Tag Archives: family-friendly

Interview with Dralan Pierce


Greetings everyone! This is the time for thanks and for being grateful. I am so grateful for so many things this year, including to all of you for following my blog and making it through this pandemic together. It has been a crazy year, and I am so happy to finally be able to spend it with my family this year. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends as well.

Along those lines of giving and family, I wanted to introduce my next author. Dralan Pierce is an ambitious author that likes to write about redefining family relationships to build a better society while inspiring our youth. He has written a fabulous book called “The Catch”. It deals with building a healthy relationship between fathers and daughters, something I’m thankful for that I had a chance to do with my own father before he died a few years ago. So this story goes to my heart immediately.

I had the chance to talk to Dralan about his favorite author, childhood reading memories, his writing routine, and what future projects he has in mind.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Dralan Pierce: Being able to imagine the book being a movie that I’m a part of is a favorite memory of mine as a kid.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Dralan Pierce: Lance Peeler. I felt like he was writing my life story before I start living my life.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Dralan Pierce: Yes, all I need is a desk and some jazz music.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Dralan Pierce: I’d like to write about my family relationships, especially redefining them from all aspects from my dad to my mother, sister and brother.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Dralan Pierce: Life.

Book Blurb:

“The Catch” is a heart-warming story about a father and daughter bonding during a fishing trip. Together, they learn to enjoy each other’s company and build a healthy relationship that will sustain them through their lives. A great gift for the holiday season, “The Catch” will touch any father and daughter and make a great gift for Father’s Day.

To purchase “The Catch” or for more information on Dralan Pierce, please visit his website at piercetheheart.org.

Interview with Wolf Cub Chlo


With the first interview and book recommendation of this New Year, I thought all of us could use a good laugh. Not only have I found a book likely to make you smile, but also it will guide you into reading and how to tell jokes to brighten up your family’s day.

Wolf Cub Chlo is the author of the children’s joke book, “Once ‘a pun’ a Time: A Guide to reading and telling jokes”.

Wolf Cub Chlo is a child author that loves to tell a good joke. So much, she’s written a book about it. There’s nothing like a child giving insight to something that can make us all feel much better. What a great gift this little cub has given us all in her book, “Once ‘a pun’ a Time: A Guide to reading and telling jokes”. I had a chance to talk with Wolf Cub Chlo about why she writes, what she loves about reading and writing, and what future projects she is planning.

  1. Can you introduce yourself and tell us why you wanted to write your book, “Once ‘a pun’ a Time”?

Wolf Cub Chlo: Hi! My name is Chloé, but I write all my books under the name Wolf Cub Chlo, and I’m 6 years old. I like to think of silly words and create stories around a simple word. But, for my book, I turned those silly words into jokes.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Wolf Cub Chlo: For my next project, I would like to write silly stories using sight words to help other kids learn to read while having fun. I want it to be a series like Bob books. I really love those books too.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Wolf Cub Chlo: To me, writing is a way to relax and bring a smile to my face. Just like coloring.

“Once ‘a pun’ a Time” is a book that is medicine to help you heal others through laughter. Laughter is something people need in their daily lives. Jokes are one way people can support each other during these difficult times during COVID lockdowns. Learn tips and tricks on how to tell and write your own jokes. Share laughter with friends and family through video conferencing and help others heal. Remember, we’ll all get through this together.

“Once ‘a pun’ at Time” is available from Amazon.com as a Kindle edition.

For more information on Wolf Cub Chlo, visit her website here.

#SampleSunday Oct. 30, 2011 Pumper Continues His Quest: A Halloween Exclusive


Pumper the Pumpkin: A Halloween Tale by Tiffany Turner

Last week, I posted the beginning of my new Halloween Tale, “Pumper the Pumpkin”. This is a short story for children from 3-8 years old. Pumper was off on his quest to become a jack-o-lantern when he met another pumpkin with the same dream, Mirabel. Together they headed off to try to find a way to become jack-o-lanterns. They were given a clue by a scarecrow to check another part of the pumpkin field. This is where our tale left off. Now, we return to “Pumper the Pumpkin”:

And off they went, up and down, and all around, until they reached the other end of the field. There they found a crow.

“Where are you off in such a hurry,” said the crow.

“To find someone to carve us,” said Pumper. “Do you know someone who can?”

“I think I might have seen a family down at the other end of the field by the farm house. Maybe if you check there, one of the children may want to carve you.”

So off they both went, up and down, and all around the drying vines and dirt clogs to the farm house. There, they saw a small family. A boy and girl were looking among the vines and dirt clogs.

“I don’t see any pumpkins left,” said the girl.

“Maybe we’re too late,” said the boy.

“Wait,” shouted Pumper. He slid and jumped as fast as he could.

Mirabel slid and jumped right behind him. “Wait, we’re still here.”

“Do you hear something?,” said the boy turning to the girl.
Mirabel jumped up in the air. “We’re here.” Mirabel jumped as high as she could. “We want to be carved.”

Pumper jumped in the air. “We’re over here”.

Will they find someone to carve them in time?

To find out, you can get your own copy of Pumper the Pumpkin, link to Amazon.com or Smashwords.com. Happy Halloween!