Tag Archives: Christmas children’s gift

Interview with Mac Hernandez


I’m excited to present my first Christmas book of the season. I found a darling picture book called “The Christmas Elf-e-phant” by Mac Hernandez. Mac is a Texas filmmaker, graphic artist, and storyteller that has had a passion for storytelling since he was a child. His new book helps bring children into the magical world of the Christmas Elf-e-phant. It’s a story of not fitting in with a positive message to its ending, and it’s a modern Dumbo story with Christmas at its heart. I had the chance to talk with Mac Hernandez about his childhood reading memories, future writing projects, and what writing means to him.

  1. What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Mac Hernandez: I loved learning about adventurers in history. From people fighting off pirates and looking for treasure to knights exploring far off lands.

2) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Mac Hernandez: I’ll probably explore more fantasy and magical elements in my future projects.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Mac Hernandez: The process of imagining and telling stories is a thread that pulls at my heart and soul.

“The Christmas Elf-e-phant” is a humorous rhyming story illustrated to bring alive the joy of a Christmas inspired world in which Elf-e-phant resides. Centering on a lovable elf character that doesn’t fit in, children are transported to Santa’s workshop and what it’s like to be within. But being different from the other elves can be hard. Comparable to a modern Dumbo, this Christmas themed story will bring delight and joy to any child and their family. It will make a great read-aloud to get into the Christmas spirit and take minds on a journey of humor and positive self-discovery.

“The Christmas Elf-e-phant” is available at Amazon.com. This is a Kindle Unlimited title.

For more information on books by Mac Hernandez, visit his author page here.

Interview with Carmel Noel


For those needing guidance and hope during these hard times, I’ve found a book that may give your little one comfort. Carmel Noel has written a book in which Jesus guides a young boy and his pup. She lives with her family in a small town in Pennsylvania, but has traveled extensively even studying abroad at Ulster University. “Minnie & The Better Den” weaves the story from a path of darkness to light while giving hope to others. I had a chance to talk to Carmel about her early childhood reading memories, what authors influenced her, and what projects she has planned in the future.

1) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Carmel Noel: As a child I always had a book in my hand. I loved reading books written by Beatrix Potter, Kenneth Grahame, and many others, but I would definitely say that I was most influenced by Joan Elste, author of “True Blue”, who lived just up the road from my family and me. She always welcomed my sisters and I into her home, and would show us what she was working on at the time. She was a massive influence to me because she was so open about where she was and her intentions- love and transparency are two essential things when it comes to writing for children, and I strive to always demonstrate both of those things with my writing just as she did.

2) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Carmel Noel: The tough subjects are really what I feel called to write about. Abuse, loss, heartache are things that people try to talk children through, but without an aide, it can be hard for parents to know where to start. I spend a lot of time reading the Bible, and highlighting verses that I know people will find comfort in when they are facing these difficult situations. My future writing projects will likely be like “Minnie & The Better Den” in that they will hold many biblical truths that can help parents lead children through hardship.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Carmel Noel: When I write I want it to help someone, somewhere, somehow- to show them even an ounce of the love God has for them; writing is a mission that is sitting on my heart, demanding my attention.

“Minnie & The Better Den” is a charming, heart-felt book of a puppy finding Jesus through the guidance of his young owner. His new owner, Rain, adopts Minnie the Puppy. Minnie starts to learn about Jesus through Rain, but Rain’s aggressive father, Thump, tries to oppose the relationship between dog, boy and Jesus. Told in a way that highlights the humanity of Jesus, this story of hope will help guide any young reader from a place of darkness to the light.

“Minnie & The Better Den” is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

Book Review: Siarra Jones Skating Into Trouble (Middle Grade Novel)



Paul Breau is the author of the new middle grade book, Siarra Jones Skating Into Trouble.

The Holiday Season is kicking off right now, and you may be in search for a reading present for the child in your life. So, I’ll be highlighting some awesome books and authors that I find over the next few weeks. The first I’d like to tell you about is a great new series from a Canadian author, Paul Breau. He has put together a great middle grade novel as the first in his Step By Step series. The book is called Siarra Jones Skating Into Trouble.

Siarra is so excited about her new skating class. She’s starting the highest level class, and just needs it to be complete all that is needed to go to skating camp. But on her first day, a bully starts to get in her way. Every new session of class, she runs into problems with the bully. One thing after another happens. She suddenly sees bullies everywhere, especially at school. A run in with the class bully and watching someone else be a hero gives her the strength to stand up to her bully. Will she be able to face him in the final test of the class? Will she find out what makes him so mean?

Siarra JonesI really enjoyed Siarra as a character. It was good to see a strong girl, excited and having a good relationship with her parents. The bully incidents are realistic, and she learns more about being bullied first hand. It gives her empathy for others around her she notices are bullied. She goes through a beautiful change to start standing up for others, and uses this knowledge to stand up to her bully. But I was really hoping that the bully character himself would have some insight and we’d see more of his change. There is a little bit at the end of the book, but I wish there were more background revealed for the bully himself.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and hope it will make it into classrooms and libraries. It would make a great read aloud for a class to have discussions about bullying and what to do in different situations presented in the story. Plus, for any child that is being bullied, it will be an empowering read.

Siarra Jones Skating Into Trouble is available at Amazon.com. This is a Kindle Unlimited title.

For more information on the author Paul Breau, please visit his website at: PaulBreau.com.