Tag Archives: children’s author interview

Interview with Sean O’Leary


Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming. Spring is finally in full swing. What better way to help your child connect with nature than with a good book! I’m continuing to feature spring related books on the blog during this season, and here is my next gem.

Princess and Scruffy is about a squirrel that has a fear of heights, and needs to work out his trauma with the help of his new friend. Sean O’Leary is the author. Mr. O’Leary does a fabulous job addressing the issue of making new friends and facing fears all set within a beautiful forest. The illustrations are adorable, and I hope you enjoy his interview. He shares about his reading memories, author inspirations and what he does to help his writing routine. Happy Spring!

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Sean O’Leary: My mother would read to me before I went to bed, and I very much looked forward to reading time.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Sean O’Leary: As a child I loved everything Dr. Seuss. The books are more than just entertainment; they have a message they are trying to convey. I remember talking about the themes with my mom. One that sticks out to me is Whoville. A person is a person, no matter how small. I think that is important today more than ever. Everyone is important. Teaching empathy for others is a valuable skill and an important attribute for people to have if they want to be an asset to society.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Sean O’Leary: I have always lived a very full life which makes it very difficult to keep a strict writing routine. I visualize a story before I write it down. Once I have the story in my head, it is like a splinter that keeps pestering you until you take it out. I have to write it down so I can get it out of my head. There are times I will think about the story for a few days before writing it down. Such was the case with Princess and Scruffy. Other times, it takes me several years before I have what I want to say all together in my head. That is how it was with The Road of Blood. I want to see the story in my imagination first, and then I just have to write down what I see.

Book Blurb for Princess and Scruffy:

Scruffy is a lovable, fluffy, tan squirrel that lives in a beautiful forest. He is a small animal with a big problem. Unlike all the other squirrels, Scruffy is afraid of heights. Instead of running up and down the trees and out across the limbs, he is stuck on the ground.

One day he makes a new friend who promises to help him as he tries to overcome his fears. Scruffy is afraid that if he does not learn to climb trees, he will lose his new friend. Will he succeed? Will he learn to climb trees like the other squirrels? With a friend like Princess, he cannot fail.

Princess and Scruffy is available at Amazon.com as a Kindle Unlimited title.

For more information on Sean O’Leary, visit his author page here.

Interview with Luci Hollenkamp


A very happy spring to you and your kin! Hopefully, it is starting to warm up and flowers are starting to bloom where you are. Our thoughts turn to hopeful tidings, and it is wonderful to reflect that with the literature we share with our children and students.

I have found a wonderful book that gives insight to a supportive structure to children in foster care. “Ronni Raccoon and the Foster Bunnies” is a picture book written by a former foster parent.  Luci Hollenkamp captures the nurturing and supportive environment created to support children in any type of family. She used experiences as a foster parent and as a capable auntie to help write the book. Luci Hollenkamp shares some of her story inspirations from participating in foster care and from her nieces and nephews in her interview below. Enjoy!

  • What is your favorite memory reading as a child?

Luci Hollenkamp: When I was young I was a bit of an insomniac. I used to hide under my covers with a flashlight and read late into the night. In the winter, when it was cold out, you could hear the wind howling and the windows rattling. It was especially comforting to be reading and settled into a good book.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Luci Hollenkamp: “Ronni Raccoon and the Foster Bunnies” has been something I have thought about writing for a very long time. I was a foster mom for a while and loved every minute of it. It was not easy, but it was rewarding and worth every effort.

The story is loosely based on some of my experiences. I plan on writing more books in the series. Some of the stories will draw from the adventures with my foster children, some from nieces and nephews, and some from my siblings growing up. This book is my tribute to those I love. They mean the world to me.

I also hope it helps people realize a little kindness and care can go a long way. Different families, even within the same cultural groups, have their own traditions and their own way of doing things. If we just open ourselves up and give other ways a try, it can help open doors of understanding and goodwill.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Luci Hollenkamp: Writing for me is a way to leave a legacy of love and kindness.

