Tag Archives: debut children's author

Interview with Darlene Rakestraw

Darlene Rakestraw is the debut author of the children’s picture book, “Wabbles the Happy Little Hippo”.

Summer is here, and I’m sure your child is hungry for adventure and fun. I know the perfect mascot for that. “Wabbles the Happy Little Hippo” is a wonderful adventure to engage your child into the adventures of life while introducing problem solving events that might turn up. Darlene Rakestraw is the debut author of the book. She is a mother, grandmother, and a recent cancer survivor. Her story helps bring a sense of wonder back into the fun-filled moments that turn life into an adventure.

I had the chance to talk with Darlene about writing, her reasons for writing her book, and her early reading influences as a child.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Darlene Rakestraw: My favorite stories were bedtime stories read to me by my mother.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?
Darlene Rakestraw:
It was really a series of different authors who wrote the Nancy Drew Mystery Series. My favorite Nancy Drew story was “The Hidden Staircase” written under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene as the author.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Darlene Rakestraw: No, but I do enjoy writing at the end of the day when it’s quiet and I can collect my thoughts.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Darlene Rakestraw: I do not have any future projects planned at this time.

5)  How did you get the idea for your picture book, “Wabbles the Happy Little Hippo”.
Darlene Rakestraw:
While I was going through chemotherapy, the words just seemed to pop into my head while I was in bed one day. I wrote them down on a scratch pad and put them away for a while. That was the start of the book.

6) What hobbies do you enjoy besides writing?
Darlene Rakestraw:
I like to make quilts and other projects using vintage hand crank and treadle sewing machines. Also, I enjoy reading, collecting antiques, traveling by car and exploring new areas.

7) What is your favorite recipe book? Can you share some of it?
Darlene Rakestraw:
Using a cookbook to get ideas for cooking different foods is the main reason I look through a cookbook. I would have to say my favorite recipes are the basic ones using less than six ingredients. I think food should taste like the main food item without trying to bury it in a lot of extra seasonings.

8) Which is your favorite vintage sewing machine in your collection?
Darlene Rakestraw:
I would have to say my everyday machine for the fabric piecing is my 1941 Singer model 99 hand crank machine. I also use my 1939 Singer model 201K treadle for the larger sewing pieces. The really vintage machines from the earlier years are all in excellent working condition, but these are my favorites to actually use a lot.

9) Do you have a favorite walking trail? If so, why?
Darlene Rakestraw:
I really don’t have a favorite walking trail. In recent years, I use a walking machine to get in about a mile a day. It’s quick, efficient, and can be worked into my schedule day or night.

10) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Darlene Rakestraw: To me writing is a way of expressing and organizing my thoughts and feelings.

Book Blurb:

Ever had the feeling of needing to take on an adventure? Wabbles does. She is a very curious and happy hippo that enjoys swimming in her own pond in her pasture. But one day, she decides to go out and find adventure in her life. Join her as she enjoys a delicious treat, goes to the doctor, has a fun day at the circus and gets lost while exploring in four unique, easy to read bedtime stories.

This book would be a great way to instill a sense of adventure in a child’s life. Validate that need to solve problems and take on new things while enjoying the fun aspects of life in this whimsical and adorable children’s tale. This storybook collection of four original tales will make the perfect addition to any class or home library.

“Wabbles the Happy Little Hippo” is available as an ebook in the Kindle store and as a paperback edition on Amazon.com.