Tag Archives: early holiday gift

A Second Interview with Stephanie Jane Markham


As we head into November, it is time to start thinking about the Holidays and what gifts your little one may love. Plus, with supplies for toys dwindling, maybe considering a fabulous book for your little one this year is a great solution. So, I’m looking high and low for the right gift books to recommend for this Holiday Season.

Stephanie Jane Markham is a children’s author, actress, director, and musician. Her second book, “Duncan and His Unicorn” is available now.

I’d like to start with a previously featured author on my blog. She has a new book out, and I can’t resist recommending it for your next purchase. Her new book, “Duncan and His Unicorn” is the next book in her Second Street Series.

Stephanie Jane Markham is an actor, filmmaker and singer/songwriter living in Los Angeles. Her Sunnyside Street Series draws from her memories from growing up in Scotland and Kentucky. I had the chance to ask more in depth questions on how Stephanie’s acting career has affected her writing, her reasons for writing children’s books, and what advice she has for aspiring writers.

  1. What was your inspiration for writing your new book, “Duncan and His Unicorn”?

Stephanie Jane Markham: Duncan is Maisie Mae’s best friend. I like the friendship between the two. Maisie is this overly tall, outgoing girl and her best friend is a younger boy. Growing up with two brothers and five boy cousins, I can relate. The book touches on Duncan’s anxiety when he is separated from his unicorn, Letty Lou. I have struggled with anxiety since I was a child. I want to give my son, and any kid who reads the book acceptance. I want them to know they are not alone, even when it seems like it.

2) Why did you decide to start writing children’s books?

Stephanie Jane Markham: I’ve always had ideas, but never took the time or committed to writing a book. Also, I’m writing them for my son, Henry. It’s so fun to hear his feedback. He has lots of opinions.

3) Has working as an actress helped you as a writer? If so, how? 

Stephanie Jane Markham: I’m not sure. I have always had a flair for the dramatic and a sense of storytelling. Probably.

4) What advice do you have for aspiring children’s authors? 

Stephanie Jane Markham: Just tell your story. Don’t take it too seriously. Kids don’t put limits on their imaginations. It’s so freeing to let go of that inner critic that comes with being an adult.

5) What other future writing projects do you have in store next? 

Stephanie Jane Markham: In December, Maisie Mae’s Christmas Cheer will be released! It’s Maisie and Duncan and the whole Sunnyside Street gang. I had so much fun writing that one, Christmas is my favorite holiday. 

Book Blurb:

“Duncan and His Unicorn” is a tender story of childhood anxiety and true friendship.

Duncan and His Unicorn, Letty Lou, go everywhere together. They climbed Rainbow Mountain all the way in Peru, swung on the vines in the jungles of Kanha and flew to Cebu just to eat a banana!

Then, Duncan’s unicorn ran away. Duncan feels anxious without his favorite toy. He’d always been able to count on Letty Lou. Follow Duncan and Maisie Mae as they search high and low for Duncan’s lost unicorn. Will they be able to find her or has she decided to run away forever? Filled with the fearfulness of a lost pet, this story will show the bond of friendship during times of anxiety.

“Duncan and His Unicorn” is available at: Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

To read the first interview with Stephanie Jane Markham on my blog, please link here.

For more information on Stephanie Jane Markham, please visit her social media links below.

Facebook Page:




A Thanksgiving Surprise: Interview with Carey Azzara


Carey A's head photo

Carey Azzara is the author of the picture book, Ready Or Not, Here I come!

With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s time to start thinking of Holiday gift ideas. I was able to interview a wonderful author, Carey Azzara, and find out about his new book, Ready Or Not, Here We Come! It’s a beautiful picture book that will make a great gift for your little someone. Mr. Azzara has had ups and downs in life, with the loss of his little sister when he was sixteen, two graduate degrees, and a career in public health. It’s these twists and turns that have lead to many of his stories. I had a chance to sit down and find out about Carey Azzara’s childhood memories, favorite authors growing up, and what future plans he has for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Carey Azzara: Who remembers that far back? LOL One of our neighbors liked to read with me. We read stories about pirates and swashbucklers – I loved it and the extra attention he gave me. Thanks Mr. Mullvahill! I remember his large hands, strong but kind, he was a union man. His love of reading helped me change from a kid who hated to read to one who enjoyed it. 

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Carey Azzara: My favorite author has always been Mark Twain. He taught me the meaning of a “good lie” and the value of friendship. His brilliant dialogue inspired me.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works with you.

Carey Azzara: Most of the time I write in the mornings after a good strong cup of coffee, my wife brews the best coffee. And again in the evening after dinner and before I walk the dog one last time for the night. But I also have bursts of inspiration, you know, when the muse seems to flow through me –that’s fun. 

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Carey Azzara: I am writing a series of books for kids in 4th – 8th grade titled, Heidi’s Hounds. I decided that after writing a short children’s book in honor of my first grandchild titled Ready or Not, Here We Come!, writing for kids would be a worthwhile endeavor. I like to write stories about people and animals and the next project will be another series of stories about Halley [a character in on of my novelettes] and her adventures in the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico—Halley has a gift that makes her extraordinary. 

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Carey Azzara: The joy of sharing my stories with readers and touching the lives of people I might not otherwise ever encounter.

ready-or-notCarey Azzara’s book, Ready or Not, Here We Come!, is a journey of little Leona and her dogs. While her parents are out, Leona decides to try to stay busy by playing hide and seek. But now the dogs must find her. But what could happen next? Find out in Ready Or Not, Here I Come!, a great gift for the Holidays.

Ready or Not, Here We Come! is available at Amazon .com. This is a Kindle Unlimited title.  https://amzn.to/2Q6uRgq.

For more information on Carey Azzara, please visit his website at: www.careyazzara.com.

A Belated Trick or Treat: Interview with David Lee Ross


I hope you have enjoyed your Halloween Trick or Treats, and are ready for a last minute treat. I had the chance to talk to David Lee Ross, the author of the book, Clayton’s Mackintosh. It’s a magical fantasy adventure available on Amazon. I talked to Mr. Ross about his favorite authors, subjects he’d like to take on, and his writing process.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

David Lee Ross: My favorite author by rights is Shaun Hutson. Although I am a children’s writer, I have always been a great fan of horror, funnily enough.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

David Lee Ross: Well, I have written other genres, but what works for me with my children’s books is picking images and writing them. I find it easier to extend upon an already baked idea.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

David Lee Ross: Well, I have already written what I want in a few genres including horror, a cocktail book, and a cookery book, but my favorite is children’s books and Clayton’s Mackintosh is one of my favourites. It reminds me of the stories I used to tell my children, nephews and nieces when they were small, which one of the reasons I started to write children’s books.

Clayton's MackintoshClayton’s Mackintosh is a magical adventure in which Clayton challenges demons with nothing but his trusty Mac. With the help of football and basketball stars, Clayton must win at several sports challenges against the evil demon to save the day. It is available on Amazon.

For more information on David Lee Ross, visit his Amazon Author Page.