Book Blurb:
What do you do when two young bunnies get separated from their parents? If you are Ronni Raccoon, you open your home to them and keep them safe until they can be reunited with their parents. In this heartwarming tale, Ronni Raccoon learns about accepting others as they navigate these difficult times together and meet each other where they are. This beautifully illustrated story shows how family are the ones we let snuggle close to our heart.

“Ronni Raccoon and the Foster Bunnies” is available at Amazon.com, and is a Kindle Unlimited title.

For more information on Luci Hollenkamp, please visit her author page here.

Interview with Ronald J. Fontenot


Spring is almost here, and this is a great time to be inspiring your young ones and/or students into exploring their world and nature. I think I’ve found a fabulous book that can do both.

Meet Ronald J. Fontenot. He’s an artist/writer that enjoys creating beautiful and humorous children’s books. He’s written and illustrated “Sometimes the Beach”, a wonderful book that helps a child explore their feelings and connections with nature. He’s also written books under the name of Scott C. Johnson. I had a chance to talk with Ron about his favorite memories of reading as a child, future projects and what writing means to him.

  • What is your favorite reading memory as a child?

Ronald J. Fontenot: My favorite memory from reading as a child was both looking at the colorful pictures and learning a fun story. As an artist, I have always been very visual, and that remains true today. So, books with fun illustrations have always had a special place in my heart.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Ronald J. Fontenot: For future projects, I have a book in mind titled “A Dog for Douglas”. It is about a boy named Douglas getting his first puppy and how it changes his world.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Ronald J. Fontenot: Writing is sharing, in my opinion.

Book Blurb:

Sometimes the Beach is a three board book set centered around a boy and his experiences at the beach. There is Morning Beach, Sunny Beach, Cloudy Beach, Stormy Beach, Sunset Beach and Moonlit Beach. Each beach book provides its own feelings, activities, environment, and emotions as seen through the eyes of a young boy.

To the child, the beach provides unique experiences that captivate his emotions and give him a deep love for the beach. It is as if he is visiting a friend. This book is a great way to help a child relate with their emotions and connect with their environment. This set of board books is recommended for children 1 to 5 years old.

“Sometimes the Beach” is available at sometimesthebeach.com.

For more information on Ronald J. Fontenot, please visit his website/author page here.

Link to Read-Aloud of “Sometimes the Beach” by Ronald J. Fontenot on YOUTUBE.

Interview with Simone Chasey


As we ease into autumn, the leaves are falling and there’s that need to want to go inside, cuddle in a good blanket, and read a good book. It is a great opportunity to share a moment with your child, and help establish community if you are doing read-alouds with your classroom. As many teachers know, this is the time of year you need to establish your classroom community for the rest of the year. So, it’s pivotal to include books like this in your read-aloud time or as small group reading. As a parent, it’s a great way to support your child’s social development.

Let me introduce you to Simone Chasey and her book, “Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids: Giving Children Moral Guidance Through Short Stories”. Simone has written a book that helps teach social morals to help give children a compass in being human. She has brought together a collection of stories that will be an awesome connection for children to find comfort and grounding in these uncertain times. I had a chance to talk with Simone about why she wrote this book and what her future projects may entail.

1) Do you think your book would be a nice addition in a classroom setting for teachers to read and discuss with the class?

Simone Chasey: I think any book that can transfer knowledge would always be beneficial for children. It would be a nice addition in a classroom setting for teachers to read up for discussion. I believe it can help children who lack life experiences so they can gain insight through short stories.

2) What do you hope for kids to take away from reading your book?

Simone Chasey: Children absorb the most through seeing, hearing, and asking questions. I hope the stories will teach children to express kindness, help others, and allow them to always remain curious and never stop asking questions. We, as adults, are simply children that stopped dreaming, stopped asking questions, and stopped being creative. With this book, I want children to embrace their curiosities, and to understand that failure is okay and that you can only ever go upward from there.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Simone Chasey: Growing up, I didn’t enjoy science. It was only after high school that I finally learned to like science. I would like to share knowledge and educate future generations. I want to promote science from a different perspective and show them that science could be fun!

