Allie Gator and the Seven Stones


Allie Gator And The Seven Stones by Sean Eckenrod

Allie Gator And The Seven Stones by Sean Eckenrod

The next installment for the summer reading book review series is Allie Gator and the Seven Stones by Sean Eckenrod, a Middle Grade novel that will inspire learning while visiting that next river or beach. Allie is frustrated with being the only kid while the grown ups drag her to different activities only adults would love. She’d rather be swimming in the Myakka river, throwing stones, or exploring in her purple with orange flower flip flops. Her love for the river is revealed as fate, when she falls in and discovers a world in turmoil. The animals of Charlotte Harbor need her help to save them all.
Featured Indie Book and Author

Featured Indie Book and Author

Allie discovers that seven stones must be recovered to put the real world to right. With an alligator companion, a catfish, gar, and three wood storks, Allie faces each new challenge to find the seven missing stones. She must overcome her self doubt, puzzling characters and obstacles, and learn that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to deal with it head on.

I enjoyed this Middle Grade novel since it helps teach about the animals in Charlotte Harbor, Florida combined with self confidence. Anyone that has felt like the black sheep of any family may relate to Allie. As she goes through each challenge, new habitat and animals are revealed.

It was a learning experience for myself. I learned what a gar is. It’s a bottom feeder fish that lives mostly in brackish water. So, I have to say, everyone will learn a new nugget of wisdom while reading this book. I felt I was along with a park ranger in the form of an alligator while experiencing difficult tasks with Allie.

For more information and maps on the areas of Florida that are in the book, please visit Sean Eckenrod’s website. Book Club questions can also be found. Also on the website are chapter links that tell about each animal featured for each chapter in the book.

Turn the summer into an opportunity for learning about new habitats, animals in Florida, and a little kindness towards other living things. It’s a lesson that is so important to share.

**** Rating

Allie and the Seven Stones can be purchased at Amazon.com as a paperback or Kindle ebook.

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