Tag Archives: children’s author

Day 4 of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour


back2schoolbanner2019Welcome back to the fourth day of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour. Our featured author today is Joy Hardin. She has plans for a new, inspiring book. Joy Hardin wants to write a race driving series with strong female characters. She’s come up with the Team ABC Racing series to help kids learn their letters, connect with parents through reading, and inspire girls to enjoy race car driving. She has put together a Kickstarter campaign to help this book get published. I had a chance to ask Joy about her favorite authors, inspirations, and what she hopes to achieve from this project.

1) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Joy Hardin: Trips to the library to find new books gave me some of my favorite reading memories. Discovering that the library was full of thousands of books, each a different world, was thrilling. While our school had a decent library, it was always exciting when my mom would take us to the public library to pick out a stack of new books.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.
Joy Hardin:
As with most things in my life right now, my writing routine is pretty scattered. While I’m still working to get my first book published, I’ve written four books. With each one, I start with an idea (I have a long list). Then I basically sit down and write down my thoughts. My ideas are all over the place so a first draft helps me focus. After that I reread it and revise it before having my husband or family read it. From there I get an editor and illustrator involved to help make my story come to life.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?
Joy Hardin:
I hope to write more about little girls achieving their dreams. Girls can accomplish anything. It’s important for girls to see female characters doing things like driving race cars and things that girls usually aren’t thought of doing.

Annabelle's Big DreamAnnabelle’s Big Dream
is the first book in the Team ABC Racing series. Annabelle is a female race car driver that dreams of winning the big race. Annabelle works towards achieving her dream, as well as teaching children about teamwork. Activities and lesson plans will be available for the book.

For more information on the Kickstarter campaign to help get Annabelle’s Big Dream into a published book, visit the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/teamabcracing/annabelles-big-dream-empowering-girl-with-team-abc-racing?ref=user_menu

Getting down to the wire to enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Get new books for Back to School to add to your library at home or in the classroom. Giveaway ends on Sunday, Sept. 15. LINK HERE FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN!


Day 2 of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour


Vijaya Bodach is author of the novel, Bound.

Welcome back to DAY TWO of the Seventh Annual Back to School Blog Tour. I’d like to introduce you to today’s featured author: Vijaya Bodach. She is a scientist as well as a children’s writer that has recently started publishing her own books as Bodach Books. She has written over 60 children’s books, including Ten Easter Eggs, along with magazine articles, stories and poems. Bound is her first novel. I had the chance to ask Vijaya about her childhood reading memories, what inspires her, and what future projects she has planned.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Vijaya Bodach: I remember learning to read on my own at the age of six and how it opened the world for me. I no longer had to ask anybody to read me a story. I loved the freedom it gave me to read as many books as I could on our regular trips to the library and then picking out four books of my own to bring home for a month.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Vijaya Bodach: My favorite author was Enid Blyton when I was young. She wrote imaginative tales of animals—I loved how Brer Rabbit always outsmarted the other bigger animals. She also wrote realistic boarding school and adventure stories. It was pure entertainment always filled with interesting tidbits of information. It reminds me always that what matters most is a good story.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Vijaya Bodach: I began writing when I became a mother so I was a night-time writer for a few years until the children started school. I’d steal a few minutes at the kitchen counter during the day to jot down thoughts and ideas and those 10-20 min added up. Once I got the children off to school, I’d get to my writing after doing morning chores. I got a couple of good 90-min blocks to write most days. I’d write a bit after supper and on the weekends if I had deadlines to meet. My husband was very supportive by taking care of the children. My kids are grown and away at college now, but I suspect I’ll stick to the school routine.

One thing I did from the beginning was to reserve one day per week for the business aspects—querying, submitting, researching magazines and book publishers. I need to start doing this again. It’s so easy to get lost in your own world and neglect the business aspects in writing.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Vijaya Bodach: I have several picture book biographies I want to write but my characters from BOUND are again talking in my head. So, I need to pay attention to them first. Their lives have been percolating for over a year.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Vijaya Bodach: Writing allows me to think more deeply about the questions that haunt me.

vidjaya cover bookSeventeen-year-old Rebecca Joshi, an adopted girl from India, burn survivor, and primary caretaker of her intellectually disabled sister, Joy, has the one dream to be a physician. Her traditional Indian father relies upon Rebecca to care for Joy while he buries himself in work to drown his grief over his wife’s death. Leaving home is the only way Rebecca can envision reaching her goal.

