Tag Archives: featured indie authors

May Author Spotlight: Arnold Rudnick


WOI Banner for Arnold Rudnick April 2015 webI’d like to introduce you to a new feature here on the Indie Children’s Connection. Each month, I’ll be featuring a new Indie Children’s Author with links to their books and a spotlight, book review, and author interview or giveaway.

We’re starting off May with a feature on Arnold Rudnick. He writes several different types of books including middle grade novels and picture books. His books have a new twist on different genres. He fills his books with realistic characters that are easy to relate to. Often, they have some unique obstacle they have to face.

Little Green coverArnold Rudnick has a gift for creating fascinating stories to challenge children toward self-improvement and self esteem. In LITTLE GREEN he introduces a little green frog (beautifully realized by illustrator Marcelo Goreman) who has big dreams to be special.

ISBN: 0981587976

Publisher Paraphrase, LLC

​E.S. Pete: Sixth Grade Sense is about the perils of a paranormal preteen.

Pete knew there would be a lot more homework in Sixth Grade, but he didn’t plan on the reading list including the minds of his teachers and classmates. Knowing what they think can be helpful sometimes, but it also gets complicated — ESPecially when Pete thinks the substitute teacher is planning a big robbery.espetecvr

ISBN: 0981587909

Publisher: Paraphrase, LLC

 ARNOLD RUDNICK has written for many television shows, including THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR, STAR TREK: VOYAGER and THE NEW ADDAMS FAMILY.

Author Website: http://isntitpossible.com and http://espete.com

Follow on

Twitter @isntitpossible or arnoldrudnick

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/arnold.rudnick

FB Fan Pages:



World of Ink Virtual Tour http://www.worldofinknetwork.com/arnold-rudnick-april-15.html

***Stay tuned this week for Author Interview and Book Review of E.S. Pete: Sixth Grade Sense.

Back To School Blog Tour Giveaway: Ending Sept. 8


b2schblogtour2014Just wanted to give one more shout out for the Back to School Blog Tour Giveaway. Though the tour wrapped on Friday Sept. 5, the giveaway is still open until midnight on Sept. 8 PST.

So, if you haven’t entered, there is still a chance to enter for the next 8 hours. Simple things such as liking an author on Facebook or tweeting about the giveaway will grant an entry. You can enter several times by doing different social media activities. Help out an Indie Children’s Author by spreading the word about them, and enter a chance to win. The winners will be announced on the blog within 48 hours of the giveaway closure. Good luck!


Link to Win Here:
