Tag Archives: dog story

Interview with Jane Owen

Jane Owen is the author of the book, “Tom Woof and Max the Owl”.

With turbulent online distance learning, teachers and parents need more resources to teach social and literary skills more than ever. I’ve found a powerful book written by the author, Jane Owen. It’s called “Tom Woof and Max the Owl”. It’s uses fantasy to model literary skills and social behavior for children. I had the chance to talk to the author about her childhood reading memories, favorite authors growing up, and some upcoming projects.

What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Jane Owen: I grew up loving books. According to my Mummy I was able to read by the age of three. I remember being young, 6 or 7 and reading books under the bedcovers till late at night. I hope my little girl loves books just as much.

Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Jane Owen: I loved the Narnia books! I loved The Secret Garden and National Velvet. I feel like those books inspired me to be more imaginative and a bit braver.

Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Jane Owen: Since the pandemic took away a lot of my regular work I’ve tried to write a little every day. Even if I throw away everything I wrote that day, the action is great for my progress.

What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Jane Owen: Tom Woof and Max The Owl are characters based on the real life writer Thomas Wolfe and his editor, my great-grandfather Max Perkins. I’m working on books that introduce characters based on F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. As well as a completely different series about a Unicorn that focuses on teaching children not to be racist.

What is writing to you in one sentence?

Jane Owen: My great-grandfather Max Perkins always used to say, “There’s nothing as important as a book can be”.

“Tom Woof and Max the Owl” is a story of a puppy with a love for writing. He writes wherever he can, and is misunderstood for this trait. But Max the Owl understands. He guides the little puppy to develop his stories and bring joy to all the other animals on the farm. Bases on a real writer and editor in the life of the author, this book will touch the hearts of any literary focused soul.

“Tom Woof and Max the Owl” is available at Amazon.com.

Interview with Louisa Mastromarino


As we ease into a new school year, kids are likely missing things about traveling, their friends, and having fun. I have managed to find a fantastic book about dogs on motorcycles sightseeing around the United States. Hopefully, it can bring a little fun and charm back into your little ones day.

In the book, “Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups go to Washington, D.C.”, kids will get a chance to explore the United States capital city and discover the history while having fun with the pups. I had a chance to talk with the author, Louisa Mastromarino. She is a certified counselor educator. She uses her specialized expertise to create her children’s books and contemporary artwork. Louisa shared with me her favorite authors, future projects, and what writing means to her.

Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Louisa Mastromarino: One of my favorite authors is Maya Angelou. I love her work because she writes about socially relevant themes such as racism and tolerance. Key themes today include such areas because we all know that literature has the capability of empowering others during challenging times. I love to write about these key areas and hope that the Cycle Pups travel series empowers others to work together and create social peace.

What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Louisa Mastromarino: Subjects that I would like to write about in future projects include inclusion, tolerance, which I am working on Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups Teach Tolerance now, family cohesion, and self-identity. These areas are key, especially for teens and children.

What is writing to you in one sentence?

Louisa Mastromarino: Writing to me in one sentence is extreme joy in spirit.

“Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups go to Washington, D.C.” is a fabulous adventure with the Cycle Pups through our country’s capital, Washington D.C. Travel on max cycle bikes as the leader, Spifford Max, takes the pups on an adventure over stairs, through rivers, and even through history. Filled with love and friendship, this book is sure to bring a little adventure as your child learns about historical landmarks of Washington D.C.

“Spifford Max and the Cycle Pups go to Washington, D.C.” is available at: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

For more information on Louisa Mastromarino, please visit her website at: https://www.intuitivegalleries.com/.

Picture Book Review: “Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values”



“Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” is the first in a series of heart-warming picture books.

I always like to find the hidden gems that can brighten up anyone’s day. I think a book about a dog is a great way to do this, especially with the current pandemic. We are looking back to family values, nature and the best addition to any household, pets. The lessons we can learn from our pets starts when we are children. I think I’ve found a wonderful picture book that shows the values of pets, love and family in  “Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” by Merav Gamliel Boschan.

We meet a wonderful dog, Mozzi, and his family. From a puppy to growing up to full doghood, we read about all the different challenges of life and lessons learned by Mozzi the dog with help from his family. They also learn from him in turn. It’s a great read aloud during these hard times of lockdown and isolation. The one thing that always seems to help during these hard times seems to be sharing a book with the family. This will make a wonderful read-aloud at bedtime or shared as an activity.

“Mozzi Presents: Love and Other Values” is available at Amazon.com. It is the first book in a series of four, and is a Kindle Unlimited title.


Interview with Tom Murdoch


Before all the scary, spooky stories start to take over your child’s brain, I’d like to introduce you to Tom Murdoch. He’s a fun, adventurous author that writes soothing bedtime stories. He has written “Where will you go, Ricky Jo?”, a sweet, adventure story about an outgoing Chihuahua that loves to explore. I got a chance to ask author Tom Murdoch about his childhood reading memories, writing and what he is thinking of accomplishing next.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Tom Murdoch: My dad read to me, sometimes scary stories! As a child, I read all the Hardy Boy books.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Tom Murdoch: I write all day as a copywriter, so for my book projects I try to squeeze it in as I can.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Tom Murdoch: I hope to continue a series about puppies.

RickyCover“Where Will You Go, Ricky Jo?” is a classic bedtime story certain to inspire imagination as well as sleepy time adventures. Featuring vibrant illustrations, journey with Ricky Jo, a loveable Chihuahua, chasing after fire engines, soaring high on airplanes, riding on horses and visiting a farm. His journey ends with bedtime where he starts his dream adventures. This charming picture book will make a great addition to any family’s home library.


“Where will you go, Ricky Jo?” is available at Amazon.com.

This is a Kindle Unlimited title.





Day 1 of the 7th Annual Back to School Blog Tour


back2schoolbanner2019Welcome to the first day of the 7th Annual Back to School Blog Tour. We have a fabulous first author featured today, Terry Gunn. But first, I wanted to put up the Blog Tour giveaway. If you’re a student or teacher, here’s a great way to supply yourself with books for the school year by winning a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

Follow the link below to enter:


Note: Giveaway begins midnight EDT.

And now without further adieu:


Terry Gunn is the author of the picture book, The Adventures of Klaus, the Happy Schnauzer.

I’d like to introduce you to the first featured author for the 7th Annual Back to School Blog Tour. Terry E. Gunn lives in HTB California with her family and newest fur baby, Rocket Riley. She has written a fabulous picture book about the adventures of her beloved schnauzer going through a typical dog day. It’s a playful story that can be a wonderful repeating read-aloud to help children fall asleep each night. I had a chance to ask her questions about her writing routine, childhood reading memories and favorite authors growing up.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Terry Gunn: My favorite memory as a child and still today is memorizing books, reading them aloud, conducting plays or singing songs from the sound of music to my young cousins.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Terry Gunn: Favorite author is Judy Schachner, she writes about her kitty and I love the stories. My first book is about my beloved Klaus Von Dog.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Terry Gunn: My writing time is early morning when the house is quiet and my imagination is not interrupted, but my job interrupts story creating and stories are a way to bring joy into children’s heart and allow Klaus to live in the hearts of children.


  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Terry Gunn: The subjects I write about are dogs and their adventures. I use to memorize the different dogs and collected dog statues during my visit to Catalina Avalon. But I have two stories in the works about hats and pennies.

  •  What is writing to you in one sentence?

Terry Gunn: The story begins in the heart, continues with a pen and ends with a smile. Happy reading.

KlauscvrThe Adventures of Klaus, the Happy Schnauzer is a wonderful picture book that goes through the typical day of a beloved dog. From the challenge of trying to catch the neighborhood squirrel to doing tricks for a treat, children are taken through his dog-oriented day. His owner helps you grab his leash and go with him to explore the neighborhood.

Out on their walks, the two set off to the park for a game of catch, play with other dog friends, and then for a game of hide and seek. At the end of a busy day, Klaus is ready for sleep. Like most dogs, he falls fast asleep to do it all again the next day. His activities parallel a similar day for a preschooler with waking up, eating breakfast, playing, meeting friends and going to sleep. This would make a great read-aloud to settle down any youngster before bed.

The Adventures of Klaus, the Happy Schnauzer is available at Amazon.com as a paperback or ebook edition.

Link here for the book trailer on YouTube!

***Come back each day this week for a new featured author interview and a chance to win the $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway.



Interview with DeWana Green



DeWana Green is the author of the picture book “Vonny B and Me”.

Spring is a great time to start thinking about summer reads. The best way to start gearing up is to consider some new picture books. I’ve found a darling story called “Vonny B and Me”. I had a chance to talk to the incredible author, DeWana Green. DeWana was a foster child that overcame many challenges in her life. She graduated from university with a bachelor’s and master’s degree. She works in healthcare and bio tech, and teaches at the college level part time. She’s an inspirational speaker and has her own jewelry line that benefits foster children seeking higher education.

I had a chance to talk with DeWana about the challenges and memories from her childhood, what inspires her to move forward, and what projects she is planning in the future.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

DeWana Green: My favorite memory from reading as a child was learning to read. I learned to read very young. In fact, I was three-years-old when I learned to read fluently.  

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

DeWana Green: My favorite author from childhood was Shel Silverstein. I was obsessed with “I Know Where the Sidewalk Ends”. Also, I loved Dr. Seuss’s “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”. As an adult I like Maya Angelou and Robert Fulghum.

  • Do you have a writing routine?

DeWana Green: When it comes to writing, I don’t really have a writing routine. I write best when I am near water. I do have a couple writing rules: 1. I always write from an outline 2. I never force my creativity to flow, so I have never had writer’s block. If there is no flow, it’s a no go… I only write when I feel it. I write when I am inspired.

  • How did you get the idea to write “Vonny B and Me?”

DeWana Green: VBM was inspired by the relationship of my son with learning differences/special needs and his dog. It truly demonstrates that we all have areas that we can excel and be great!

  • You have faced many challenges growing up. How has this helped you to inspire young people?

DeWana Green: It has only been since my divorce over the past 4 years that I have really embraced the pains and fears of my past. I realized that it took ALL of it to make me who I am today. I am always mentoring young adults in some facet of life. There are times I have young adults onboard doing intern work for me and helping research my ideas and concepts. There are other times I am simply spending one-on-one time with them and reminding them that there is NO-thing that they could ever encounter that they cannot overcome once they have decided to overcome it in their minds.

  • I noticed you design jewelry. What are the ideas behind some of your designs.
  • DeWana Green: Yes, I love to jewelry design. It’s a great creative outlet. Each piece I make comes with a unique writing about that piece. My ideas are inspired by nature and the colors of sun, ocean, and sky.
  • What would you suggest to future aspiring writers?

DeWana Green: My suggestion for aspiring writers is simply take time to understand your gift by writing and learn how your gift flows. We all flow and are inspired uniquely and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s that creative energy that’s responsible for so many different books.

  • What plans do you have for the “Vonny B” and Me series?

DeWana Green: The plan is for there to be 5 books in the series. I had 5 different concepts when the idea came to me for the initial work. So up next we will find that VB goes on a unique trip with some friends to some cool places! What I love the most is the subtle lessons that children learn from the book(s).

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

DeWana Green: In the future I see myself writing more in the VBM series. I would like to finish it out. Also, I see superheroes in my future as I have gained some inspiration in that area.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

DeWana Green: Writing is the ability to take an imaginary world living in my head and bring it to life on paper so that everyone can experience it too.

vonnyBandmeCvr“Vonny B and Me” is a captivating picture book about a dog and his boy. A seven-year-old boy and his dog take you on a journey of love as you follow their relationship of friendship and courage. The boy has many challenges, such as a learning difference. But through the love of his dog, he can face them. This is a touching story to teach about dealing with differences, changes, and using communication to solve problems. It will make a great addition for any child’s or teacher’s read aloud library. This is the first in a planned series.

“Vonny B and Me” is available at Amazon.com.

For more information on DeWana Green, please visit her website at: www.courageousme.net.

First Interview of 2019: Helen Gibbs Pohlot


I enjoy a good pet or animal story. Here is a good one for you to start your child’s 2019 reading list. Lucky’s Will is an inspirational book based on a true story. The author of this extraordinary tale is Helen Gibbs Pohlot. Helen was a reporter for more than fifteen years before she started writing children’s books. She uses telling stories to her son as inspiration and lives with her family in Pennsylvania. I was able to interview Helen about her writing process and what writing means to her.

1) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works with you.
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: My routine is to write at least 2000 words a day. Consistency works.

2) What subject would you like to write about in future projects?
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: I want to write a fabulous series with interesting characters involved in thrilling situations as they travel around the world.

3) What is writing to you in on sentence?
Helen Gibbs Pohlot: Writing to me is an expression from the heart that informs, entertains and comforts the reader.

a new luckys willLucky’s Will tells the story of a dog who is stranded outside their rural home in the bitter cold and snow after her owner dies suddenly. Lucky survives for 18 days guarding her beloved Will. When rescue arrives, Lucky faces an uncertain future until a young boy stands up and fights for her life.

Lucky’s Will is available at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LGFZYFV