She helps Joy develop greater independence, and is devastated when Joy becomes pregnant. Rebecca tussles–with her father and with herself–over who is responsible for Joy and her baby. When Rebecca discovers the truth of what happened the day she was burned, she struggles to hold onto her dream while wrestling with questions of life, love, and responsibility.

This will make a great YA book for any high school classroom. Great gift for the beginning of school.

Bound is available at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com.

For more information on the author, Vijaya Bodach, please visit her website/blog at:


back2schoolbanner2019Plus, for a chance to enter and win a $25 Amazon Gift Card for visiting during the Back to School Blog Tour, please visit the Rafflecopter giveaway link below. Winner will be announced Monday, Sept. 16, 2019.


**Come back tomorrow for another featured Indie Children’s Author!






Tiffany Turner Will Be Appearing at the Almaden Art & Wine Festival Sept. 15, 2019


Tiffany Turner at her booth at the 2014 Almaden Art & Wine Festival. 

The news has just been confirmed. Tiffany Turner will have a booth at the Almaden Art and Wine Festival on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019. She is planning quite the experience. She will be in the children’s section at the festival where Mrs. Turner plans to have FREE FAIRY TEMPORARY TATTOOS and DRAGON/KNIGHT TEMPORARY TATTOOS for all children and the children at heart that visit her booth. She’ll have out a tattoo station for you to put on your tattoo at the festival. Plus, sign up for her newsletter, and spin her prize wheel for fairy and unicorn book swag. You could get a unicorn mini bubble wand, crystal, unicorn or dragon charm pendant necklace, or unicorn friendship bracelet.

PLUS, with a purchase of her book, choose from all of the book swag. One item for each book purchased. There are four in the series, so you could get all 4 items!

summer1Join Wanda in the world of fairies. She finds out the secret and shares it with you. FAIRES ARE REAL! There are four fantastic books of helping the fairies solve problems in regards to pollution, bee death syndrome, and fracking, all while she is on the trail of the evil sorcerer, Balkazaar.

Come meet Tiffany Turner, spin the wheel, and buy and get your books signed. Yes, get a selfie too! Mrs. Turner loves meeting her young readers. Plus, the Almaden Art and Wine Festival is a fundraiser for the sponsors, the Almaden Valley Women’s Club.


Tiffany Turner in the hospital ICU Dec. 2014

Mrs. Turner has been a teacher in South San Jose for 20 years. She worked in the Oak Grove School District for 18 years, and is currently working in the private education sector as a tutor. She is enjoying an early semi-retirement due to health issues in 2014. Finishing the series has been a long time goal since her illness almost five years ago.

Lost Secret - High Resolution (1)“I’m thankful to have finally finished the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. Back when I was so sick, all I could think of was getting better. I had a massive heart attack and blood clot. Thankfully, I had my writing to keep my sanity. It took awhile to finish the last book because of my illness. But I’m happy to have finally given my readers the ending they all have been craving.” -Mrs. Tiffany Turner

Mrs. Turner is looking forward to meeting all of her readers and sharing with them the last book in the series, The Lost Secret of Time. She will be available 10am to 6pm for book signings.


Interview with Dipa Sanatani


Dipa Sanatani is the author of the YA book “The Little Light: A Story of Reincarnation and the Crazy Cosmic Family”.

I always enjoy finding unique stories and the authors that write them. I believe I’ve found another great author to introduce you to. Dipa Sanatani is a fabulous children’s author with a unique young adult book called “The Little Light: A Story of Reincarnation and the Crazy Cosmic Family”. She has studied and worked in several countries including Australia, Singapore, Israel, China and Japan. Her background is in business and education. She brings a remarkable perspective to her stories while weaving in lessons all ages can appreciate. I had a chance to talk to Dipa Sanatani about her childhood reading memories, her favorite authors, and future projects.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Dipa Sanatani: I loved going to the local library as a kid. A place filled with books where you can read for free? For a long time, that’s what I thought heaven looked like.

Whenever I opened a book, I entered magical worlds, travelled far far away and went on grand adventures without leaving my bedroom. Books inspired my curiosity, fired my imagination and broadened my horizons.

