Tag Archives: ebook discount

Tiffany Turner Book Discounts for Read An Ebook Week on Smashwords


a. Read an Ebook Week bannerIt’s been ten years since Smashwords first started the “Read An Ebook” week. I started putting my books on discount to help children and their parents have access to new and exciting ebooks. And now, ten years later, people are reading more than ever. I know that switching to a Kindle and reading ebooks has brought up the amount of books I read a year. On my Goodreads list where I track my reading, I can see how many times I’ve reached and surpassed my reading annual goal. Not to mention I never really had a reading goal until Goodreads was created.

So, to celebrate TEN YEARS of promoting ebook reading, I am happy to put my first and second book in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles on sale for FREE for this week only! All you have to do is enter the coupon EB100 to get your free copy of each using the links below. And of course, the series is now complete. It also took twelve years to finish with the last book released last year, The Lost Secret of Time. It is now available on Amazon. com and Barnes and Noble for a reasonable $3.99. Same with the third book in the series, The Lost Secret of Dragonfire. This is the first that the whole complete series has been available with discounted prices. So, get them while you can. It all will go back to regular price at the end of the week.

And please let me know how you enjoy the series. Leaving a review will help let me know how you enjoyed the series, or not. I am planning on a prequel with the cat sorcerer, Brewford. So, any review and feedback you can leave will be welcomed.

Discounted Crystal Keeper Chronicle Books 1 & 2

The Lost Secret of Fairies


The Lost Secret of the Green Man


Available on Amazon and B & N Books 3 & 4

The Lost Secret of Dragonfire Book 3

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Secret-Dragonfire-Crystal-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B079J4R22D

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-lost-secret-of-dragonfire-tiffany-turner/1114782699

The Lost Secret of Time Book 4

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Secret-Time-Crystal-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B07GJZBPPY

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-lost-secret-of-time-tiffany-turner/1129320107




Read An Ebook Week: Specials to Promote Reading March 3-7


readebook2015bannerIf you picked up the special free copy yesterday, I promised an extra surprise today. To continue with the reading support, I’ve set up a special deal to go along with the Smashwords “Read An Ebook Week” all week along. So, I’ve included the second book in the series, The Lost Secret of the Greenman to be free for only this week. Here is the code to pick up your free copy of The Lost Secret of the Greenman: RAE75

Here is the link to Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/6090

I hope you enjoy your free copies of both books to help celebrate ereading this week. If by chance you liked them both, please remember that a book review is a great way to say thank you. Plus, I enjoy hearing what you thought about the books. Happy Ebook Reading!

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1076313.Tiffany_Turner