Tag Archives: Davide Amante

Interview with Davide Amante

“The Guardian of the Stars – The Journey of Anais with the Wind” is the newest release from award winning author, Davide Amante.

I love searching high and low for books that are inspirational and have a girl protagonist. I think I’ve found a hidden gem emerging from the European book market by celebrated award winning author, Davide Amante. Many things have led to his recent book release. With a background of studying at American and Italian schools, traveling extensively, and teaching modern literature, he has crafted already four brilliant novels.

His new book, “The Guardian of the Stars –The Journey of Anais with the Wind” is reminiscent of “The Little Prince” with a girl leading the adventure. I had the opportunity to ask Davide Amante about his childhood reading memories, author influences, and what future writing projects he has in store for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Davide Amante: I remember reading Kenneth Grahame’s The Wind in the Willows and de Saint-Exupery’s Little Prince in the hot summer afternoons, on an old chair in the backyard of my grandfather’s summerhouse on a small island. From the backyard you could barely catch sight of the sea, but with the hot wind came all the anticipation of the summer and its unexpected hours.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Davide Amante: I loved so much reading that there really was no favorite author. Every author seemed to me to unveil a world so big and so boundless that really every author seemed to me to hold the secret of life.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Davide Amante: I write three or four hours a day, the rest of the time is what happens before actually writing: it is observation and inspiration.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Davide Amante:  I didn’t expect the success “The Guardian of the Stars – the journey of Anais with the Wind” is having. It all began as a tale I told every night before going to sleep to my children. At one point, I realized it was becoming a novel and I wrote it. Although I don’t usually write for children, I am certainly thinking of another book like this.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Davide Amante: It is the only way I know to express what I feel inside.

“The Guardian of the Stars- The Journey of Anais with the Wind” is an incredible journey of a girl connected to nature and driven by the wind. The wind leads her through a Forest of Talking Trees, connects her with a wolf, and helps her connect with the deserted island that she shares with her grandfather that works as a lighthouse keeper.

The summer the wind arrives is the turning point in her life. The wind helps guide her to see the other side of things, leads her to learn about loneliness, connects her with emotions, and points her in the direction of how to live. It’s a charming and powerful story of finding the essence in life and growing up.

“The Guardian of the Stars-The Journey of Anais with the Wind” is available at Amazon.com.

Book Trailer:

For more information on the author Davide Amante, please visit his website here.