These days I travel a lot and create my own magical worlds. I hope my books can give readers what my favorite authors once gave me.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Dipa Sanatani: Ahh! It’s so hard to pick just one. But if I have to…

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince. I loved the relationship The Little Prince has with the fox and the rose… There’s a simplicity and a depth to the way he writes. When I was a child, I read it as just a story. But it’s one of those books that really startles you when you re-read it as an adult. He said so much in so little. It’s brilliant.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Dipa Sanatani: My debut novel The Little Light is the first book in The Guardians of the Lore Series. It handles themes like reincarnation, world mythology, cosmology and folklore. There’s nothing else like it available in the market. Titles in the spirituality genre are typically non-fiction and intended for an adult audience. I’ve written The Little Light with younger readers in mind. My goal is to inspire their curiosity in these topics in a fun and accessible way.

I’ll definitely continue exploring these topics in the sequel. If you’d like to find out more… stay tuned.

Ecover-TheLittleLight “The Little Light: A Story of Reincarnation and the Crazy Cosmic Family” begins on the eve of the Little Light’s birth. It finds itself at a Planet Party with all the Celestial Beings, The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. But the bickering and fighting is making it hard to support the Little Light. They must put aside their differences to prepare the Little Light for its birth on Planet Earth. Prepare the Little Light for its destiny.

“The Little Light: A Story of Reincarnation and the Crazy Cosmic Family” is available at Amazon.com.

For more on the author, Dipa Sanatani, visit here website at: www.dipasanatani.com.


Interview with Laura St John


Laura St John is the author of the picture book “Don’t Judge A Bug By Its Cover”.

With all this beautiful summer weather, it makes me tune into all the beautiful nature around us. What better way to connect with that than a picture book that includes bugs and an important message. “Don’t Judge A Bug By Its Cover” is a book that teaches children to accept themselves and others for their differences. Told with the cutest bug characters, the author Laura St John brings to life lovable characters expressing wholesome values and good decision making in her stories. I had a chance to talk to Laura about her childhood reading memories, favorite authors, and her writing routine along with her plans for future projects.

What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Laura St. John:
I loved reading poetry. The simplicity of it and the rhyming. My father had written many poems and cards to my mother, and it was really cool to read his words after he had passed away. I made my own little poem booklet as a child out of colored paper, stapled together and still have that today in a box.

I had a tough teacher in middle school who made us read about twenty novels in one school year and write book reports on them. He assigned the classics, To Kill a Mockingbird, Dracula, The Hobbit and we all didn’t like all of that reading. But looking back, it taught us a lot about the world and about descriptive writing. He also made us memorize poems like “Annabel Lee” and recite them in front of the whole class. Don’t think students are doing much of that today.

Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Laura St John:
My office is a quiet getaway place with a soft carpet that I can rub my feet into when I write. I prefer to have complete silence to gather my thoughts. My three dogs are usually laying near me when I write since they follow me everywhere. If I feel like writing, then I do. Sometimes you just don’t feel like it which, I guess, many call writer’s block. But if the mood hits then you better start typing or you’ll lose your thoughts. Thank goodness for computers as it is so much easier to type versus writing with a pen.

What subjects would you like to write about in future projects? 

Laura St John:
My next book will be about a character that I created called the Alphabet Chef. She has been with me since the late 90’s. So, I am finally going to write a children’s book about her teaching kids about healthy eating habits. I also want to do a series of books with the bugs from my first book “Don’t Judge A Bug By Its Cover”. Maybe I can focus on some other human topics that easily can be expressed with the bugs. My writings are always to help change the world (I hope) in a positive way like in “The Christmas House”. I don’t like writing about dark topics or things that don’t inspire people to think.

Bug Book “Don’t Judge A Bug By Its Cover” is a journey of a ladybug named Lace and a suave bug named Mr. Roach. Every step though the bug world is a step of uncertainty. They have to learn to rely on each other and see the beauty within others to survive their adventure together. This book is a great way to teach the themes of anti-bullying, teamwork, and seeing the beauty within others. It will make a great addition to any child’s or classroom library.

“Don’t Judge A Bug By its Cover” is available at Amazon.com.

For more information on Laura St John, please visit her website at: http://www.laurastjohnenterprises.com.