Book Blurb:
Short stories for kids are one of the best ways to teach them life lessons. Through storytelling, you can teach children lifelong morals and values without coming across as lecturing. Kids will be able to catch a glimpse into another world, allowing them to canvas various morals and life situations safely. Moral guidance and life lessons to children are crucial to child development while they are experiencing new things in life. These stories give them guidelines and signposts in their social development.

I hope that these short stories can teach your child the underlying message of being kind and compassionate. Short story morals point out messages such as bad habits, like lying and cheating, come with consequences. They also motivate children to develop better long-term habits such as being grateful and having good manners. Whether you are reading to your children or reading together with them, these inspirational short stories will be a fun, learning experience for your kids.

Everlasting Life Lessons for Kids” is available at Amazon.com as a Kindle Unlimited title.

It is also available as a Spanish Edition.

Interview with Lee Erica Cruz


As the summer starts to come to a close, I’d like to add in one more recommendation of a book that will help inspire your child at the start of the school year and all year long. Lee Erica Cruz loved to write as a child. It was her escape to create stories she could get lost in. Now, she is doing the same for other children as an author. “The Walking Butterfly” is a children’s book that encourages children to “spread their wings” to know how wonderfully gifted they are. The book helps children discover that they can have a purpose and to step out into the world in faith.

Lee Erica Cruz is the author of the new children’s book, “The Walking Butterfly”.

I got the chance to talk to Lee Erica Cruz about her memories of reading as a child, her writing projects and what inspires her, and words of wisdom for aspiring authors.

  1. What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Lee Erica Cruz: My favorite memory as a child was reading “Dick and Jane” books. They took me on adventures that inspired my own creative writings as a child.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Lee Erica Cruz: My favorite author was Charles Dickens. I was influenced to achieve great things through my gift of written expression, because he had come from a background of lesser education. I also applauded his work in philanthropy with women and children.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Lee Erica Cruz: My father taught me to just write my heart out and not overthink. It helped me to write freely and efficiently because I did not keep stopping to worry if what I wrote was grammatically correct or if I was descriptive enough. He would tell me to keep the creative process flowing – you could always go back and fix the details later.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Lee Erica Cruz: I would love to continue to write stories for children to inspire them to know their God-given gifts and be motivated to pursue their aspirations.

5) What were the reasons you enjoyed writing as a child?

Lee Erica Cruz: I grew up during difficult financial times for my family. I would write hundreds of small books on scraps of paper my father brought home from work. It was a way for me to express my feelings and a way to dream of all the places I wished I could go.

6) What would you tell an aspiring junior author about writing their own story?

Lee Erica Cruz: Do it. Simple as that. We all have a story to tell and an audience waiting to hear it. You are as unique as your fingerprint.

7) What things helped you overcome your personal battles growing up?

Lee Erica Cruz: I’ve overcome anxiety and fear. These two things kept me from living out what was on the other side of that wall . . . Life.

8) What or who inspires you?

Lee Erica Cruz: The life of Jesus inspires me. Most of his life he was rejected and looked down upon. Through it all he kept spiritually poised, humble, merciful, and loving. In Him, I have found my strength, salvation, joy and peace.

9) What other areas do you share your passion for creativity?

Lee Erica Cruz: I write and sing. I just released a gospel album called “Releasing The Butterflies”. I also love being crafty and making my own personalized gifts for people.

10) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Lee Erica Cruz: Writing to me is healing and freedom.

Blurb for “The Walking Butterfly”:

“In a world filled with differences, we all are trying to find our place. Each of us is uniquely created, and wonderfully made. However, in this world, our differences can make us feel separated and alone. This story is about learning to embrace what makes us different and seeing the beauty and purpose in it. God gave us a fingerprint that no one else has so that you can leave an imprint that no one else can. It’s time to break through and fly!”

“The Walking Butterfly” is available at Amazon.com as a print or ebook edition.

