Tag Archives: cloud watching

Interview with Rachelle Nones


One thing I like to highlight is a unique book that can be used in any teacher’s curriculum or for home schooling. I think I’ve found such a book from a fabulous author.

Rachelle Nones is a multimedia writer, editor and a trained storm spotter.

She used her expertise to create a wonderful book for those that love to weather watch and learn about meteorology. Her book, In the Sky, is a great read for anyone who wants to teach about clouds, tornados, storms and our ever-changing weather. I had the chance to talk to her about her childhood reading memories, her writing routine, and what writing means to her.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Rachelle Nones: As a child, I read poetry, science fiction, animal and adventure stories, and mystery and detective novels like The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot by Robert Arthur Jr. I loved to visit the local library and wore out my library card from using it so much!

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Rachelle Nones: As a freelance writer, I typically work on contract writing projects. I work remotely and get to set my own routine, which varies according to the project. I prefer to start working early in the morning because that’s when my energy level is high.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Rachelle Nones: Writing is like wrestling a tornado.

In the Sky is a book to help readers understand the ever-changing weather. With creative illustrated rhyming content, it includes a range of cloud facts, cloud-related quotations, resource links to cloud-related poetry, songs, science projects and more. This book will make a great addition to any weather science unit and is ideal for readers grades 5 and up.

In The Sky is available on Amazon.com. It is available as a premium color paperback edition.

For more information on Rachelle Nones, please visit her website at her Amazon Author Page.