Interview with Glen C. Kinnaird

Glen Headshot 2012

Glen C. Kinnaird is the author of the book “Tony The Theater Dog: Puttin’ On A Show”

Summer is here! I bet you’re feeling the heat already. Time for a great read for your little ones. Here’s a brilliant picture book that grabbed my heart. “Tony The Theater Dog: Puttin’ On A Show”. It’s the first of a series that introduces children to the behind the scenes of theater. Playwright and author Glen C. Kinnaird wrote this book as a story to teach children about live theater. He lives in New York with the real Tony the Theater Dog. He developed the story from experiences backstage at a national tour of a Broadway show. I had a chance to interview Mr. Kinnaird about his picture book series, authors that influenced him, and what future projects he has in store for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Glen C. Kinnaird: My favorite book from my childhood that really sticks in my mind was a book called Summer of the Monkeys by Wilson Rawls. The book is set on a Cherokee farm at the end of the 1800s and it tells the story of Jay Berry, a young boy from a poor family, as he tries to capture a group of runaway circus monkeys. I was captured from the first pages and as a boy who struggled with identity as a child and found it hard to make friends, books became a way for me to imagine I was friends with the characters in the books, going on the adventures with them.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Glen C. Kinnaird: Now that is a tough question. I think C.S. Lewis is my favorite author of all time. Lewis writes in both rational argument and imaginative analogy that helps me consider more deeply my faith. I remember thinking to myself it was the first time I had read someone who was both an intellectual and spiritual at the same time.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Glen C. Kinnaird: I am shamed to say I am a writer who goes with inspiration. I do not have a set routine yet, although I did not find my interest in becoming an author until 2012 when I began another young adult trilogy called, The Legend of the Crystal Lotus. It has been a story that has taken me almost eight years to develop the world, the characters and I have revised the plot lines about four times over the years. “Tony the Theatre Dog” took almost two years to write and had three different plots and story lines when we started. The illustrator began her drawings as I was doing the final editing on the book. I would bring her images and a description of what I wanted on the page. She did not see the actual text until I showed her the first draft summer of 2017.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Glen C. Kinnaird: I would like to find my Southern Voice as a writer. I feel that my childhood was kind of odd and I think there are a ton of kids that need to hear a voice that understands. So, this means I need to dive into those memories and some of them may be painful. It took time to explore those memories. I think I suppressed a lot of the pain. Now that I am almost fifty coming up in August, 2019, I see joy in my childhood where in years past the only thing I could see looking back was painful memories.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Glen C. Kinnaird: Writing is like flying for me, looking for new worlds.

Tony the Theatre Dog - 9 x 7-3Tony The Theater Dog series starts with the book “Puttin’ On A Show”. Tony takes the reader through the preparation of a theater production. Kids are introduced to the jobs that help put a theater show together. Different locations are explored, and Tony even brings peace to the cast and producer inspiring everyone to work together as a team.


“Tony the Theater Dog: Puttin’ On A Show” is available at Amazon.com.

It is due to release on July 15, 2019. Pre-order is available.

For more information on Glen C. Kinnaird, please visit his website at: https://www.tonythetheatredog.com/.

Interview with Madeleine Matthews, Author of “How To Save The Dragon”

DWL (228)

Madeleine Matthews is the author of the picture book “How To Save The Dragon”.

I love finding picture books that help develop children’s thinking. Here is a great find to add to any parent’s read aloud library. How To Save The Dragon is a delightful picture book that helps teach impulse control for children. Through character-based explanations on how the brain works, it guides the young reader through an adventure through the brain with two friends, a dragon and elephant. I got a chance to interview the author of this book, Madeleine Matthews. She shared her childhood memories, favorite authors, and what she has in store for future writing projects.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Madeleine Matthews: My favorite author is Daniel J. Siegel. I absolutely love his approach to discipline as teaching & love how he sheds some light on the most challenging moments in our lives as parents by explaining the biological perspective.

His work was an inspiration for me. I thought that all parents and children should benefit from knowing the science of brain integration and the brain dynamic during a tantrum. This is why, in my book, I created a story line to illustrate a tantrum as an alarm, and also the two characters to explain the wonderful internal resources available for each of us & the power of focusing conscious awareness to activate and grow the more evolved structures in our brains.

  • What is your favorite memory of reading as a child?

Madeleine Matthews: My favorite memory is a feeling of immersion actually, in the summer break at my grandparents’ place, in rainy days when we couldn’t play outside, and I relished Alexandre Dumas books.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Madeleine Matthews: Writing routine for me is about realizing that internal struggle, where you’re kind of avoiding to actually sit down and write. So my routine involves a beautiful notebook, and a pencil & for the most part it is a sort of dialog I have with myself: “Just put pen to paper, scribble at first even, and then there’ll be plenty of time to rework & re-word until I am happy with the outcome.”