For more information on Lee Erica Cruz, visit her on her social media at:

Instagram: @sheisabutterfly
Facebook: @sheisabutterfly312
YouTube: Aleeza

Interview with Laura Bridle-Smith

Laura Bridle-Smith is the author of the children’s book “Elizabeth Finds Her Brave”.

Summer is in full swing, and one of my fondest memories is going and learning about horses at the local stable with my Campfire Group. I never was an expert rider, but I got the basics down with activities through my girl group. It came in handy later when I was exploring and traveling, down to riding horses in Mexico along beaches and down steep mountain trails. I thanked my troop master for taking us to those stables so long ago.

But many children first experience obstacles and how to overcome them through books. Laura Bridle-Smith has written a book that combines her love for horse riding into a wonderful story of overcoming fears and obstacles. Elizabeth Finds Her Brave is a story collection in which horses and self-confidence combine in story telling expertise.

Laura Bridle-Smith attended university studying Creative Writing. Real life steered her into project management as a trade. But her love for writing, being a mom and helping to inspire her children helped bring this book to life.  Her story brings her experiences as a mom into her storytelling by crafting a collection of tales to overcome fear and uncertainty while documenting how to face the obstacles.

I am excited to bring you her interview and introduce you to her latest book, “Elizabeth Finds Her Brave”. I got to talk with her about childhood reading memories, her inspiring books and authors, her writing routine and what she has in store for future projects.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Laura Bridle-Smith: So many of my memories stem from reading. Whether it was as a child wrapped in a blanket reading the hobbit late into the night, having my breath taken away by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein or walking across a moor in Yorkshire and sitting on a rock to read a chapter of Jane Eyre, books evoke so many memories for me. A most recent one is walking in on my seven year old crying as Charlotte has just died in Charlotte’s Webb! That book will now be a core memory for her.

The author’s daughter, Elizabeth, posing with the book “Elizabeth Finds Her Brave”.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Laura Bridle-Smith: Jane Austen will always be my favourite author. Her wit, humour and characterization just pops out of the pages of every novel. These were the novels that engrossed me into the world of reading as a young teenager. They introduced me to more classic novels. They influenced my interest in history, my focus on language and lyrics. There is a reason my daughter is named Elizabeth!

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Laura Bridle-Smith: I usually write at pace. The story will pour out of me, and I will scribble everything down. I then walk away, and leave it for a few days before coming back and actually beginning the harder process of editing myself. I reflect on my rushed words and making more thoughtful changes. I find my children are also fabulously honest critics!!

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Laura Bridle-Smith: I’d like to continue to write about children’s fears and anxieties. These little people go through so much so quickly, and I really enjoy exploring difficult aspects I find interesting. Elizabeth Finds Her Brave is the first in the finding your brave collection which I’m really keen to expand and grow.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Laura Bridle-Smith: Writing is escapism. It’s freedom, and sometimes the only things that can turn my brain off. I think it’s remarkable that the written word is always out there. My little book is available now, and children in 10-20 years from now could pick it up and think, “Wow, this is about me!”

Blurb for Elizabeth Finds Her Brave!

“Trying something new can be daunting and scary.

All children at some point are nervous and wary.

But Elizabeth is determined to find a hobby to love,

To find new friends and a club to be part of.

But not all friends have two legs, some of course have four,

With hooves, a tail and big brown eyes to adore.

As a pony named Sara enters the stage,

Will Elizabeth ever find her Brave?

The first story in the ‘Finding your Brave’ collection by Laura Bridle-Smith.”

Elizabeth Finds Her Brave is available at Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

For more information on Laura Bridle-Smith, please visit her website at http://www.lbridlesmith.com/

She can also be contacted at her Facebook page here.

Interview with Darlene Rakestraw

Darlene Rakestraw is the debut author of the children’s picture book, “Wabbles the Happy Little Hippo”.

