Tag Archives: female heroine

YA Fantasy Author: Interview with Rae Miles


perf5.000x8.000.inddAs we start the last week of September, I have a book to recommend for your fall reading list. Successor is the debut novel by Rae Miles. She has spent her life thinking of amazing characters and finally has given them a new home in her debut novel. With creative writing degree in hand, she has written a memorable first YA Fantasy.

I had time to talk with Rae Miles about her love for fantasy, her writing routine, and what she is working on next.

1) Do you have a writing routine?

Rae Miles: I wouldn’t say I have a routine, per se, but usually when I’m working on a scene and can’t quite figure out how to describe something, I’ll act out what’s supposed to happen. I’m able to get a natural response, just based on how I would react in that situation. I even use my cats as character substitutes if I’m working on dialogue! I might even slip into an accent or two in the process.

2) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Rae Miles: I like writing fantasy because it allows me to make my own rules as to how the world works. There are a couple of other projects I have in mind to work on that have darker material, but getting in the right mindset for them is going to take some work. I love reading romance and would love to try my hand at it some day, but I don’t know if I could pull it off! Only time will tell.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Rae Miles: To me, writing is creation in its rawest form, where words alone can create a more vivid universe than any other art form ever could.

Successor is a YA Fantasy that is Rae Miles debut novel. For seventeen-year-old Evan, graduation means freedom. She just never imagined she would find it in another world. She discovers a hidden heritage from her mother, and with it comes magic, power, and responsibility. But claiming her birthright will be dangerous, and could endanger her newfound family and the man she loves.

Successor is available for preorder at: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

For more information on Rae Miles, visit her website at: https://raemiles.com.