Tag Archives: children’s ebooks

$0.99 Children’s Books For Summer



The deals are on! 19 children’s books are on sale for $0.99 for the next two days through the website Lazy Saturday Reads. Several of the authors have been featured in past events on my website including Rachel Elizabeth Cole, author of “The Rabbit Ate My Homework”. Get your summer reading off to a good start. Load up for the Fourth of July weekend.

Here is the link: http://www.lazysaturdayreads.com/promo


**Come back for another set of deals at the end of June. Happy Summer Reading!

Summer Reading Discounts Through June



Summer reading was always something I encouraged when I was teaching. So, it’s something that I think is important, and I’m going to try my best to support that idea. To make it easy for you to read this summer, or help your child read, I’ve lined up to participate in two promos through the month of June. Look for the Crystal Keeper Chronicles to be on sale for $0.99. Plus, several other children’s books will be linked and listed along with mine for free or at a discounted $0.99. The first promo starts this weekend June 18-19. Look for more information starting on June 18.

***The next promo will be June 28-July 1.

**Each promo will be featuring different children’s books along with mine. It should give a boast to any summer reading list. Happy reading! You all come back this Saturday. See you then!

The 2015 Back to School Blog Tour Starts Tomorrow Mon. Sept. 7

Join us for the Back to School Blog Tour Sept. 7-11, 2015 STARTS TOMORROW!

Join us for the Back to School Blog Tour Sept. 7-11, 2015 STARTS TOMORROW!

Everything is just about set. The blog tour is ready to post starting tomorrow, Sept. 7. Start your Labor Day celebrations by finding out about great Indie Children’s books for your children or to use in your classroom. The line up for the week is as follows:

  • Fri. Sept. 11: Tiffany Turner/New Release of Common Core Writing Lesson Plans/Giveaway Recap

The giveaway is a little different this year. Some of the featured authors will be having their own giveaways. Each giveaway will be posted on their selected day, and on the Blog Tour page. There will be a Grand Prize Giveaway sponsored by the Indie Children’s Authors Connection Website in which you can win a $25 Amazon Gift card.

***Giveaways will all start tomorrow Monday Sept. 7!

So, check back tomorrow for the start of this year’s exciting tour. I’d like to thank all of the authors for joining us this year, and for giving so much of themselves to make this event happen. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Please post and share this post to let everyone know about the blog tour this week. I’d love to see a bigger turn out than last year. This is all done out of the kindness of my little teacher heart. I’m a children’s writer as well, and want to give back to the Indie Children’s Author community. All of the features and book reviews were done for no fee. All the authors have put in the work of answering interview questions and setting up their own giveaways. So, support by visiting their website, tweeting and Facebook about this blog event. All the support is welcomed!

Have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend!

-Tiffany Turner

Head editor/writer for the Indie Children’s Authors Connection Website

UPDATE: Back to School Blog Tour Starts Monday, Sept. 7

Join in on the Back to School Blog Tour Sept. 7-11, 2015

Join in on the Back to School Blog Tour Sept. 7-11, 2015

PLANS ARE UNDERWAY! The blog tour will begin next week on Monday, Sept. 7. All week there will be author interviews, and links to participating author blogs with behind the scenes posts, back to school memories, and giveaways.

Here is the list of participating authors:

Participating Authors:

  • Marilyn Peake Monday Sept. 7
  • Rue Cole Tuesday Sept. 8
  • Sean McCartney Wednesday Sept. 9
  • Lee Winters Thursday Sept. 10
  • Recap day of giveaways

It will be a fabulous way to celebrate the beginning of school. Plus, I’ll be releasing my first Writing Project lesson plans in a Back to School Writing Project packet that will be available on Teacherspayteachers.com. All lessons comply with the new Common Core Standards and are drawn from my 18 years of teaching experience.

Looking forward to having you there! I’ll see you on Monday, Sept. 7!

-Tiffany Turner

(Mrs. Turner)

Back To School Blog Tour 2014: Featured Author Rachel Elizabeth Cole


b2schblogtour2014Welcome to day 2 of the Back to School Blog Tour. If you haven’t signed up for the Book Bundle Giveaway, there are still several days left. Entering is easy. From liking authors on Facebook to commenting on their blog, you can enter to win the fabulous book bundle of children’s books each day. So, keep coming back each day and enter.



Today’s featured author is Rachel Elizabeth Cole. 

Rachel Cole writes middle grade novels and is featuring her “The Rabbit Ate My Homework” middle grade ebook for this blog tour. She has answered questions about her favorite memories of school and how teacher’s have influenced her writing. Rachel Elizabeth Cole writes a mix of genres, from heartfelt to humorous, but her favorite will always be middle grade fiction. When she’s not writing, Rachel works as a graphic designer specializing in book covers. Her favorite season is autumn, she prefers tea to coffee, and wishes every morning began at ten a.m. Even though she hates the rain, Rachel lives just outside Vancouver, British Columbia, with her husband, their two sons, and two very spoiled house rabbits.

Rachel Elizabeth Cole is the author of "The Rabbit Ate My Homework".

Rachel Elizabeth Cole is the author of “The Rabbit Ate My Homework”.

1) What is your favorite memory from the beginning of a school year?
I don’t have a particular favourite memory. But when I think about the beginning of the school year, I think about how everything always felt so new and fresh–from the freshly polished hallway floors which squeaked under your new shoes to the brand new school supplies with your name neatly printed on them–and full of possibilities. New teacher, new things to learn, new friends to make.