Summer is here, and I’m sure your child is hungry for adventure and fun. I know the perfect mascot for that. “Wabbles the Happy Little Hippo” is a wonderful adventure to engage your child into the adventures of life while introducing problem solving events that might turn up. Darlene Rakestraw is the debut author of the book. She is a mother, grandmother, and a recent cancer survivor. Her story helps bring a sense of wonder back into the fun-filled moments that turn life into an adventure.

I had the chance to talk with Darlene about writing, her reasons for writing her book, and her early reading influences as a child.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Darlene Rakestraw: My favorite stories were bedtime stories read to me by my mother.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?
Darlene Rakestraw:
It was really a series of different authors who wrote the Nancy Drew Mystery Series. My favorite Nancy Drew story was “The Hidden Staircase” written under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene as the author.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Darlene Rakestraw: No, but I do enjoy writing at the end of the day when it’s quiet and I can collect my thoughts.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Darlene Rakestraw: I do not have any future projects planned at this time.

5)  How did you get the idea for your picture book, “Wabbles the Happy Little Hippo”.
Darlene Rakestraw:
While I was going through chemotherapy, the words just seemed to pop into my head while I was in bed one day. I wrote them down on a scratch pad and put them away for a while. That was the start of the book.

6) What hobbies do you enjoy besides writing?
Darlene Rakestraw:
I like to make quilts and other projects using vintage hand crank and treadle sewing machines. Also, I enjoy reading, collecting antiques, traveling by car and exploring new areas.

7) What is your favorite recipe book? Can you share some of it?
Darlene Rakestraw:
Using a cookbook to get ideas for cooking different foods is the main reason I look through a cookbook. I would have to say my favorite recipes are the basic ones using less than six ingredients. I think food should taste like the main food item without trying to bury it in a lot of extra seasonings.

8) Which is your favorite vintage sewing machine in your collection?
Darlene Rakestraw:
I would have to say my everyday machine for the fabric piecing is my 1941 Singer model 99 hand crank machine. I also use my 1939 Singer model 201K treadle for the larger sewing pieces. The really vintage machines from the earlier years are all in excellent working condition, but these are my favorites to actually use a lot.

9) Do you have a favorite walking trail? If so, why?
Darlene Rakestraw:
I really don’t have a favorite walking trail. In recent years, I use a walking machine to get in about a mile a day. It’s quick, efficient, and can be worked into my schedule day or night.

10) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Darlene Rakestraw: To me writing is a way of expressing and organizing my thoughts and feelings.

Book Blurb:

Ever had the feeling of needing to take on an adventure? Wabbles does. She is a very curious and happy hippo that enjoys swimming in her own pond in her pasture. But one day, she decides to go out and find adventure in her life. Join her as she enjoys a delicious treat, goes to the doctor, has a fun day at the circus and gets lost while exploring in four unique, easy to read bedtime stories.

This book would be a great way to instill a sense of adventure in a child’s life. Validate that need to solve problems and take on new things while enjoying the fun aspects of life in this whimsical and adorable children’s tale. This storybook collection of four original tales will make the perfect addition to any class or home library.

“Wabbles the Happy Little Hippo” is available as an ebook in the Kindle store and as a paperback edition on Amazon.com.

Interview of Noah Quill


When I was teaching, I was always looking for cute holiday books to help the kids enjoy different seasonal holidays through the year. St. Patrick’s Day was always fun with the Leprechaun hunt through the school and different classrooms. I would leave a trail of gold glitter through the classroom, over and under desks and along counters, to show the Leprechaun had run through our classroom.

I’d seen a lot of Leprechaun books, but I think I’ve found the most unique one of all. “Jack the Farting Leprechaun and the Rainbow of Farts” really takes the cake of all the leprechaun books I’ve read. It’s a book that I think will really give everyone, kids, parents and teachers, some laughter and a few smiles that we may all need about now.

Noah Quill has created a humorous picture book to add to this fun pre-spring holiday. I had a chance to talk with Noah Quill about his childhood reading memories, writing and what future subjects he’d like to work on. Look into the mind behind the book.

  • What is your favorite memory reading as a child?

