Tag Archives: dogs in stories

Interview with Jane Owen

Jane Owen is the author of the book, “Tom Woof and Max the Owl”.

With turbulent online distance learning, teachers and parents need more resources to teach social and literary skills more than ever. I’ve found a powerful book written by the author, Jane Owen. It’s called “Tom Woof and Max the Owl”. It’s uses fantasy to model literary skills and social behavior for children. I had the chance to talk to the author about her childhood reading memories, favorite authors growing up, and some upcoming projects.

What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Jane Owen: I grew up loving books. According to my Mummy I was able to read by the age of three. I remember being young, 6 or 7 and reading books under the bedcovers till late at night. I hope my little girl loves books just as much.

Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Jane Owen: I loved the Narnia books! I loved The Secret Garden and National Velvet. I feel like those books inspired me to be more imaginative and a bit braver.

Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Jane Owen: Since the pandemic took away a lot of my regular work I’ve tried to write a little every day. Even if I throw away everything I wrote that day, the action is great for my progress.

What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Jane Owen: Tom Woof and Max The Owl are characters based on the real life writer Thomas Wolfe and his editor, my great-grandfather Max Perkins. I’m working on books that introduce characters based on F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. As well as a completely different series about a Unicorn that focuses on teaching children not to be racist.

What is writing to you in one sentence?

Jane Owen: My great-grandfather Max Perkins always used to say, “There’s nothing as important as a book can be”.

“Tom Woof and Max the Owl” is a story of a puppy with a love for writing. He writes wherever he can, and is misunderstood for this trait. But Max the Owl understands. He guides the little puppy to develop his stories and bring joy to all the other animals on the farm. Bases on a real writer and editor in the life of the author, this book will touch the hearts of any literary focused soul.

“Tom Woof and Max the Owl” is available at Amazon.com.

Picture Book Review: “Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values”



“Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” is the first in a series of heart-warming picture books.

I always like to find the hidden gems that can brighten up anyone’s day. I think a book about a dog is a great way to do this, especially with the current pandemic. We are looking back to family values, nature and the best addition to any household, pets. The lessons we can learn from our pets starts when we are children. I think I’ve found a wonderful picture book that shows the values of pets, love and family in  “Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” by Merav Gamliel Boschan.

We meet a wonderful dog, Mozzi, and his family. From a puppy to growing up to full doghood, we read about all the different challenges of life and lessons learned by Mozzi the dog with help from his family. They also learn from him in turn. It’s a great read aloud during these hard times of lockdown and isolation. The one thing that always seems to help during these hard times seems to be sharing a book with the family. This will make a wonderful read-aloud at bedtime or shared as an activity.

“Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” is available at Amazon.com. It is the first book in a series of four, and is a Kindle Unlimited title.


Upcoming 7th Annual Back to School Blog Tour 2019 Sept. 9 – 13


back2schoolbanner2019It’s time to start finalizing authors for the 7th Annual Back to School Blog! I’m looking for authors of picture books, beginning chapter books, middle grade or YA. I have several free slots open, but also will take sign-ups through my Fiverr gig which will guarantee you a spot in the blog tour.

The dates for the blog tour are Monday, Sept. 9 through Friday, Sept. 13.

Link to Fiverr Gig here:


For Free Sign Up with Limited spots, fill out the form here:


Last year, I had to double up on spots with two featured authors a day. Which was fantastic! I love getting the word out about fabulous books and the Indie children’s authors that write them.

Plus, there will be a blog tour giveaway which will be for a $25 Amazon gift card for a lucky follower of the blog. Just stop by on any day of the tour to enter. You can have one entry a day. 😉

There will also be some individual giveaways by the authors in which you can enter on the day they are featured.

So, come by to find out about awesome children’s books, enter to win prizes, and support Indie children’s authors. Until then,

summer1-Mrs. Turner

Author of the Crystal Keeper’s Chronicles series.

A Fantasy Adventure where fairies are real and they need your help.

Do you dare?

First Interview of 2019: Helen Gibbs Pohlot


I enjoy a good pet or animal story. Here is a good one for you to start your child’s 2019 reading list. Lucky’s Will is an inspirational book based on a true story. The author of this extraordinary tale is Helen Gibbs Pohlot. Helen was a reporter for more than fifteen years before she started writing children’s books. She uses telling stories to her son as inspiration and lives with her family in Pennsylvania. I was able to interview Helen about her writing process and what writing means to her.

1) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works with you.
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: My routine is to write at least 2000 words a day. Consistency works.

2) What subject would you like to write about in future projects?
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: I want to write a fabulous series with interesting characters involved in thrilling situations as they travel around the world.

3) What is writing to you in on sentence?
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: Writing to me is an expression from the heart that informs, entertains and comforts the reader.

a new luckys willLucky’s Will tells the story of a dog who is stranded outside their rural home in the bitter cold and snow after her owner dies suddenly. Lucky survives for 18 days guarding her beloved Will. When rescue arrives, Lucky faces an uncertain future until a young boy stands up and fights for her life.

Lucky’s Will is available at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LGFZYFV

A Thanksgiving Surprise: Interview with Carey Azzara


Carey A's head photo

Carey Azzara is the author of the picture book, Ready Or Not, Here I come!

With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s time to start thinking of Holiday gift ideas. I was able to interview a wonderful author, Carey Azzara, and find out about his new book, Ready Or Not, Here We Come! It’s a beautiful picture book that will make a great gift for your little someone. Mr. Azzara has had ups and downs in life, with the loss of his little sister when he was sixteen, two graduate degrees, and a career in public health. It’s these twists and turns that have lead to many of his stories. I had a chance to sit down and find out about Carey Azzara’s childhood memories, favorite authors growing up, and what future plans he has for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Carey Azzara: Who remembers that far back? LOL One of our neighbors liked to read with me. We read stories about pirates and swashbucklers – I loved it and the extra attention he gave me. Thanks Mr. Mullvahill! I remember his large hands, strong but kind, he was a union man. His love of reading helped me change from a kid who hated to read to one who enjoyed it. 

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Carey Azzara: My favorite author has always been Mark Twain. He taught me the meaning of a “good lie” and the value of friendship. His brilliant dialogue inspired me.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works with you.

Carey Azzara: Most of the time I write in the mornings after a good strong cup of coffee, my wife brews the best coffee. And again in the evening after dinner and before I walk the dog one last time for the night. But I also have bursts of inspiration, you know, when the muse seems to flow through me –that’s fun. 

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Carey Azzara: I am writing a series of books for kids in 4th – 8th grade titled, Heidi’s Hounds. I decided that after writing a short children’s book in honor of my first grandchild titled Ready or Not, Here We Come!, writing for kids would be a worthwhile endeavor. I like to write stories about people and animals and the next project will be another series of stories about Halley [a character in on of my novelettes] and her adventures in the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico—Halley has a gift that makes her extraordinary. 

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Carey Azzara: The joy of sharing my stories with readers and touching the lives of people I might not otherwise ever encounter.

ready-or-notCarey Azzara’s book, Ready or Not, Here We Come!, is a journey of little Leona and her dogs. While her parents are out, Leona decides to try to stay busy by playing hide and seek. But now the dogs must find her. But what could happen next? Find out in Ready Or Not, Here I Come!, a great gift for the Holidays.

Ready or Not, Here We Come! is available at Amazon .com. This is a Kindle Unlimited title.  https://amzn.to/2Q6uRgq.

For more information on Carey Azzara, please visit his website at: www.careyazzara.com.