Tag Archives: dealing with seizure disorder

Interview with Andrea Witt


Sometimes you come along and find a great book series you just have to share. “The Woes of a Ginger Named Red” series deals with problems children need to hear about from a diverse voice. Real world problems are all brought to light in this heart-felt series written by Andrea Witt. Ginger is dealing with a seizure disorder, the medications, moving, and adapting to a new home. I was lucky enough to interview Andrea Witt, and asked her about memories from reading as a kid, her favorite authors and how they influenced her, and what writing means to her.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Andrea Witt: I used to be “dragged” to flea markets. I couldn’t stand it until I realized flea markets were full of books. I started collecting change from around the house to use to buy books. I started looking forward to going so I could find new books to read. The books I bought were used and I could get 4 for $1! Other people’s discards were my treasures and I bought many books I would have never had the opportunity to read had I not been “dragged to” those flea markets every weekend!

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Andrea Witt: As a small child, my favorite author was Dr. Seuss. I loved the silliness he added to each story. The rhyming aspect made them fun to read and I used to challenge myself to read them really fast since many of them were like tongue twisters. As I grew a bit older, Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary were among my favorite authors.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Andrea Witt: Writing is the compilation of my thoughts, feelings, memories and imagination combined into a foundation that breeds new thoughts, feelings, memories, and imagination for its readers.

The Woes of a Ginger Named Red–Book 1: The Move” is told from the perspective of nine-year-old Ginger. She has a mild seizure disorder. Although her seizures don’t happen very often, they are huge to her. Because of the seizures, Ginger is on medications that stunt her growth and make her feel like an outsider. When her mom announces that they’re going to move to a new home in the country, Ginger starts to panic about encountering bullies at her new school. Will Ginger crumble under the pressure of the move, or will she be able to learn to love her new home?

“The Woes of a Ginger Named Red–Book 1: The Move” is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Powell’s Books, Books a Million, Target, and many other retailers.

For more information on Andrea Witt, please visit her Amazon Author page here.