Noah Quill: As a child in my time there were no eBooks, only books. I remember one of my happy moments was when they let the kids go rampage over a pile of books on a table. We all had to be quick to get the title we wanted.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Noah Quill: I’d like to write some educational picture books for kids ages 3-5. Especially watercolor illustrated stories teaching an important life lesson, learning or simply an entertaining story.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Noah Quill: Writing to me is like giving someone else a glimpse into your world. I enjoy children picture books because a picture is worth a thousand words and children appreciate without judging.

Book blurb:

St. Patrick’s Day is coming. Kids will be excited to read a new story around this special celebration! In this cute watercolor illustrated storybook, children will follow the adventures of Jack the Farting Leprechaun. Jack farts a different color of the rainbow each day of the week (From Monday to Sunday) depending on the type of food he eats. The beautiful illustrations will surely captivate kids and makes learning fun!

Book Features:
*Cute Farting Leprechaun
*Pop-up text feature (Allows Easy reading even on small devices)
*Great educational book for children during St. Patrick’s Day
*Double click/Double tap objects to read their names
*28 Watercolor Illustrated Pages!
*Bright Colors that will peak kids’ curiosity and interest

Find out what happens when one day Jack stumbles upon a rainbow of farts!
Grab this cute St. Patrick’s Day farting leprechaun story today and create lasting memories with your kids.

“Jack the Farting Leprechaun and the Rainbow of Farts” is available at Amazon.com. This book is available as a Kindle Unlimited title and paperback edition.

For more information on the author Noah Quill, please visit his website at: https://www.noahquill.com/ .

Interview with Tracy Markley


Looking for something to inspire fitness and health while teaching Science at the same time? This is a great book about the health of the body as we care for our brain. In Your Brain, The Engine to Your Body – Kids Edition is written by Tracy Markley, and is a wonderful way to get your child focused on how keeping your brain healthy leads to general whole body goodness. Tracy Markley has an extensive background as a fitness trainer, and has led a program to help adults with stroke recovery. Her expertise in the subject helps give her insight to helping others achieve brain health. With this book, she is reaching out to the younger generation to start early in taking care of their brain.

I had a wonderful opportunity to be able to interview Tracy about her childhood reading memories, experience with brain recovery and helping others, and what could be her future writing projects.  

Tracy Markley is the author of the children’s book, In Your Brain, The Engine to Your Body–Kids Edition.
  1. What is your favorite memory from reading as a child? 

Tracy Markley: I remember being so excited to have the Flintstones Book. It was colorful and simple for me to read. I had it with me all the time. Flintstones was my favorite childhood cartoon in the seventies that some people may remember.

 2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Tracy Markley: As a child my favorite author was Dr. Seuss. As an adult, Wayne Dyer is my favorite author. He has several books, but his book, The Power of Intention, kept me inspired and empowered to keep to my desired goals.

3) Do you have a writing routine?  Share what works for you.

Tracy Markley: I really don’t have a writing routine. I write when I feel like it. Often, I hand write a lot of my book in a notebook, and then I take it to my computer to type. Once I am writing on the computer, more of the book creation and writing comes to play.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects? 

Tracy Markley: I have two new projects coming up in the next few months. One is a book collaboration with other fitness professional leaders and the other is a book on hearing loss. I have hearing loss, and it greatly affected me as a child in my reading and writing skills. It is amazing to me that I became a writer as an adult.

5) What do you hope for kids to take away from reading your book?

Tracy Markley: I want kids to learn how important drinking water and eating healthy is for their brain and body at a youthful age. Sometimes as an adult we learn these things after we have brain or health issues. It’s a fun and quick book that also encourages them to be kind to themselves and others. Also, to remember how important it is to play and laugh for good brain health.

6) Do you think your book would be a nice addition in a classroom setting for teachers to read and discuss with the class?

Tracy Markley: Yes, definitely. It is a terrific book to use in the classroom. There is a page in the book with kids and a teacher showing how kids can focus and learn better at school when eating healthy and staying hydrated.