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Madeleine Matthews: In my future projects, I would love to create stories that incorporate more concepts that convey bite size science that works in the area of social emotional development & building executive functioning.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Madeleine Matthews: Writing to me is creative freedom, and the beauty of encapsulating messages & meaning.

How To Save The Dragon is a helpful picture book to describe how a child’s brain works HowToSaveDragCVRand to help introduce them to impulse control. Introducing the concept of a temper tantrum in the form of a story adventure, the young reader is guided to understand how to start their own impulse control through the help of lovable characters. This is a great addition for every parenting library.

This book is available at Amazon and is a Kindle Unlimited title.

Follow the author Madeleine Matthews at Instagram.



A Belated Trick or Treat: Interview with David Lee Ross


I hope you have enjoyed your Halloween Trick or Treats, and are ready for a last minute treat. I had the chance to talk to David Lee Ross, the author of the book, Clayton’s Mackintosh. It’s a magical fantasy adventure available on Amazon. I talked to Mr. Ross about his favorite authors, subjects he’d like to take on, and his writing process.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

David Lee Ross: My favorite author by rights is Shaun Hutson. Although I am a children’s writer, I have always been a great fan of horror, funnily enough.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

David Lee Ross: Well, I have written other genres, but what works for me with my children’s books is picking images and writing them. I find it easier to extend upon an already baked idea.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

David Lee Ross: Well, I have already written what I want in a few genres including horror, a cocktail book, and a cookery book, but my favorite is children’s books and Clayton’s Mackintosh is one of my favourites. It reminds me of the stories I used to tell my children, nephews and nieces when they were small, which one of the reasons I started to write children’s books.

Clayton's MackintoshClayton’s Mackintosh is a magical adventure in which Clayton challenges demons with nothing but his trusty Mac. With the help of football and basketball stars, Clayton must win at several sports challenges against the evil demon to save the day. It is available on Amazon.

For more information on David Lee Ross, visit his Amazon Author Page.






YA Fantasy Author: Interview with Rae Miles


perf5.000x8.000.inddAs we start the last week of September, I have a book to recommend for your fall reading list. Successor is the debut novel by Rae Miles. She has spent her life thinking of amazing characters and finally has given them a new home in her debut novel. With creative writing degree in hand, she has written a memorable first YA Fantasy.

I had time to talk with Rae Miles about her love for fantasy, her writing routine, and what she is working on next.

1) Do you have a writing routine?

Rae Miles: I wouldn’t say I have a routine, per se, but usually when I’m working on a scene and can’t quite figure out how to describe something, I’ll act out what’s supposed to happen. I’m able to get a natural response, just based on how I would react in that situation. I even use my cats as character substitutes if I’m working on dialogue! I might even slip into an accent or two in the process.

2) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Rae Miles: I like writing fantasy because it allows me to make my own rules as to how the world works. There are a couple of other projects I have in mind to work on that have darker material, but getting in the right mindset for them is going to take some work. I love reading romance and would love to try my hand at it some day, but I don’t know if I could pull it off! Only time will tell.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Rae Miles: To me, writing is creation in its rawest form, where words alone can create a more vivid universe than any other art form ever could.

Successor is a YA Fantasy that is Rae Miles debut novel. For seventeen-year-old Evan, graduation means freedom. She just never imagined she would find it in another world. She discovers a hidden heritage from her mother, and with it comes magic, power, and responsibility. But claiming her birthright will be dangerous, and could endanger her newfound family and the man she loves.

Successor is available for preorder at: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

For more information on Rae Miles, visit her website at: https://raemiles.com.

Tiffany Turner Local Appearance: San Jose Renaissance Fair August 4-5


sjrenpromoCome join Tiffany Turner at the San Jose Renaissance Fair. She’ll be selling her crystal jewelry and her books at her vendor booth. Look for the “Crystal Jewelry” sign. Say you saw this blog post and receive 10% off your purchase. To prove you have, give her the password: Pineapple. 🙂

“The last book in the Crystal Keeper series is almost done and scheduled for release Labor Day weekend. I’ll answer all your questions about it, and sign any books purchased. Hope to see you this weekend!”

– Mrs. Turner