2) Who was your most inspiring teacher? Why?

My high school English teacher, Mr. Gerlitz. He was very supportive of my early writing efforts.

3) What is the advice you would give children authors to get started?

Read a lot and write a lot. Like anything, you get better with practice!

4) Who is your favorite character from a children’s book?

I don’t really have a favourite. There are so many characters I love. Misty of Chincoteague, the Enormous Crocodile, Ramona Quimby, Wilbur the pig, Curious George, Ratty and Mole, the Borrowers (yes, all of them!), Mrs. Frisby, Bunnicula, Ralph Mouse, Rudy Miller, Origami, Yoda, Alex Morningside, Tom and Liz Austen, Anne of Green Gables and that’s just off the top of my head!

5) How could you sum up what writing means to you?

Writing is as much a part of me as my hands or my eyes. I could live
without them, but I wouldn’t be whole.

6) What are your current writing projects?

Current children’s writing projects include three middle grade novels: the sequel to my newly-released novel, The Rabbit Ate My Homework, a book about a girl who gets her first pony, only caring for and learning to ride is nothing like what she’d imagined, and one top secret project that I hope to share soon!

How To Find This Author:

Website: www.rachelelizabethcole.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/rachelelizabethcole/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/rachel_e_cole

The Rabbit Ate My Homework by Rachel Elizabeth Miller is available at Amazon for the Kindle.


The Rabbit Ate My Homework Amazon Link:






On June 21, All Purchases of The Crystal Keeper Chronicles Will Go Towards Alzheimer’s Research


My Grandpa, helping my nephew open a plastic Easter egg on Easter morning 2007.

My Grandpa, helping my nephew open a plastic Easter egg on Easter morning 2007.

A few years ago, I lost my grandfather to Alzheimer’s Disease. I watched the strong, caring grandfather that loved to tell stories start to forget the easiest details. Eventually he was unable to remember who we were, his own family, or how to wash and care for himself. It was heartbreaking, but I know that it couldn’t be stopped. A cure to make his last years less painful would have helped. When he lost his memories, his stories disappeared. I miss those.

On June 21st, the Alzheimer’s Association is having a fundraiser called “The Longest Day”. People can “Do What They Love” as tribute to someone they know or have lost to Alzheimer’s. I’ll be donating the sales of The Crystal Keeper Chronicles 6/20-6/22 to this worthy cause. All sales on those days on Amazon.com will be calculated and donated to the Alzeimer’s Association through one of the fundraisers Jason Hall, on Team Laura Barr.

Below are the links:
The Lost Secret of Fairies
The Lost Secret of the Green Man
The Lost Secret of Dragonfire

But you can also help by buying other books. On my writer’s board, Kboards.com, there is a thread of other authors that are donating their sales to Alzheimer’s. It has only come together in the last few days. But it’s such a worthy cause, many of us are happy to donate our sales on those days. If you’re an author, and would like to donate your sales for the day, link below to the Kboards.com thread. It gives you all the information. The thread below is where you can find other books to purchase for the Alzheimer’s Association:
Link to Kboards Authors to Help Alzheimer’s

Thank you so much for your help. Sometimes it’s the little things that can do the most good. A cure is worth it.

UPDATE June 22, 2014:

I wanted to thank everyone that bought books on “The Longest Day” fundraiser. I sold seven copies of my books which I promised to match the royalties earned. I ended up doubling my match for a $15 donation. It doesn’t seem like much, but if authors banned together next year and donated, it would be quite an event. I’m talking to some author friends, and I’ll let you know what happens. This was all very last minute and done in the last few days this year. I’m looking for maybe a more organized effort next year. I’ll keep everyone updated.

Celebrate Read An Ebook Week 2014: Free promo copy available!


girlebookweek2014 2
—Read An Ebook Week-Special Coupon Code—
This week is Read An Ebook week. Smashwords.com is setting up a special promo which helps readers join in the fun filling their ereaders with great books.

For this week only, I will have my first novel, The Lost Secret of Fairies, as a free promotional special. It will only be available from March 2 – March 8. To get your copy, use the coupon code below and link to connect with the Smashwords website.

Here is the coupon code:

Smashwords Link:

This will be a chance for teachers to load up for novel studies. There will be discussion questions and a Novel Study soon for this book. So, check back for more info.
Happy Ebook Week!

Read an Ebook Week March 3-9 on Smashwords


Available at Smashwords for 50% this week in celebration of "Read an Ebook Week".

Available at Smashwords for 50% off this week in celebration of “Read an Ebook Week”.

It’s that time of year again. No, not for wearing green, but to head over to Smashwords and pick up those free and hugely discounted ebooks. This is probably the biggest promo that Smashwords does all year round, and it is a great tradition to be a part of. If you are a children’s author and have your books distributed on Smashwords, please leave a comment of where your book can be found. If you’re a fan of ebooks, or just want to see what they are all about, check out the many deals going on this week.

Smashwords has several formats that you can download for an ebook. If you want to pick up some bargains in children’s ebooks, Smashwords is the place to shop this week.

Plus, I’ve just received an official release date for my third book. The Lost Secret of Dragonfire is due for release in May this year. So, both books in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles are 50% in support of Ebook Week. Pick up the first two books in the series at an extra discount, and you’ll be ready for the third book in May.

Happy “Read an Ebook Week”. It’s a great way to celebrate literature in the digital age.

*The Lost Secret of Fairies and The Lost Secret of the Green Man are available this week only at Smashwords for 50% off.