7) Are the illustrations in your book based on someone you know?

Tracy Markley: Yes. My business logo for my fitness studio is a cartoon illustration made to be me. I took that illustration and asked someone on Fiverr if they could make me a child’s version of it. He did a wonderful job and that is the girl in the book. It’s a mini-me. On the page in the book where she is watering the garden, she has a dog next to her. That was my dog, Wasabi. I gave the illustrator a picture of my dog and asked him if he would cartoon him for the book. I love it.

8) This book seems to be filled with good advice and tips that adults can use too. Would you ever direct it for adult reading too?

Tracy Markley: Yes, this book is actually the Kid’s version of my adult book “Your Brain the Engine to Your Body” A Fitness Trainer’s Guide to Brain Health. Both are simple and to the point. This kid’s edition, of course, is simpler. But the idea to eat healthy, drink water, be kind to others and laugh more is good for everyone at any age.

 9) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Tracy Markley: Helping others with my knowledge and or experience.

Here is the book blurb for “Your Brain: The Engine to Your Body”.


In Your Brain, The Engine to Your Body – Kids Edition, kids will learn some simple fun things about their brain and how to stay healthy as they have fun with fun illustrations. It is easy to read and understand. A healthy brain helps have a healthy body. The brain is the engine to the body. This book can be read alone or with teachers or parents. Tracy also wrote an adult version of this book to help teens and adults learn more about the health and care of their brain. Enjoy the fun illustrations as you learn more about your brain. Exercise, staying hydrated, and good nutrition helps the brain to stay healthy as we grow up.

In Your Brain, The Engine to Your Body – Kids Edition is available at on Amazon as an ebook or print edition. This is a Kindle Unlimited title. Find all her books on her Amazon Author’s Page.

For more information on Tracy Markley, please visit her website here or on Instagram.

Interview with S. Marie Hawks


As February arrives, I know you might be looking for a great Valentine’s Day read aloud to share with your class or little ones. I think I’ve found a great way to kick off this Valentine’s Day with a book by S. Marie Hawks. She has come up with a combination of a letter pattern book and folk tale to compliment any Valentine’s Day reading unit or celebration. She lives in Northern Utah with her husband and family. Her experience as a preschool teacher has given her a unique perspective on children’s literature, and loves to include her human development background within her books.

“Weasels Do Not Get Valentines” is a book that combines animals, letter patterns, holidays and Valentine’s Day in a unique way. It will help build vocabulary, create discussion about fighting for what you believe in, and put a few smiles on children’s faces. I got a chance to interview S. Marie Hawks on her childhood influences, reading memories, and what future projects she is working on. 

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?
S. Marie Hawks:
If my mom had a minute she would say, go get a book and I’ll read it to you. I would run to my room and bring back a laundry basket, my toy shopping cart, or a blanket full of books. Never was one book enough.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?
S. Marie Hawks:
As a child, I loved to check out Norman Bridwell’s Clifford the Big Red Dog books. When I started reading on my own, I went crazy on Marc Brown’s Arthur books. I had the entire Arthur book collection and even the stuffed dolls of Arthur and DW. These books were inspiring to me because they focused on learning lessons and kindness, things I love to write about.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

S. Marie Hawks: I love to write about happy, healthy joyful things. I have an allergy-friendly/paleo cookbook that I hope to finish up soon. Also, I’m working on multiple children’s books and two adult fiction novels 🙂

“Weasels Do Not Get Valentines” is a wonderful combination of letter patterns, holidays, and folk tales all in one book. It starts with an introduction to how animals celebrate the holidays through the year, leading to how Weasels do not get any Valentines for Valentine’s Day. In which, of course, they decide to lead a movement to make change. It’s a delightful way to create discussion around traditions, vocabulary building, and enjoy a holiday themed book in a new way. This unique story will bring lots of smiles to any child or classroom.

“Weasels Do Not Get Valentines” is available at Amazon.com.

It is available as a print edition or as a Kindle Unlimited title ebook.